A/N: Here it is… my own gift to you: a long, final chapter all wrapped up with a pretty gold bow. Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Amelia was relieved to see me when I entered the kitchen, although a little disturbed by my bloody appearance. She had called Sam, Tara, Pam, Jason, and anyone else she could think of when she couldn't reach me by cell phone for so long. As I guessed, she had assumed I was with Eric last night, so she didn't start to really worry until this evening. I briefly told her about my latest ordeal, concluding with the miraculous healing powers of the crystal. She was stunned to say the least. When I told her about last night's Fangtasia fight with Eric, she was only slightly sympathetic to what I went through. According to what I could pick up from her head, she could understand why Eric would react the way he did and thought I deserved it. Although I didn't exactly like (or agree with) what I heard from her, being able to read human thoughts again gave me hope that things would soon return to normal.

I took some painkillers for my aching side and stood under a hot shower for I don't know how long. There was too much to think about as the water cascaded down my back and the blood washed away. Eric would be here tonight and hopefully we would come to terms with this… this situation, for lack of a better word. The fact that he was willing to see me again, to talk things over after how we left things last night, was definitely good news. We were going to be okay; Eric even said so.

I tried to think of practicalities now. I would need to get a new cell phone, as well as driver's license, credit cards, and other items since I had no idea what happened to my purse. The pepper spray I had started to carry around with me had been of no help in my latest assault, but it was probably a good idea to replace it nonetheless. I felt a pang of regret when I realized what else had been lost last night: the bullet Eric took for me in Dallas. Ridiculous, I know, to have even kept such a thing, but it held sentimental meaning to me. Sucking the bullet from Eric's shoulder had been the first time I tasted his blood, even though he had tricked me into it. More importantly, though, it was the first time he had protected me, something he would repeat on many occasions. The bullet was a reminder that when I had needed saving, Eric had been there. And tonight proved that he continued to do that for me.

I combed my hair and slipped into an oversized t-shirt, deciding to catch a few winks before Eric's arrival. I was so exhausted and drained from my nightmarish experience that I needed some rest so I could think clearly. I fell into a deeper sleep than I intended, woken some time later by a vampire whose hand was leisurely stroking my arm. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Eric sitting on my bed; I turned on my side, stretching my arm to reach his.

A small light from the corner of my room illuminated us, and I could smell almond bodywash all over him. His hair was still wet and I realized he must have used my shower tonight.

"Mmm, you're all clean… and wearing silk boxers," I remarked as I ran my hand along his chest then slowly moved my fingers lower to pull on his waistband. I was tired but not that tired.

"That's so you won't be distracted by what's underneath them when we're talking," he said with a hint of teasing, and he stopped my wandering hand by placing it in his.

"Well you picked the perfect place to talk, Ericright here in my bed," I teased back, hoping things remained light between us tonight; I didn't have the stamina to do 'serious' right now.

"I brought you something." Eric reached with his other hand to pick up my purse from the floor and set it on the bed next to me.

"Oh, Eric, thank goodness. Do you know how hard it would have been to replace all of these things?" I asked. Looking through the contents, I was relieved to see the small jewelry box I would have missed most.

"Some things can never be replaced—they're much too valuable," he said quietly. He moved to lie down next to me in the bed, placing my handbag back on the floor.

"I know," I answered back as we both lay on our sides, watching each other intently for a few minutes.

"What happened to my kidnapper, Eric? Who was he?" I finally asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"You don't want to know what happened to him, lover. It would ruin the mood." He started playing with my hair, slowly running his fingers through the damp strands. I looked at him expectantly and he sighed.

"Richard DeNicolo, according to the driver's license I recovered from his front pocket. The blood and intestinal pieces covering the license made it hard to read too clearly, though," he added with his trademark grin. Yuck.

"I persuaded Mr. DeNicolo to be very cooperative tonight. He was the boyfriend of our missing server, Rebecca. Or ex-boyfriend, I should say. She dumped him recently for a vampire and he seemed to hold me accountable."

"Which vampire? Why would DeNicolo think it was you?" I snapped.

Eric twisted my hair tightly around his fingers and smirked as he pulled me closer to him. "Jealous, maybe?"

"No, should I be? Is there a reason a jilted lover would be hunting you and ME, Eric?" I asked a little anxiously.

"He was a lunatic, Sookie. Our bartender, Snake, was involved with the girl, and DeNicolo blamed me for hiring Rebecca in the first place. He hated vampires and would have gone after Snake next. Crazy," Eric said. I didn't say anything.

"Perhaps he was jealous of you, of our relationship, Sookie," he added, and the mood suddenly turned even more serious. What was our 'relationship' these days, anyway?

"Is this where you finally forgive me and we live happily ever after?" I asked softly.

"I'm not sure… is that what your crystal told you would happen?"

He wasn't sarcastic or bitter like he could have been, but I knew he was hurting. Still.

"No, but it's what I'm certainly hoping for—a future with you." He didn't respond to that, so I continued. "Will that happen, Eric?"

He squeezed my hand. "I don't know what will happen, Sookie, and I don't want to know. But if we rely on the crystal to find out, then our future has been chosen for us. I want to make our own future, one that you and I decide on together." His words were so heartfelt that I felt even worse for having used the crystal and not having trusted him.

"I want that, too, Eric. You know that," I managed to choke out.

"Where is the crystal now?" he asked gently, and I could feel him trying to calm me through the weakened bond.

"Claude has it and he will be keeping it. Permanently." I waited for Eric's reaction.

"I don't know what Niall was thinking when he gave it to you, but it should stay with Claude," he agreed.

"Really? You're okay with that?" I asked, surprised. "Have you had a change of heart about the crystal?" I wondered.

"The crystal has more powers than I will ever understand. It was helpful tonight," he admitted, "despite all of the bad I have seen come from it."

Considering what the crystal had done to save us both, calling it 'helpful' was an understatement of epic proportions.

"Claude told me it can be used to communicate with others who have a crystal. Did you know that Niall used it that way with Gildran?" Eric sat up when I told him that.

"During his captivity? Are you certain?" he asked.

"Yes, that's what Claude said." Eric remained still, his mind revisiting some long-ago battle I suspected.

"Tell me more about the vampire/fairy war," I prodded gently, and he sighed before turning to lie on his back and stare at the ceiling. At first it didn't seem like he was going to say anything about that distant time.

"There is nothing more to say. It was one of the less glorious moments in vampire history. And I was responsible for it," he said simply.

Eric needed to know he wasn't the only one to blame. And I was finally ready to admit that my great-grandfather could be ruthless when he wanted to be.

"Maybe the Fae knew more about the vampire battle plans than you thought, Eric. Or else maybe they planted false information for Gildran to relay to you." It made sense and honestly, it was a brilliant strategy.

"I guess we will never know for sure, unless your Fairy Prince can clear that up for us," Eric said harshly. "But I am the one who killed Gildran -- I lost control and destroyed the only chance for the vampires to defeat the Fae."

"It's not your fault, Eric,' I said, unsure of what else I could say to comfort him. "Gildran's fairy qualities would have been impossible for any vampire to resist."

Eric turned to me, his eyes rimmed in red. "How do you think I felt when I realized you were becoming like Gildran -- becoming fairy and too intoxicating to me? All because of the damned crystal! What if I had lost control again and killed you, Sookie? How would I ever get over that?"

"It will never happen, Eric, I swear." Then I kissed him hard, longing to soothe and console him, desperate to show him how much I needed him. He pulled away to look at me.

"Are you ever going to touch that crystal again?" he asked, much like a parent scolding an errant child. Hadn't I already promised him this a thousand times? But I guess he still needed reassurance.

"No," I said simply.

"Then I'm okay with Claude keeping the crystal," Eric said, and I buried my head in his chest, relieved. He held me tight and kissed the top of my head.

"When I realized you were taken last night… the thought of losing you… I couldn't feel you, I couldn't find you…" Eric was struggling to find words that were unnecessary -- I knew exactly how he felt.

"That's my fault, Eric. Another effect from the crystal. I lost my telepathy and the bond was blocked, too. But it's returning again, it's healing, I can feel it," I explained.

"No, I did something to make that happen, Sookie. I severed our bond, our connection. I wanted it all to end." I pulled out of his embrace.

"What?" I asked in shock. "You did that… to us?" It was like a slap to the face. I could feel a rush of tears working their way down my cheek and a wave of panic rising within me. I had no idea that I had pushed him so far. He wanted our bond gone? Could we ever go back to the way we were?

"Yes, I did that, and without the bond I was helpless to rescue you. If I hadn't reached Claude, if it wasn't for the crystal… tonight could have ended very differently for both of us."

Eric pulled me back to him, and I let him do so. As we lay tangled on my bed, I reached through the bond to him. Despite what he may have done to try and cut our ties, I could still feel him now -- his guilt, his concern, his love for me.

"What happens now, Eric? How can we repair our bond? We have to fix it," I said desperately.

It was ironic that something that was once the lesser of two evils, something that I had resented and wished away for so long, was now the very thing I longed for most.

"We must re-bond, but by your choice this time. Are you willing to do that, Sookie? To give me your blood and tie yourself to me again?"

Based on his pained look, I was sure he was questioning why I hadn't offered him a blood donation earlier tonight.

"Of course I'm willing, Eric. Take some now, please," I practically begged him, ready to thrust my wrist or any other body part at his mouth.

"No. We must do it later, in a more formal and public manner, to reverse what has been set in motion." I had no idea what that meant and he looked troubled, but there would be time later to discuss the details. Dawn was approaching now.

We quietly stayed entangled until my eyelids began to grow heavy. As I started to drift away from him, I felt Eric kiss my forehead and tuck me in before he headed home to sleep. The healing would have to come later.


For the next few weeks, we took things slowly as we tried to repair the damage. My telepathy returned to me and for the first time in my life, I treasured my 'disability.' I had come to depend on it much like a sixth sense, and I realized it was part of who I was. My crystal cravings lessened and eventually disappeared altogether from lack of contact. I resumed working for Sam and tried to get back to the way my life had been before the crystal. That sounds easier than it actually was. Gran used to say that it always takes longer to mend fences than to tear them down. She was so wise about life. And love.

My bruised side began to heal but without the aid of vampire blood. Eric and I had agreed to abstain from any 'nipping' until a formal re-bonding could be arranged. We would speak on the phone most evenings, but his work was keeping him busy and away from me too often. Personally, I think Eric just needed time to come to terms with everything. It was like we both had been dangling from the edge of a rocky cliff and were pulled back at the last possible moment. It takes time to get over that.

Several days after the horrible warehouse incident, The Shreveport Gazette featured an article about the gruesome discovery of a decaying body found inside Richard DeNicolo's apartment. Reports indicated that Rebecca Lindy, a server at the vampire bar Fangtasia, had been brutally stabbed, and the murder weapon had yet to be recovered. Police were still investigating the homicide and were looking for DeNicolo, the prime suspect in the case. I doubted that they would ever find him or the knife.

Claude wasted no time in calling in his favor from Eric. It wasn't too surprising to hear what my cousin had in mind as payback; he was a smart businessman, after all. He wanted Eric to be the featured stripper for an upcoming publicity event at Claude's club, Hooligan's. The show was scheduled in a month's time which gave my cousin ample opportunity to shamelessly promote what he hoped would be his most profitable show. Ever.

At first, Eric was incensed to even be indebted to a fairy, but he knew the debt he owed Claude was a great one. So, for my sake, he swallowed his pride and agreed to help out Claude. When I first heard the proposal, I couldn't stop laughing (or salivating!). The very idea of my gorgeous, self-confident vampire as a professional stripper was a stroke of marketing genius on Claude's part. What woman wouldn't pay for the chance to see Eric dance and strip down to a sexy G-string? Yum.

When Eric heard of the plan, he appeared annoyed and bothered that he had to subject himself to such a public 'spectacle.' Then he reluctantly agreed, acting as if it was something he would suffer through but not really enjoy. Ha! Even though he would never admit it, I knew the idea appealed tremendously to his BIG ego and lack of modesty. Eric would be a natural at this, I was sure.

It was one week before Eric's scheduled debut on stage and our naked bodies were entwined on my bed, a passionate lovemaking session just having exhausted us. We hadn't been intimate very often since my birthday but things were still good during the times we were. Our relationship was recovering, thankfully, but I was looking forward to the day when things would become 'great' again. Our re-bonding was just days away now, although our connection still existed to some extent. Maybe the new bond would be the final step to set things right.

Eric had unexpectedly dropped by tonight to 'model' his outfit for Claude's show. Even before I heard the doorbell ring, I could feel his nervousness. Or was it excitement? When I opened the door and saw him standing before me, I had to laugh because he reminded me of a flasher. Eric wore a long trench coat to hide his costume, and I eagerly pulled him inside while I anticipated what was hidden underneath the coat.

After we settled into my bedroom, my private preview began. Eric pulled the coat open to reveal a sexy Viking outfit better suited for porn than battle. The leather and fur ensemble was elaborate and with his hair tied back in a braid, Eric was absolute perfection. As he leisurely removed each item, he stared at me seductively and grinned. He began to slowly gyrate his body to imaginary music and by the time he worked himself down to his G-string, I thought I was going to orgasm on the spot. Eric's gracious plenty was barely contained by the scanty piece of fabric covering it. And just when I couldn't take any more, he slowly turned to shake and show off his world-class butt for my added enjoyment.

He was a natural, alright. And he proved it multiple times that evening.

So after his unforgettable strip tease and even more extraordinary aftershow, we remained on my bed, content and sated.

"What did you think, lover? Am I a perfect stripper?" he teased as we lay there. Jeez… what an ego.

"Perfect," was all I could utter. I hadn't felt this good in weeks.

"And you, my lover, are almost perfect…" he teased back. When had I heard that line from him before? I looked at him and he had a mischievous grin on his face. Something was up.

"Do you mind if I use your cell phone?" he asked abruptly, getting up to retrieve my purse from across the room before I could answer him.

"What? At this time? Who do…?"

"Pam. I need to check in with her about something, and I left my cell phone in my car. No pockets," he explained, referring to his Viking get-up scattered on the floor. Of course he was naked too, another reason to not have pockets.

He rummaged through my purse and found my cell phone but not before he discovered my little bullet box. He pulled it out and looked at me questioningly.

"What's this?" he asked, and I blushed with embarrassment.

"Nothing, just something silly," I said, hoping he would let the subject drop. "Come back to bed, Eric."

"No, tell me, Sookie. It looks like a ring box," he said, obviously determined to make me admit to my foolishness. He climbed back into bed, his phone call suddenly forgotten, and he handed me the small jewelry box.

"Okay, but I'm telling you, it's silly, Eric." He nodded for me to continue. "I saved the bullet you took for me in Dallas," I said, looking to see if he thought I was crazy. He just seemed pleased.

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe as a reminder of how much I need you," I said and kissed him. "And so I remember how you saved me," I added before kissing him again.

"Show it to me," he urged after pulling away from my lips. I sighed and gave in to his curiosity.

When I opened the box, my heart stopped for a moment and I gasped. There lay the single bullet, but it was encircled by a perfect diamond ring, my perfect diamond ring. A ring that I was uncertain I would ever see again. It was as beautiful as I remembered and even more dazzling now that I wasn't blinded by the crystal and its visions.

"Oh, Eric," I murmured and looked up to meet his hopeful eyes. "Yes," was all I said, and all I needed to say.

He took the ring from the box and gently slid it on my trembling ring finger. I held up my hand for both of us to admire.

"Now you're perfect," he whispered and then kissed me.



Friday, July 1, 2016 – my 38th birthday

I am putting the finishing touches on my birthday cake and getting the house ready for company. As I do every year on this date, I remember that fateful birthday ten years ago when a certain Kailenian crystal entered my life and turned it upside down. Caught under its magical influence, I came so close to losing what was most important to me, so close to losing it all.

I am an older and wiser woman now, certainly wise enough to know the dangers of messing with one's destiny. And the burning question of 'What was Niall thinking?' has been revisited enough over the years for me to have formed some definite opinions. My loved ones may not agree with my reasoning, but I still hold firm to my beliefs. Call me stubborn, if you will.

During the brief period of time when Niall was a part of my life and a part of this world, I complained that his offers of help were not of the 'practical' kind. Perhaps my great-grandfather believed that his special birthday gift to me was of the practical kind -- the type of present I would want and need. Perhaps he hoped the crystal would take me to places of future happiness and past comfort, assuming that my vampire and my cousin would be willing guides along the journey. Perhaps Niall thought I would enjoy the benefits of being more fairy and less human. Perhaps he imagined the crystal could be of use to me in times of danger and uncertainty. Or perhaps he simply hoped the crystal could bridge the distance and differences between me and him -- a way to communicate between our worlds and bring us closer.


I may never truly understand Niall's motivations, but I am certain in my heart that they were based on his love and concern for me. I refuse to believe that he knew of the side effects and problems and heartache the crystal could cause. He loved me too much to knowingly do that. Niall once told me he was as poor at predicting my actions and reactions as I was at predicting his. And that is certainly the truest thing ever said. Despite my Fae blood, I have yet to truly understand the workings of the fairy mind. Hell, after all these years, I'm still working to truly understand the workings of the vampire mind.

Claude remains 'keeper' of the crystal, in case we ever have need of its strange and unusual powers once more; but I doubt I will ever be that desperate again. My cousin holds on to it, also, as a reminder of his kinsmen and Faery, the world he has forever left behind. The option still remains for me to try and contact Niall with the crystal, but it is an option that I am reluctant to ever try. It took me a long time to recover from my horrific experiences with the Fae, and I still prefer the home and place I have made in my own world. Without fairies. And without magic crystals.

"Mommy, is Daddy up yet?" Addie asks, rousing me from my thoughts about magic and visions. I look at our beautiful daughter standing before me in the kitchen. To us, she is a magical vision in her own right.

"No, but he will be soon, honey," I answer her, feeling Eric's early stirrings through our enduring blood bond. I watch eagerly through the window as the sun slowly sets across my backyard landscape.

"Help me set the picnic table before your cousins get here," I suggest.

Addie happily picks up the plates and silverware, looking forward to the wonderful evening ahead. She's not the only one. I'm very excited, too, because I know how it will all play out tonight. After all, I have seen a vision of it before, once when I sat in my cousin's apartment long ago…

In just a little while, my brother and his family will arrive and, sooner or later, we will end up outside to celebrate my birthday. There will come a time when Eric brings me a glass of wine, and he will place a little brunette girl on his shoulders. There will be tickling, and laughing, and vampire kisses. And eventually, stolen time alone for the two of us. And then a different kind of kissing, and soft whispers, and blushing, and touching. And then Eric and I will make love, naked under the moonlight, in our own backyard where I am his, and he is mine.

And then after that…

Well after that, what the future holds for us remains unknown, a mystery.

And that's the way I intend to keep it.