Earth to FanFiction! Come in, FanFiction!

Is anyone out there? Because I'm starting to think life on this site might be dying out. Reviews are endangered; soon to be extinct, methinks.

So if you ARE in fact, alive and breathing, would you mind leaving a review? That'd be nice :)

Here's chapter three. Enjoy :D

Grey Roses

Unexpected Outcomes

"Come on."

Without waiting for my response, Kaname reached out, his long arm encircling my waist, and pulled me to his side, dragging me down the hall. I strained to look over my shoulder at the dying man – why, I would never know – and he fought against me.


The fresh air outside hit me like a blast of cold water, and the sudden chill snapped me out of my shocked daze. Realising in one rapid moment everything that had just happened in my tiny, innocent little flat, my stomach rose into my throat and I broke away from my tall saviour to retch into the dead pot-plant on the slate terrace.

The hand on my back was meant to be soothing, but I knew by the way my eyes felt like they were about to explode out of my head, and the way my lips were trembling that I was about to break down completely.

"We can't stay here," Kaname's smooth voice murmured quietly. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't speak to him. I couldn't even acknowledge him. How could a boy – a student – I'd thought was gorgeous and elegant and perfect not two hours ago, just drive his hand through another human's stomach? How could he... how could he do that?!

I heaved again, emptying the remainder of my stomach's contents, dry-retching for a moment, my fingers clenched in my hair.

This... this has to be some horrible nightmare... this can't be happening to me...


I shot away from him. Hearing that little touch of normality – of humanity – in his voice almost drove me wild. I backed away quickly, eyeing him in horror. He watched me calmly, his left hand still stained red, his expression impassive; unreadable.

"I won't hurt you."

Something in me wanted to believe him. The other ninety percent of me didn't, not after what I'd just witnessed in the hall; the cold-blooded violence he was capable of.

"He was going to kill you."

I definitely wasn't going to argue with that. I'd seen the deranged joy in his face right before he attacked. There hadn't been a moment's doubt in my mind that his intentions were to leave the house as lifeless as it had been when he'd first found it.

"You can't stay here," Kaname continued, his posture as perfect and calm as it had ever been in the short amount of time I'd known him. "You're in danger here."

"W-why?" I stammered before I could stop myself. Talking to him would lower my defences; he'd have more of a chance of catching me off-guard if he could get me talking; distract me. I refused to be distracted, taking another immediate step back when he shifted towards me.

"You shouldn't be alone," he said in a low voice, his eyes burning intensely.

As if that answers my question! Is he deliberately dodging the truth?

I wondered immediately what the 'truth' was; if there even was any. Why that man had come to my house tonight was completely beyond me. It just didn't make any sense. Unless he'd picked a house at random, of course. No... Something in his eyes had betrayed that idea. He'd definitely come for me, and me only.


I forced myself to look up at Kaname. His expression hadn't changed, but there was an aura of urgency hanging around him. He looked calm, but the atmosphere was tense. His eyes didn't shift from mine for a second.

I swallowed and nodded, accepting that the best course of action would be for me to just go with him, at least for now. He might have just murdered that man back there, but he had also saved my life. I wondered how that worked in the justice system. Kill one to save another... Would he be reproved or reprieved for that?

He drew me to his side again and set off at a brisk walk. Somehow, we managed to make our way through the town, taking roads and streets I'd never seen before, on foot, and find ourselves at the end of the bridge in a much shorter time than if I'd ridden. Unless I was slipping in and out of consciousness the whole time, that was. It wouldn't have been a surprise. My poor nerves had been drawn to their limits this evening.

"We're almost there," his smooth voice said from above me. As the gates creaked open I realised that I'd been letting him lead me back to Cross Academy without even questioning him.

So much for not letting your guard down.

And suddenly, we were in the bright light of the main building entrance hall. I winced as my eyes smarted; they'd become startlingly used to the darkness.

"Have you got her?"


Chairman Cross appeared before me, his hands pressing against my forehead, my cheeks. I stood still, letting him, a strange submission washing over me. I didn't care what happened now. They could take me wherever they wanted and do whatever the heck they wanted to me. I had no fight in me.

"She's exhausted," the Chairman said, frowning. "And she's not hurt?"

"Aside from the gashes in her shoulders, no."

Their voices sounded a little fuzzy, like I was listening to a television with the volume turned down.

"She needs rest. She's been through a terrible ordeal tonight. Kaname, would you mind–Yuki! Thank goodness. I need you to make up a bed for her."

I was swaying on my feet. Dangerously. I could feel my knees bending. I could feel the exhaustion seizing my mind. I just wanted to sleep. I let my eyes slide shut...


... Ai... Nai... Naibun...

I dragged myself out of my comfortable sleep, conscious that it was being interrupted. Annoyed, I forced my eyes open and turned my head to the source of the noise.


Yuki's face swam into view above me. I blinked once, twice.

Wow. Déjà vu!

"Let me guess," I half-yawned, half-groaned. There was some serious pain burning in my shoulders. I must've slept badly, or something, "You're going to say, 'Wow, you're awake!' or something."

Yuki laughed lightly.

"Actually, I was going to tell you that there's some breakfast here for you."

In one rapid moment, last night flooded back to me. My strangely open front door. The dark hall. The glass on the floor. The man in the doorway. Nails digging into my shoulders. A tongue licking my neck. A hand shoving through flesh. Blood.

Lots and lots of blood.

"Miyu," Yuki's voice dragged me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay? You're pale..."

"I... I think I just need a glass of water..." My voice was weak. She smiled gently at me.

"Sure. I'll get one for you."

She disappeared before I could say thank you.

And before I could gather my thoughts and work out what was even going on, someone else was standing in the doorway.

He watched me quietly. I stared back, unable to speak.

"You think I'm a monster."

Strange thing to say to someone who's just woken up...

I didn't answer at first. I wasn't even sure of that myself.

"I know he was."

"Yes. He was."

I sighed tiredly, pushing myself up in the bed. Honestly, it was like last night was just repeating itself... during the day. Like a stuck record. It was all very surreal.

"So... Here we are again," I said awkwardly. "You can come in, if you want. You don't have to stand in the doorway."

He didn't move. But I thought he acknowledged the offer. His face looked softer somehow, though his expression hadn't changed a bit.

"Do you know why that man was at my house last night?" I ventured, the first to speak after a considerable pause during which Kaname had gazed thoughtfully out the window.

He didn't answer. But he looked at me, his eyes full of something I couldn't read. I took a stab at bemusement. He looked a little curious, like he was speculating about me, or something. It made me a little uncomfortable. I shifted to make myself more comfortable, forgetting my damaged shoulders, and hissed back a cry of pain.

"Be careful."

"Thanks," I muttered sourly, shooting a glower at him. His eyes, still fixed on me, were shining with the slightest trace of laughter.

"Your shoulders have been cleaned and bandaged," he told me, strolling quietly to the window and gazing calmly out. "I wouldn't recommend playing lacrosse anytime soon."

"I don't play lacrosse," I assured him, without thinking. I mentally kicked myself.

He probably just attempted a joke, and you gave some dumb response. Good one, Miyu.

"Hockey, then." I could tell from the tone of his voice that he knew I didn't play hockey, either. This time, I had sense enough not to reply.

"I'm back," a merry voice announced, and we both turned to watch Yuki walk in, a glass of water in her hand. "Oh! Kaname-senpai!"

"Good morning, Yuki," Kaname replied, smiling softly at her. She set the glass of water down on the table, and threw a warm smile in return. I glanced between them subtly, sensing the connection they shared. There was a strong bond between the pair; I could almost read it on their faces, even Kaname's, which had managed to stay impassive again.

His eyes hovered on her as she smoothed the skirt of her uniform, and I watched him curiously. Right now, he had no idea that I was looking at him, and the expression burning in his eyes was one I was sure he didn't allow in the presence of others. A subtle yearning simmered in those pools of mahogany; a yearning I knew immediately that she was utterly oblivious to.

The tall, god-like boy had had his heart stolen.

Kaname dragged his gaze from her, and it fell on me. Wordlessly, I raised one eyebrow, letting him know that I had seen. He blinked one, and turned to stare out the window.

"Naibun-san!" Chairman Cross danced into the room, his scarf swinging down his back. He glanced around the room, surprised, and corrected himself. "Everyone." He frowned a little, his eyes confused behind his glasses. "Yuki, shouldn't you be in class?"

"I was just about to go," she promised him, flashing the impassive boy by the window a glance.

"You're already late," the Chairman scolded lightly. "You'll fall behind if you're not careful."

I found it highly odd that the headmaster of the school didn't really seem to care that his students ran around wagging their classes all the time. He was speaking to her now as a father, not as a principal. He should have been handing her a detention.

"Okay, I'm going," Yuki replied. She smiled at me. "I'll come and check on you in my break, okay?"

"Uh... sure..."

She flashed us a bright smile and left, flicking her brown hair out from her collar as she went.

"Kaname–" the Chairman started, shooting a pointed, meaningful glance the boy's direction.

"I know."

Without another word, he turned and strolled elegantly from the room, looking at me out of the corner of his eye as he disappeared through the door. I blinked up at the Chairman, wondering what he was going to say to me.

"Naibun-san," he began again, cheerful. "How are you this morning?"

"Fine, thanks," I replied. He nodded, satisfied.

"You haven't eaten your breakfast," he noted, frowning at the tray I'd yet to notice, sitting on the table beside the bed. "Don't you like my cooking?"

"I–your... uh... I haven't had a chance to eat yet," I offered. He perked up again immediately.

"Well, tell me what you think. I made it especially for you."

"Um... thanks."

Weird... This guy is so weird. But he's nice, I guess...

"Naibun-san," the Chairman began. Obviously whatever he was about to say was something he'd given some serious thought to, because he looked extremely excited. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. But what he said next was the last thing I would have ever expected.

"I want you to transfer."

"Transfer?" I asked blankly. "Transfer... where?"

"Why, here, of course!" He beamed at me.

Here? Does he mean...?

"As in... Cross Academy?" My voice was almost overflowing with incredulity.

"I think it would be the safest place for you."

I blinked at him. Where on earth had he come up with this idea? And, more importantly, why?

"Well... aren't you excited?" he asked, frowning. Apparently my reaction wasn't what he was hoping for.

"I... Yes!" I said quickly, because it was obvious he wanted me to say that. "But... I just... I can't afford to come here..."

"Consider yourself a scholarship student," the Chairman said merrily. "You don't have to worry about your fees."

My head was whirling. This was all very sudden. Me, a student at the most prestigious, private academy in the province? This had to be a dream, this time. This sort of stuff just didn't happen in reality.

"Now, I'll have you fitted for a uniform this afternoon, and we'll have your books ordered by this evening–"

"Chairman?" I interrupted, after some serious thought. He fell silent and look at me obligingly.

"This has something to do with the break in, doesn't it?" I asked, looking him fully in the eye. He glanced away, and my inner voice laughed in triumph. I knew it. Something inside me had been niggling away this entire time. I had the feeling there was more to last night's incident than I was being told. And now I knew I was right.

"I'm not comfortable with you going back out there by yourself," he replied.

Why? I wanted to ask him. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. And besides, I'd lived alone for the last good few years of my life. I wasn't going to freak out and melt down because I had one unsettling little bump. Unless he was going to change his mind and let me in on what was going on.

"So," Chairman Cross began again, cheerful once more. "This will be your room from now on." He swept his gaze around its interior, and I found myself imitating him. The wallpaper was blue and white, and old-fashioned, but in a way that was stylish, not tasteless. An antique oak wardrobe stood proudly in the corner, and the curtains – drawn at the moment – were thick and velvety. The polished floorboards shone in the morning sun, which was also reflected in the enormous, gilded mirror standing in the corner, gold and embroidered, and very impressive.

"I'll have Yuki bring up your new timetable later on, when she brings your lunch," he continued. I didn't know what to say. His generosity was beyond necessary. And it looked like everything was steamrolling ahead anyway, regardless of my decision to accept or not.

"Chairman Cross?"

"Yes, my dear?" He smiled at me.

"Can I go home and get my things today?"

He frowned uncomfortably. "Not today. You shouldn't go back there just yet. It's not safe. Maybe this weekend."

I nodded, realising that I was just going to have to be content with that. The Chairman crossed to the door, all smiles again.

"You should get some more rest. You must still be exhausted."

I forced a small smile, and he disappeared into the hallway, pulling the door shut behind him. I stared at it for a long moment, running over everything in my mind. Then I sighed, long and heavy, and relaxed back against the stupid amount of pillows decorating the covers, gazing up at the interior of the expensive four-poster bed.

Something was definitely going on. Something that involved me, somehow. That much was almost painfully obvious. Something that the Chairman knew about, and Kaname, too. The way they kept exchanging looks was giving the game away. Whatever it was, it was enough for them to suddenly take an interest in me and my boring little life. Enough for someone to try and kill me. Enough for my safety – there it was, that word again – to be completely jeopardised.

And somehow, amongst all of this, I'd become Cross Academy's brand-new transfer student.

Yay for Miyu :)

I like her. When I first started writing this, I didn't really like her personality. But her 'voice' has rather grown on me.

Hmm... So she's getting suspicious. Oo-er... I wonder what this big theory of hers could entail... You'll just have to read on to find out ;)

Thanks for reading. The review button's right there, people... JUST THERE.

Until the next chapter,

Cherrie xx