Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series. I do however own this story in all its glory!

Well, this is my last author note. This is the end. Once you finished this chapter, Set is Stone is over. The story we've all grown close with is complete. Two years and 61 chapters after I started it, it has finally come to an end. I think I'm gonna cry!

Well, I'd like to say to all of you that have stuck with me this far, thank you. Without each and every one of you, this story would not be what it is today. This is the first story I've ever finished and I owe it all to you. So, again, thank you. You are the best bunch of readers a girl could ask for! I love you guys! Okay, I'm gonna cry again!

Well, seeing as tears are stinging my eyes, I'll say this for the last time:

Without further ado…


Draco POV

So many years had passed since the end of the final war against Voldemort. So many things had happened in the days, the years, which followed. The very day the war ended, I returned home for the first time since the night I fled for my life. As I sat at my desk in my private office, the paperwork in front of me all but forgotten, I couldn't help my thoughts from drifting back to that evening.

Thirteen years ago…

It was late in the evening but I knew I had to do this tonight. As I strode down the long pathway leading up to the gates of Malfoy Manor, my faithful blackthorn wand finally back in my pocket where it belonged, I couldn't help but feel as if all worry was gone. No longer did I look upon this great mansion with dread, fear, and revulsion. Instead, I looked upon it with hope. This would be the home Ginny and I would live in. This would be where we would have our children and watch them grow. Finally, home could be home.

The usual enchantments that surrounded the Manor had been stripped off as their caster, my father, had died. The gate opened on its own as I approached and I passed through without having to go through any security spells. As I walked, I numbered off the things I would change. First and foremost, this great, tall hedge that hid the Manor from the outside world would be taken down. My children would not look upon that barrier like I had: the one thing that seemed to taunt my every dream of escape.

The castle would need to be washed, top to bottom, on the outside. The stone walls were dark and dingy, something my father liked as it added to the dark look. I'd have them shining and bright in no time. This place would look inviting and open, beautiful for all eyes to see. As I walked into the entrance hall, I noted yet another change needed to be made, the décor. The doom and gloom look, the dark décor, would have to go. This house would be homey, the way Ginny liked it. No longer would the walls all bear the silver and green of Slytherin, but all other colors too. Along with that, I'd have the dungeon under the office filled in for good. It would never be needed again.

Walking towards the drawing room, I found what I was looking for. Sitting upon one of the many elegant chairs was my mother. She looked up from her tea and gave me a smile. It did my heart so good to see her smile. She hadn't been able to in so long. "I was hoping you would come home," she said shakily, putting her tea down. And, against all social edicts, proper behavior, and everything else she'd ever stood by, she bounded to her feet and threw her arms around me. "Draco."

"Mother," I said softly, holding her slim, shaking frame to me as she cried.

After a while, she regained her composure and sat back down, picking her tea back up. "Please, sit," she said, acting like nothing had happened. It was understandable though. She wasn't used to showing emotion like that. I knew the feeling. Ginny made me feel that way in the beginning. "Is everything I've heard true?" she questioned softly.

"Depends on what you heard," I said, sitting down and pouring myself a cup of tea.

"You're father had said you were dead and, while I have known all along that that isn't true, I didn't know what happened to you. Have you really been living with the Weasleys?" she asked, looking at me incredulously.

I nodded in assent. "Yes, I have." I answered, though I offered no more.

Taking a sip of tea to cover her shock, she asked, "And Ginny Weasley?"

"That is true to," I admitted proudly. "I love her. I have since my sixth year. She's the only reason I'm alive now."

"Then I owe her a great deal," she nodded, accepting Ginny immediately. Her response surprised me. "And your father? Is it true you killed him?" Her voice was calm but her eyes pleaded with me to say yes.

"Yes, it's true," I answered softly.

She looked down at the cup in her hands that had finally stopped shaking. "Thank you," she said quietly before turning the conversation then to my future. She looked at me over her cup and asked, "I'm assuming you'll marry Ginny Weasley and live here?"

I nodded. "Yes, but do not feel kicked out. You're welcome to live here, especially now that I'm the head of the Malfoy family. You're my mother and I love you," I told her, realizing suddenly that that was the first time I'd told her I loved her since I was six.

She smiled but did not say it back. She didn't need too. "Thank you, Draco, but I would not want to be in the way. I'd already guessed you'd want to move back in and so I've already made plans. I flooed over to my sister's today. It was the first time I talked to her in a very long time. With your father out of the way and Bellatrix, Andromeda and I are going to move into the ancient Black Manor. It isn't quite as big as this place but it will only be her and I."

"Oh," I said, completely taken aback. "Okay. Well, take however long you'll need to get the place fixed up. I've got lots of work to do here before I'll let Ginny see it anyway."

It had taken months to finally get the place fixed up for her, but the day Ginny and I moved into it, our wedding night, it was worth it to see her face. My new bride was more beautiful that I had ever imagined as she stood in our new home, looking around with awe. Touching the wedding picture on my desk, I could remember that day as if it had just happened.

Twelve and a half years ago…

"Draco," Ginny gasped as I carried her across the threshold of our new home. "This place is more beautiful than I'd ever imagined! Is this really our home? Do I really get to live in this place?" Her face lit up and she looked at me with disbelieving excitement.

"Welcome home," I whispered, laughing softly as I sat her down in the long, tile entryway.

"Yay!" she exclaimed, hugging herself to me tightly before letting go and running down the hall like a little kid, glancing in the halls off it excitedly. "This place is amazing!" She ran back over to where I stood laughing and threw her arms around me again. "I couldn't have asked for anything better," she whispered.

"I'll only give you the best," I told her, scooping her back up in my arms and heading towards our new bedroom. Never before had I felt my love for her this strong, and it only got stronger with each passing day.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy," she said as I lay her in the middle of our huge bed on top of the dark blue comforter and laid down next to her, pulling her into my arms.

"I love you too, Ginny Malfoy," I whispered back before kissing her.

To my utter surprise and joy, after barely a year, Ginny became pregnant. Nine months later, she gave me my hearts most desired wish, a son. Our little boy was perfect. Glancing over at the picture of our firstborn on my desk, I smiled at the little baby in the picture, chubby fists waving around as I thought back on the day he was born.

Ten years ago…

I sat anxiously outside our bedroom as Ginny went through labor, having been kicked out by my own mother. She and Mrs. Weasley were inside with Ginny, helping her though the birth. I had been in there for the better part of it but my anxiety had been wearing on Ginny, though she didn't say anything. That was when I was ordered to wait outside until I was called back in.

After an hour, I heard my mother call my name. "Draco!" I opened the door to see Ginny lying on the bed, legs up and pushing. "The baby's almost here." And, holding my wife's hand, I watched the birth of our first child. When he was finally out, his lusty cried filled the room. It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. And he was the most perfect baby I'd ever seen, from his bright red hair down to his little toes.

"You did amazing," I said, pushing Ginny's hair off her sweaty face. "He's perfect."

She smiled at me but said nothing as she relaxed back on the pillows, breathing heavy. As Mrs. Weasley cleaned Ginny up, Mother cleaned our son up and wrapped a blanket Mrs. Weasley had made around him. Laying him in his mother's arms, Mother and Mrs. Weasley retreated from the room, grinning like fools.

"He's beautiful," Ginny whispered, tears running down her face as she stared at our son. "He looks just like you." She laughed tearfully, holding him tightly. "Hi, sweetie, I'm your Mum," she told him before crying too hard to speak.

Looking down at our son, his light gray eyes looking back, I too felt tears come to my eyes. "What should we name him?" I asked softly.

"Corvus, after you're great-great-grandfather," she said, referring to my mother's great-grandfather. He'd been the last of the Black line that wasn't bad, until my mother and Aunt Andromeda that was.

I smiled at her suggestion. "I was thinking Arthur, after your father. He was the first to accept us," I said, reaching over to stroke out son's little cheek with my finger. It was so soft.

"Corvus Arthur Malfoy," Ginny said softly, looking down at our son.

In the years that followed Ginny had given me two more children. Corvus was five when his first sibling, his little brother, was born. Austin Bilius Malfoy was a perfect little boy with my blond hair, Ginny's soft brown eyes and wild spirit. He followed Corvus around like a shadow, looking up to his big brother with adoration. He annoyed Corvus sometimes with his relentless attention, but his older brother loved him too much to stay mad long.

Three years after Austin, we had our first daughter. With her solemn, striking gray eyes and calm nature, she was the most like me of all our children. Well, aside from her mother's red hair that was. Elizabeth Molly Malfoy, at only two years old, held a very special place in my heart. She'd had me wrapped around her little finger from the moment I laid eyes on her. She was defiantly a Daddy's girl.

And now Ginny was pregnant again, though she swore this was the last one. "I hate feeling so fat," she told me just the other night as she struggled to get out of bed to go to the bathroom at about three o'clock. She'd had to wake me up to get her to her feet. I laughed at the memory.

Sighing happily, I leaned back in my chair, the work in front of me all but forgotten. The pattering of little feet on the stone floor drew my attention. Looking up, I saw Austin skid to a stop in the open doorway. "Mummy said to come get you!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down.

I stood from my desk and stooped down in front of my son. "And why does she need me?" I asked, poking his nose.

He shrugged, pretending it was no big deal, as he said, "The baby's coming," before breaking out in giggles and jumping up and down again.

Shaking my head and laughing, I swooped the five-year-old onto my shoulders, smiling at his delighted shriek. "Where are Corvus and Beth?" I asked him as I walked towards the living room.

"With Grandma Weasley and Grandma Malfoy!" he exclaimed, his little arms clasped tightly around my neck.

"And when exactly did they get here?" Last I'd heard they weren't even coming over today and if Ginny had only just told me about the labor setting in, or sent Austin to do so, they wouldn't know yet, let alone be here already.

"After lunch when Mummy owled them to tell them the baby was coming," he answered, his voice muffled as he put his face in my hair, giggling.

I resisted the urge to shake my head in amusement since there was a child on my shoulders, but I let out a small laugh. That was over five hours ago. Taking Austin into the family room where Corvus sat reading and Beth was being cuddled by a very happy Mrs. Weasley, I set him down. "Go play," I told him, walking over to my mother-in-law and mother.

"Hello, Draco," Mrs. Weasley said, handing over a very eager Beth. "Ginny just went upstairs to get changed for the birth. I told her to lay down for a bit. She's not quite ready to have the baby yet."

Holding my daughter, who immediately latched onto me with an iron grip, I smiled at the two women. "Thanks," I said, turning to go upstairs. Before I left the room though, I detached Beth from my side and sat her down by Austin to keep him busy enough to leave Corvus to his book. Corvus, who looked like a spitting image of me at that age except for his hair, smiled at me thankfully before turning back to the book.

When Beth went to follow me, I knelt down and hugged her. "You need to stay here and play with your brothers," I told her, nudging her towards Austin. "I'm going to go talk to Mummy. Can you play with your brothers for me?" She nodded her head vigorously, her little red pigtails bobbing, before going back over to her brother and plopping down in his lap. I laughed when she looked up at the five year old with a well-entertain-me-then look. She really was my daughter.

As I headed upstairs, I wondered if we would have another daughter or another son after today. Ginny didn't like to find out the sex until the baby was born. Opening the bedroom door silently, I saw my wife looking out the double balcony doors clad in only her nightgown. I walked up behind her quietly and slipped my arms around her, resting my hands on her enlarged belly. "How do you feel?" I asked quietly as I felt the baby kick.

"Like I swallowed a watermelon," she replied happily, leaning back against me. "Nothing new there."

I laughed quietly and kissed her neck. For a while, we just stood there looking out at the open grounds in the evening light. After a while though, she had to lie down as the contractions got bad enough to make her lose her footing. Within moments, Mother and Mrs. Weasley were there and ready to deliver their latest grandchild.

An hour later we had not one, but two little boys. As I sat in the bed with Ginny, holding both babies as she relaxed, I smiled and shook my head. "Did you have any idea there were two bundles of drool in you?" I teased, looking down at the perfect little boys who lay fast asleep in my arms.

"Bundles of joy," she corrected, slapping my arm playfully. "And I had my suspicions but I wasn't sure so I stayed quiet about it. It seemed too good to be true." She let out a content sigh and leaned against my side.

"Well, fifteen years ago, I would have said all of this would be too good to be true but look at us now, happily married for twelve years and five children to call our own. Miracles can happen," I whispered happily.

"What should we name them?" Ginny questioned, taking one of the boys from my arms.

Looking down at them, I smiled suddenly. "I have an idea. Do you realize the date? It's been thirteen years to the day since the war ended. Why don't we name them after the heroes of the war?"

Ginny smiled broadly at my idea. "Then how about Collin?" she said, looking down at the boy in her arms. "Collin Harry Malfoy."

"No so sure about the 'Harry' part," I joked, letting out a little laugh and looking down at the boy in my wife's arms. "I like it. It fits."

"What about our other bundle of 'drool?'" she questioned with a giggle, looking at her other newborn baby.

"Severus," I said without hesitation.

"Severus Draco Malfoy," Ginny finished for me, smiling at me broadly.

"Really?" I questioned, unsure if she meant it.

Nodding, she said, "You said to name them after heroes of that war. You were a hero. You saved us."

After kissing her firmly, I took Collin back from her. "Collin and Severus Malfoy," I repeated, standing up and laying them side by side in the nearby bassinet. Walking back over to the bed, I sat down next to my beautiful wife. "I love you more than I ever thought possible," I told her, scooping her up in my arms and holding her tightly. "And you've given me the family I always dreamed of, turning the home I'd seen as prison into the happiest place on earth."

"I love you too, Draco," she said happily, laying her head on my chest.

I sat there for a moment before tilting her head up and kissing her gently. She pushed me away though, a grin on her face. "No kissing," she said firmly, though a smile played at her lips. "Kissing leads to what got us five children. Now go do your paperwork or something and let me sleep." Then she pushed me off the bed, sending me to the floor with a thud thankfully muffled by the plush carpet.

Shaking my head with a smile, I got to my feet. "Sleep well, love," I said, kissing her softly despite her warning. She rolled over with a smile and was asleep before I had gotten to the door.

"So how's my latest godkid?" I heard Blaise ask from behind me as I softly closed the bedroom door on my sleeping wife and babies.

"When did you get here?" I questioned him, walking with him down to the now empty family room. The always-eager-to-help grandmothers had already put the kids to bed and gone home.

"Oh, about five minutes ago. I only just got your owl," he told me as we walked down the stairs. "Whose idea was it to send the Weasley's ancient owl? That thing has been getting lost on deliveries since we were in school."

"Errol?" I questioned with a laugh.

"That would be the one," he said with a nod. "I think the poor thing may be half, or more than half, blind. I had half a mind to put it out of its misery."

I led the way into the family room with a laugh. "Ginny asked Mrs. Weasley to send the letter on when she got it. I didn't realize that bird was even still alive. It's older than dirt," I said with a shake of my head.

Sitting down on the sofa, scooting one of Beth's toys out of the way, Blaise asked again, "So how's my latest godkid?"

Sitting down next to him, I couldn't help but laugh as I told him, "Well, both of your new godsons are fine."

His mouth dropped open and he gaped at me. "Twins?" he exclaimed once he found his voice. "I though Malfoy's didn't breed like the Weasley's, like weasels, and have litters of children?" He teased, laughing exuberantly.

"Well," we heard from the doorway. I turned to see Harry, Ron, Hermione and one very pregnant Luna walk in. "Ferrets are a type of weasel, you know," Harry said with laugh. As those around me broke out in laugher, I found a smile forming on my face at the memory.

After everyone had seen the new babies and congratulated Ginny and I, I sent them off. Lying in bed that night holding my wife, I thought back on the years that led up to this happy moment. All the pain that I'd experienced seemed to fade away in the wake of our joy. "I love you Ginny," I whispered to my sleeping wife before drifting to sleep by her side.

So, everyone happy with their happy ending? Was it happy enough? I was reminded by a reviewer about Blaise and so I just HAD to put our second favorite boy back in. Was his part okay? I hope so. And the part with Harry's comment, too fun to pass up! I thought I'd end the story with a note of humor and then a sappy Draco/Ginny moment.

What did you think about it all being Draco POV for the end? I think it seemed appropriate. It started out in the first chapter as him as a bitter boy under the cruel thumb of Voldemort and this father and ends with him a happy man with his own family. Full circle huh? I liked it and I hope you did too. Oh, and what did you think of the kids and their names? I have pictures of them if anyone would like to see them. Just leave me a review and let me know and I'll get them too you. They are so PERFECT!

Oh, for those of you who haven't already, I have a new story up! It's called Thin Lines and it's another Draco Ginny story that I think all of you need to go check out. It has two chapters so far. I really don't want to lose you guys so go read it! And yes, this was a clever ploy to keep from losing you wonderful people xD

And finally, some of you have been with me since day one, the first chapter, all two years (somehow). Others have hopped on along the way. Each of you though means a lot to me. This story wouldn't have been the same without you. I'd like to ask only one last thing of you guys, my faithful readers. If you have ever once laughed, cried, gasped, screamed, wanted to throw your computer at a wall or wanted to kill me, please leave a review. I want to be able to see just how many people I touched with this story. What was your favorite part? Your favorite moment? Your favorite line? Would it be Blaise and his Christmas present to Ginny: "Knowing that I got you something but you got me nothing in return will probably make you feel bad. So, since we couldn't have that, I bought myself a little something too, wrapped it, addressed it from you, and then opened it. Thanks for the new watch!" Or Draco's famous line: "I know it's not set in stone, Ginny Weasley, but I will marry you one day." Even if you've never reviewed before, do so now. This is after all your last chance. I love you guys!

Well this is usually the part where I say that a happy author writes better and faster and whatnot but, this is the end so that really wouldn't apply *sniffle* So instead:

Even though this is the end, because this is the end, you should review and make me happy!