Summary: Bella finds that she is a mutant while the Cullens are gone in New Moon, and goes to Xavier's school. There, she overtakes the name "Wildcat" She finds her elder brother: Logan, and tons of other friends. Two years after settling into her new life, a man by the name of Benson attacks the school, claiming credit for their claws and instincts. Seeking refuge, the entire school runs to a place that Bella says is safe and empty. How was she supposed to know that the Cullens would move back so soon?
Disclaimer: I own neither X-Men, nor Twilight, nor any of the characters from either storyline. The only things I own are this computer, this story line, my original characters, and the occasional song.



Bella sat, quietly on the swing in front of her log cabin. How long had it been since she had accidently attacked Charlie with her telepathic powers, and learned that she was merely a replacement for the daughter that he and Renne had lost in a fire. How long had it been that her nails grew to a claw-like length, and a silver-like substance hardened over them? It seemed like a lifetime ago that she was simply laughing away at the little things in life, such as love.

It was strange how much could change in three months. She'd been forced to run from town, the people coming at her with pitch forks and torches, as if she were some sort of monster. She was semi-grateful for her new-found speed. She'd been living in the same two pairs of clothes since she'd left, when they smelled dirty enough to bother her, she cleaned them in the river with what-ever cleaning supplies she could steal from them at the time.

She was different than most girls her age, both inside and outside. Most girls would've panicked and simply spend the days whining about how they wanted to go home, but not Bella. She honed her skills, and put forth an effort to keep her-self in shape. She stopped complaining about killing bears after a brown one attacked her. She spent the first week working on her home, knowing that it would only last until the locals found her.

She grew wary when she smelled people coming nearby. They were too close for comfort, so she tried to run. Bad idea. She ended up running right into one. He was a tall man, with black hair and . . . SILVER CLAWS! It was flash-back central. She saw strange men in suits, toasting and celebrating. She looked to her other side, to see the man. Her fear was convoyed in her eyes, but she still sent him the message: I'm scarred. I'm really scared Bro. He looked her understandingly. How could he not? He was the big brother, and he had to make her feel better.

We'll be fine. He told her in his mind. We just have to find a way out of this. She simply blacked out after that.

(Three Days Later)

"Yo," Bella heard, "Wittny. Wittny. Come on, Sis. You've taken worse than a stroll down memory Lane."

She recognized that voice. "Well," She said, "I wouldn't have had that problem if it weren't for the fact that your head is harder than Juggernaut's helmet." There was a sigh of relief from everyone in the room.

"Wittny," The Professor said from his wheel-chair, "You know that I can't read your mind, so you need to tell me: what do you remember?"

"Well," Wittny said, "My second name is Wildcat because I have cat like reflexes. I have claws with Adermantium instead of fingernails, and that is a result of testing, I'm Logan's younger sister, I go to Xavier's school for the gifted, AKA a mutant school, I only have memories from sixteen years ago, and those are pretty basic, and I'm a telepath, with the exceptional ability to move anything with my mind, read minds, control them, I can also mimic others powers."

"Very good," said the professor, "Now, why don't you tell us who this Edward person is? Hmm?"



YAY! Chapter TWO!!!! Disclaimer: I don