Hey everyone! I've had this idea for a really long time, but now am finally getting around to it.

So, I was watching YT videos one day and I came across this BEAUTIFUL video, by VictoriNoRissu, and thought... 'Hmm, I should write a fan fic to this.'

.com/watch?v=5s12FmuFUOc: This is the link to the video, and basically a description. I'm taking some liberities, obviously, but this is the basic description and of course, give credit where credit is due.

Disclaimer: David Shore owns House M.D, Taylor Swift owns the song, and VictoriNoRissu owns the video. I don't own any of it.

Oh, and I know Cameron was hired *after* Chase, but for this story, she was before - way before.

"Differential diagnosis people – Go!" Gregory House limped stoically into the office, throwing a file at his three fellows. Allison Cameron watched him walk in, feeling her heart flutter and skip a beat – he was here. She immediately stood up and poured a cup of coffee, handing it to him before he could walk over to the pot.

"Here," Cameron said with a smile, and he took it from her, not even with a nod of acknowledgement. She felt a pinprick of anger, but swallowed it, fighting to control the urge to scream at him. It wasn't so long ago that they had broken up, and now he was acting as if she barely existed. She silently cursed herself as she sat back down – she should have never said that to him, and she knew it. Cameron knew him so well, knew his limits, and she knew right after those three words escaped her lips, that they were over.

"What's up with those two?" Foreman whispered to Chase, glancing between the disconsolate look on Cameron's face and the blasé, somewhat agitated look on House's face.

"Beats me," Chase said, distracting himself with the patient file. He knew exactly what was going on between the two of them – a yearlong intense relationship that one day was going great, and the next day in shambles.

"Shouldn't we be talking to the patient? How can we diagnose her if we don't even talk to her?" Cameron smiled at Foreman's naiveté, remembering when she was new at this job, almost three years ago to the day.

Allison Cameron sat on the bench outside of the office, her purse sitting on her lap. She tapped her foot anxiously, fidgeting with her hair – she couldn't decided between a low ponytail with strands of hair framing her pear shaped face, or her long curls that cascaded past her shoulders. She watched someone walk in through the glass doors and stood up.

"Are you Dr. House?" she asked the doctor and he shook his head.

"No, I'm Dr. Wilson… are you Dr. Cameron? Here for the interview?" He asked and she smiled, extending her hand politely. A small smile spread over Wilson's face as he shook her hand. She was sweet- definitely not normal House employee material.

"There he is," Wilson said, gesturing to the man limping down the hallway. Cameron looked in that direction – she had never seen him before and the leg was a bit of a surprise.

"The leg?" Cameron asked simply, sensing that Wilson and House were more than colleagues.

"Don't ask," Wilson said firmly as House approached them.

"Are you Dr. Cameron?" Cameron smiled, extending her hand. She noticed his bright blue eyes and felt a shiver in her spine. He ignored her outstretched hand and headed into his office. Cameron looked at Wilson for reassurance, and he nodded.

"Nice resume," he said, sitting down in his swivel chair. She stood awkwardly, before deciding to sit across from him.

"Thank you very much. And I would just like to thank you again for this amazing opportunity," Cameron said with another bright smile. He was significantly older than she was, but couldn't help but feel attracted to him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said, annoyed with her constant rambling. "You're hired. You can start now," he said, tossing a case file at her and walking out of the office.

"Thank… you!" Cameron called insecurely, as she watched him go. She furrowed her brow, confused. Cameron knew that she had gotten the job, but…what now?

"Cameron!" His wooden cane came crashing down on the table and Cameron jumped, looking up at House.

"I said, go get a CT for the patient. And, Cameron, if you can't do your job, then go home – you're just taking up space," he spat, heading into his office. Cameron sat stunned, as if the wind was knocked out of her. She slowly stood up, holding her head up high as she walked out.

"Hey – how are you?" Chase asked, following her to the patient room. "With the break up and everything." Cameron looked at him out of the corner of her eye and raised her eyebrows.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," she said, turning the corner.

"Well… if you're ever not… okay, I mean. We could go out for a drink or something."

"Right," Cameron said with a smirk, opening up the file in an effort to ignore him. She paused for a second, letting the idea sink in. Chase had always been nice, and House certainly would hate it – maybe even get a little jealous.

"That'd be great."