I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or the characters.

I know this story should have been finished a long time ago. I have to finish because it will not leave me. And I love it. I apologize to everyone for taking forever to get it out. For waiting so long I have to bring you long chapters. Here we go!

Our Wish chapter 35

Ed looked at his silver ring as he was lying next to Roy in bed. It was a man's ring decorated with small diamond rocks on top in different places. He kept thinking about how Roy proposed to him. He looked at his flesh hand and admired his engagement ring. He sighed with happiness thinking about Roy.

"How long are you going to stare at that ring?" Roy said speaking from behind him in bed. Ed didn't know the man was watching him or even awake. Roy slid up and then wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and then kissed him on the side of his neck. Ed laid his head on his lover's chest with Roy's arms still wrapped around him. He then smiled looking up at Roy and then looking at his engagement ring, admiring it.

"Come on Roy can't I be excited."

"Of course you can. You know I get jealous when you stare at something too long." He smirked and teased.

Ed laughed as he kissed his lips. "You're awesome."

"I know." Roy said pecking Ed's lips again.

Ed looked at his ring then he looked at Roy with a serious look. "I have a question?"

The two let go of each other and sat up against the head board of the bed.

"What is it?"

"How are we going to get married? Central doesn't allow marriage."

"That's what I was going to explain to you." Roy said. "I don't know how you would feel about this but…let's get married here on the Island." Roy suggested with a smile.

"Really?" Ed looked surprised. "Don't we have to plan?"

"Yeah we do. Only thing is we can't invite our families. We only have seven days of vacation left and I want to do this if you're ready. I can't marry you in Central but I can marry you here. When we go home we can do a private wedding with our families there. In Central, marriage is honored and recognized regardless of gender."

"I didn't know that." Ed said.

"I've been looking into it for a while now. They honor it in Central it's just… you can't marry there." Roy said feeling disappointed.

"That sounds backwards."

"Well, it's the rules for right now. So far I persuaded the counsel to honor marriage between the same sexes. Hopefully, I can change that someday to allow marriage."

"I notice something about the people on this Island. They don't seem bothered by same gender couples."

"That's because it's legal to get married here on the Island. Prince Eric made it a law."

Ed sighed. Roy looked at Ed who seemed bothered. "What's on your mind?" Roy asked, looking at him concerned.

"I was just thinking about Al. He's not going to be happy."

"Listen, my mom, sister and dad are not going to be happy either. And that has me worried. I know our families may not approve of us getting married but I'm not going to spend hours trying to convince the councilmen and women to allow marriage between the same genders. I've asked them about this a year ago and they still are divided on it. That's why I suggest we do it here because it won't happen in Central.

Ed looked disappoint "I wish we could do it in Central with our families surrounding us. But, that's not going to happen."

"Understand something Fullmetal, I don't want you to feel pressured. We can wait until we come back out here."

Ed looked at him urgently as if he said all the wrong things. "No Roy! I love you! I want us to legally belong to each other! We know if we go back home I have to still recover and you have a lot of work to do! There won't be any time for another vacation like this!"

Roy smiled at him. "Okay, I'll make the arraignments. And we can go shopping to pick our wedding outfits." He smiled.


A few hours later the two men were in a flower shop checking out some flowers for their wedding. "These white roses look nice." Ed said.

Two bodyguards walked in with Prince Eric and a few more body guards behind him. Eric saw the two and greeted them with handshakes. "Hi Prince Eric what brings you out here?" Roy asked.

"I hope he's not following us." Ed whispered.

"Ed!?" Roy didn't like what he said.

"It's okay Roy. I can't blame him for not trusting me. Anyway I just came here to get some seeds for our garden. What brings you here?"

Roy preferred not to say anything but, he was going to end up finding out. "Uhh…you don't want to know."

"I'm pretty sure you want to take some flowers back to Central."

"Actually…it's for our wedding…were getting married." Roy took Ed's hand and smiled.

"Oh…oh wow!" Prince Eric was shocked and not too happy at the same time. He put his feelings to the side and pretended that it didn't bother him. "Congratulations Roy!" He hugged Roy really tight. He had to be happy for the man even though he wished it was him. Eric hugged Ed too, which was a shock to Ed.

"I'm just thrilled for you and Ed. Where are you getting married at?"

Ed and Roy looked at each other clueless and then Roy turned to Eric. "We haven't decided yet but we were looking at some chapels." Roy said.

"How about the palace," Eric suggested.

Roy wasn't comfortable with that because of Eric's feelings for him. "Eric…that's not…"

"It's a good idea Roy and it has an awesome view by the ocean!"

"But Eric, I know how you feel about me. It's like a slap in the face to get married at your palace knowing how you feel."

"Roy, how many times am I going to say that it's my fault that I held on to you? I still love you. At least let me make it memorable for you and Ed."

Roy didn't want to make things difficult for Eric. "Eric I don't want to intrude I…"

"You're not intruding Roy! Besides it would be my last time before you return to Central. Let me make the arraignments and I'll get you a Minister and you can get married tomorrow or tonight if you want."

"Really?" Ed smiled with excitement.

Roy sighed not feeling right about getting married in front of Eric. "I...I really don't know about doing this."

Ed turned to Roy excited. "Roy, let's do it! Don't worry about the Prince! He said it was okay!"

Roy looked at Ed. "Ed, you're not bothered by Prince Eric's feelings."

"Well yes, but…if he said this will be okay. Then let's do this in his Palace!" Ed looked at Prince Eric hoping he wasn't up to any good. "I hope you don't have any tricks up your sleeve."

Eric rolled his eyes. "No I don't. What point would that do for me? Roy isn't in love with me. He's in love with you." Prince Eric was getting a little irritated with the accusations. "Listen, I have to get going, if you want to get married in the Palace feel free to call me otherwise, I know what decision you've made." Prince Eric was about to leave when he was interrupted.

"Wait!" Roy said raising his voice. "Will do it, will get married at the palace."

Prince Eric turned around and smiled. "Is that your final answer?" He said looking at Roy.

"Yes. I'll get married in the back of the Palace by the ocean."

"Okay then let's get started!" Eric pulled out his notepad. He loved weddings but he wanted Roy to be happy with his mate regardless if he thought that Ed wasn't the right person.

Prince Eric talked with Roy and Ed and wrote down everything they wanted. The two picked their flowers and left the shop to find what they wanted to wear for their wedding. When Prince Eric went back to his palace he made all the arraignments for the wedding.


Later that evening after seven Roy and Ed were having dinner on the patio overlooking the city. "So how will you feel being my official partner and taking my last name?"

Ed put down his fork and cracked a smile at his fiancé. "Edward Mustang sounds very strange." He touched Roy's hand. ". I look at this engagement ring on my finger and I'm just blown away Roy. I ask myself am I really ready for this? Is my heart in the right place? I never thought you would ask me to marry you. I thought I needed to mature more. And I'm still learning to mature.

My dad and mom always told me that marriage was a big step and it's a big responsibility. I've been thinking about all this stuff since I woke up this morning. I even thought about what I said to Erica when she wanted to be with me. I remember telling her that, I was in love. When I mentioned that during that time I knew in my heart that I didn't want anyone else.

Ed gently grabbed Roy's other hand and looked into his eyes. "I really love you! And I am ready to make that life time commitment with you."

Roy reached over and kissed his fiancé lips and then looked into his eyes. "And I'm glad you searched your heart first. Are you ready to get married in two days?" Roy asked with assurance in his heart.

Ed made it clear. "Hell yeah!" The two locked lips.


The next day in the evening Roy and Ed stayed at the palace so they could avoid any problems with any transportation and also the two weren't allowed to see each other until the wedding. That night while Roy was in his room and Ed was in a different one Roy's thoughts, pondered in his head about his family.

This could affect my family and friends and especially my job. Riza and Havoc may not like the fact that they were not invited, but they would be happy. Roy thought on. On the other hand Ed's dad and brother would probably not…uggh! This is getting on my nerves! So what! Who cares about all of them having a fit! All of them are going to have to live with the decision we made.

A knock came to the door and Roy sighed as he stopped reacting to his thoughts. Prince Eric came in wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. Looking very handsome with his shoulder length black hair, he came and pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed Roy was on. "I came to tell you that everything is set for tomorrow with the Minister and the witnesses."

"I'm sorry to ask you to be my best man, knowing how you feel about…"

Eric put his finger to Roy's lips. "Don't say it. I know how I feel Roy and no I don't like the fact that you are in a relationship or that you're getting married." Eric moved his finger. "I love you Roy. But like I said I'm moving on. I'm not going to deny that it hurts. I just came to say good night."

"It's just seven at night?"

"I'm going out with a few of my friends for a few hours."

"I should have known from the way you are dressed. No wonder you look so nice."

He smiled. "You know me Roy I always like to look good. Anyway, I better get going." He stood up. "I'll see you around ten in the morning."


Eric left closing the door.

The next day was the big day and both men were nervous. Prince Eric had his hairdressers and servants help Roy and Ed get ready for their big day. They knew that the Prince had ordered them servants and to give them the top of the line service. Ed didn't like the part about giving him a bath. He preferred he take his own. But after a brief explanation, Ed decided that it was okay. After everything was done with all the help from the servants it was time for the wedding to take place.

Prince Eric knocked on the door to Roy's room. He came in and looked at his handsome ex-lover with a white vest with black covering the back. "You look absolutely gorgeous Roy." He walked around him, looking at everything from head to toe. "My servants really made you look awesome! They did an excellent job!" Eric said as he looked at him. "I love the vest and the black and white tie and shirt. The black shoes are awesome. So, no white jackets?"

"No, we decided we didn't want any besides, it's too warm."

Eric smiled at Roy. "Good luck Roy. I'm glad Ed makes you happy." Eric was about to turn when Roy stopped him. Roy stepped up to him and gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. Eric blushed and touched his cheek as he looked at Roy surprised. "Roy?"

Roy was very grateful. "I hope that didn't make you feel uncomfortable and if it did I'm sorry but I want to thank you for doing this for me and Ed. I will always remember this."

Eric was blushing and then he stopped blushing and swallowed. "Okay…I better get going. I'll be down stairs in the back of the palace waiting. My assistant will be up here shortly to bring you to the back." Eric left and sighed when he closed the door behind him. He walked away from the room talking under his lips. "Oh Roy… you just don't know what you do to me when you touch me." He went several rooms down the corridor and knocked on Ed's door and came in. "Hello, Ed!?"

A female servant was finishing the last of brushing his hair. "All done Ed," She said.

"Thank you." Ed spoke.

She left.

Eric walked over to Ed. "You look absolutely handsome. Roy will love it." Ed was dressed in a black vest and white pants, with his blond hair draping his shoulders."

"Thank you. I-I think I'm ready." He said with a slight nervousness in his voice.

"Good I was about to tell you that my assistant will be up to take you to the back of the palace soon."

"O-Okay," He said nervously, heading to the table.

Eric took notice of that nervousness in his voice. "Are you okay, Ed?"

"Y-Yeah." He swallowed going across the room taking a sip of water that was on the table. Prince Eric walked over to him. "Are you nervous?"

Ed put the glass of water on the table and sighed. "Yeah…you could say that. I'm really nervous."

"Don't get too nervous and change your mind."

"I bet you would like that!" Ed said with a voice of no trust.

Eric wasn't happy with what Ed said. He stepped up to him. "Listen, if I wanted to be a real bitch I'll have you taken away and I'll make sure Roy doesn't marry you!"

"So you were thinking about it!" Ed looked at the man seriously with no fear in his eyes.

Eric sighed as he folded his arms looking at Ed. He didn't like being accused of things but he knows that Ed has his reasons. "No…what point will all that do? I love Roy. The last thing I want for him is to be unhappy. Roy does not love me he loves you. I can do all the craziest things to get Roy's attention but, he isn't going to fall in love with me. I came in here to wish you luck and ask for a favor."

Ed looked confused. "What's that?"

"Please, take care of Roy. You're going to be his lifelong partner. That's all I ask. I'll see you downstairs." Eric turned to leave.

Ed's started to understand how Eric felt and it wouldn't be right to stay angry with him. "Eric?"

"Yes." He turned around.

"Thanks for everything. I know that you still love Roy and it's going to take time to get over him even though it's hard trusting you, but thanks for everything."

Prince Eric walked towards Ed and stopped in front of him. "You're very well come. Also I'm very sorry about coming between you and Roy. It was wrong of me." He patted Ed on the shoulder. "Take care of him." He left and headed to the back of the Palace. Ed wasn't expecting an apology but he knew he deserved it.


Roy was already outside looking at the ocean and the gorgeous scenery of flowers on the gazebo. Everything was set up the way he pictured it. Roy was worried and nervous and started to feel butter flies in his stomach from the stress.

Eric approached Roy as he sighed passing in front of him. He was heading to go sit down at the table. "Hey Roy are you okay?" Eric looked concerned.

Roy turned around looking a little pale. "I'm worried."

Eric was surprised to hear Roy say that. "Worried? Why? This is your wedding day. Everything is ready."

"No, it's not that. It's my family. I've been thinking about. I've been worried about the effects this will have on our families. It's not that I don't want to get married." Roy sighed as he sat down at one of the decorated tables.

Eric sat across from him then his assistant walked up. "Excuse me sir, but I will be bringing Ed down in ten minutes."

"Okay," Eric nodded. He then put his attention back on Roy as he got up and poured Roy a glass of water. "Here drink this." Eric said looking worried. Roy swallowed some water and sighed again.

Eric sat next to him instead of being across from him. "Tell me Roy, are you really worried about what your family is going to say?"

"I'm just worried about their reaction to this. This is not something everyone will agree to. I had trouble out of Ed's father while we were dating. My dad isn't happy about me dating Ed but he said he's not going tell me who I can be with. My mom and sister are mute about my relationship with Ed."

"Maybe they are happy."

"No. When those two are happy about something they tell me. If they don't agree, they get quiet and maybe state their opinion."

"Roy, this is your life. We can't please everyone."

"I always want my parents to be proud of me."

"They are proud of what you have become. If they can't accept this marriage, then that's too bad. They have to learn and live with this. Your personal life is your business. Families can't choose who we are supposed to be with."

"Yeah, you're right. I've been trying to convince myself that since last night." He looked at Eric seriously. "I love Ed with all my heart. I just don't want them jumping down my throat about this." He said, and then swallowing some water.

"That's just too bad Roy. They'll probably give you hell about it. But it's still your life. If you told Ed to go away how do you think he's going to react."

"No way, it would crush him and it would defiantly kill me. I can't do that."

Eric looked at Roy as he leaned forward with a serious voice. "Then neither will you care about pleasing your family."

Roy sighed with a smile and came to his senses. "You are so damn right. Thanks Eric!"

"It's time to get married." Eric said seriously.

"Yes!" Roy agreed cheerfully.

Eric stood up. "We better get going."

Roy got up.

Roy and Eric started walking over to the other side of the yard where there was soft music playing. Everyone gathered in front of the huge Gazebo that was decorated with white roses. Prince Eric stood by Roy with the Minister in front of them. All the chairs were sitting out on the concrete facing the Gazebo. The lady assistant came to the room to get Ed. The two went down stairs and then to the back of the palace.

Ed only seen the back of the palace once and it looked just like before. The two walked down the aisle where seats were on every side. The guest and servants stood up cheering as Ed was being escorted to Roy by Eric's female servant. Camera's flashed and video cameras were rolling from everywhere. Ed couldn't believe he was getting married. For the last few days he was worried about the conflict with family this would bring. He wanted his family to be here but he knew it wasn't going to happen. His brother Al would approve but his dad was a different subject. It was his life and he wanted nothing more than to be with Roy.

They reach the end and everyone got into place. Roy and Ed stood face to face looking at each other with smiles as they stood in front of the Minister holding hands. Prince Eric took the front seat next to his mom and dad whom also love weddings. Both men were excited even more after feeling uncomfortable about what their families may say. Plenty of Prince Eric servants were there to cater and service part of the wedding.

"Welcome everyone to Roy and Ed's wedding!" The Minister announced. We are gathered today to see this couple make a life time commitment. Roy and Ed started dating each other two years ago and from there their love blossomed. As with marriage, I tell every couple it comes with challenges. But like every couple that makes a commitment you will have trying times and good times as well. As in all weddings I asked the question if anyone wishes that these two should not be married speak now."

There was silence. Ed looked at Eric. Eric looked at him making a physical zipper across his lips as a sign that he wasn't going to say anything. Roy looked at Ed strange and whispered under his lips. "Why are you looking at Eric like that?"

"In case he wanted to say something." Ed whispered.

Roy whispered back. "He isn't going to."

The Minister spoke. "Since no one has anything to say then I will continue. At this time we would like for the two to say their vows to each other."

Ed went first. "He looked at Roy. "Roy, my lover my love and friend what can a guy ask for. Thank you for being there for me through good and bad times. I'm a man that's in love with you! You are my joy every day. What else can I ask for? There are times when I thought that I couldn't be loved or find someone special. You proved that wrong to me. I love you Roy with all of my heart for the rest of my life." Ed smiled at his love as he finished his vows.

Roy cleared his throat he wanted to cry. Such touching words melted his heart. Roy cleared his throat again and sighed with joy in his heart. "I-I am truly moved by that." Roy said, looking at Ed as the two held hands. Roy now said his vows. "I love you Ed. I thank you for dealing with who I am and the job I hold. You are amazing to me and I appreciate everything that you do for me. I love you for that. I look forward to our future together my friend and my lover and my love. You are my heart and I love you dearly." He smiled looking into Ed's eyes. Roy's words were touching and genuine as with both men. Ed's heart also melted. He always felt that Roy's feelings were sincere and that Roy loved him more then he loved him.

"Now the rings please," Eric stood up and took the rings out and gave it to the minister and then went back to sit next to his mom. "Please continue holding hands and repeat after me."

Ed repeated after the Minister as he looked into Roy's eyes. "I Edward Elric take Roy Mustang to be my husband. To have and love until death we part.

"And Roy, repeat after me."

Roy repeated after the minister as he looked into Ed's eyes. "I Roy Mustang take Edward Elric to be my husband. To have and love until death we part."

"By the power invested in me and the Island of Aramus I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss now."

Eric stood up clapping his hands along with his servants cheering as the couple kissed with cameras snapping. Eric wiped his eyes on his handkerchief because he was happy and sort of sad that the man he loved was marrying someone else. After the two kissed and walked down the aisle everyone threw white rose petals at the two as they continued to walk away from everyone for a few moments of alone time.

At the other part of the trail by the ocean water you can hear the waves and the seagulls. The two were standing by a bunch of trees kissing. They stopped kissing and looked into each other eyes. "I'm so glad I married you." Ed said as he looked at Roy with his arms around him with all smiles. "I love you." Ed said as the two smacked lips.

Roy touched the ends of Ed's shoulder length soft hair. "You look absolutely handsome." He smiled.

"Why thank you. I feel the same way about you. You are beyond gorgeousss!" He said with almost a sound of a cat meow in his voice as he smacked Roy's lips.

"We should be going back to the reception before Eric thinks we ran off without telling him." Roy said.

"At least he knows were together." Ed said with a little disappointment in his voice. He wanted to be alone with Roy a little longer.

"Yeah, but let's enjoy our wedding reception and then later is our time." Roy and Ed walked back and were greeted by guest. From there they went into the huge hall where there was a 100 guest waiting with two large long tables of food and many servants. "Wow Roy I never seen so much food! Eric came by the couple. "Hey you two I have a table waiting for both of you." They walked over to the table that was decorated in white rose petals and wine glasses.


"So this is what they're doing?" Jason said.

"Yes, they left to go on vacation almost a week ago."

Jason looked at the picture of the two boarding a plane at Central airport. "Vacation!? Those bastards ruined my life! I'm surprised you didn't know about this."

"I heard rumors but I wasn't for sure and you can't believe everything that people say. I try not to get involved in people's private lives."

"He's supposed to be a public example of our military!" Jason complained.

"I know. I'm going to look into this and see that he gets in trouble for this.


Author's note: That's not the end there's more. I'll be back in two or three weeks maybe sooner.