All characters belong to Charlaine Harris of course.

This story follows "Gossip girl name is Diane"

Chapter 1

Eric and Sookie are still in the garden, enjoying every moment in the comfortable niche.

"It's late, come." Eric said helping Sookie to stand back on her feet.

"How much time did we spend here? I feel like we've stayed ten minutes. It can't be time to go."

Eric smiled from ear to ear. "We have been here for three hours. I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to know about the crimes before we must go our separate ways tonight."

He took Sookie in his arms to fly back to on the other side of the garden.

"I can see Jerry cleared out the ice creams" she noticed.

"Are you still hungry?"

"Not for food," she said with brightened eyes.

"Alright then," he took her hand and they headed back the way they came. The shop was almost empty and Jerry was waiting in downtime behind his counter for his last patrons to leave.

He moved soon after their entrance. "Well, Eric how were the sorbets?"

"Very good, indeed. When could you make the first delivery to Fangtasia?"

"If you want all the kinds, I can deliver them to you in 2 weeks with 2 gallons each to begin."

"Deal. See you soon."

"Eric." Jerry nodded.

"Bye, Jerry."

"Bye, Sookie."

And with that they were gone. This time Eric's arm was around Sookie's waist as he took her to the car. He opened the passenger door and was behind the wheel almost instantly after, to Sookie's amazement.

"I have to get used to that, I suppose," she gasped.

"You will," he answered confidently, "now I'm all ears about the crimes."

Sookie resumed as best as she could the situation about the two murdered women, their job and their usual company : lots of lovers and even vampires as sexual partners.

"If those women were not drained, why investigate at Fangtasia?"

"They had old puncture marks in their necks."

"Yes, that's my point. Maybe what they had in common, apart from their jobs, is their company. If that's really the case, even if you're not leading the same life as they were, you are a target, Sookie."

"No, we didn't do anything and the only person who knows where I was going is my Gran!"

"And it is not common knowledge that you know another vampire besides me?"

"Yes, but..."

"And you have met each other several times?"

"Yes, but..."

"We must fetch your car at Fangtasia. I'll go back with you to Bon Temps..."

"With pleasure," she said stroking his right thigh.

"…to talk about tomorrow and to be assured of your safety." He assured her, arriving to the Fangtasia parking lot.

As soon as he was parked, Pam came out through the back door and approached Sookie and Eric.



"All is well?"

"Yes, all is under control," she said, her nostrils flaring as she stared at Sookie, "not like your evening as I can sense." She whispered honey toned. "It would be a first, but I could have been more efficient here."

"You are really a pain in my ass, a good pincers could help me there," he mumbled threateningly.

"Mmm, stop it, I'm already excited," she smiled, all fangs bared.

"Pfft, I need you to take my car to my home. I won't be here tomorrow, call me if need be."

"You are leaving in this…thing?!!" Pam sniggered, indicating Sookie's car.

"I'll be right back," he informed Sookie. "I just need a moment with my child."


In a flash, Sookie was alone on the parking lot and she managed to open the driver's door and made herself comfortable in her car.

She didn't have to wait very long before the passenger door opened, and a satisfied Eric got in. Sookie left her parking spot and was soon leaving Shreveport and was heading towards Bon Temps.

"What was that about?" she asked.


"You know, between you and Pam."

"We needed adjustment, that's all. Pam is always eager to test me, and with you around, it's getting easier."

"She's your child, which means you made her?"

"Yes, centuries ago."

"And why is she not your lover, she's beautiful."

"She was a sex partner in the beginning but it's almost impossible for two vampires to be together for a long period of time. It's even regarded as weird among my kind. For example, the longest couple of this kind I know of is Bill and Lorena, his maker. They stayed together for fifty years I think. Furthermore, now Pam is mainly attracted by women."

"Huh, efficient with me was a kind of sexual proposal ?"

"Sort of. She teases me. But maybe you prefer women?" He asked in a matter of fact tone.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, you can be with Pam, long as I can watch." He smirked.

She swallowed with difficulty, coughing at last.

"Eric, I'd rather stick to your first plan."

"Ok then, I'll be at your home around thirty minutes after dusk."

He laid an absentmindly hand on her knee while chatting and began to stroke lightly her thigh higher and higher. Sookie said nothing, biting her lip and trying to focus harder on the road.

"Can...can you tell me what you have in mind …for tomorrow?"

"Mmmm I assume you want more than a make out session?"

"Yeah...yes....yes" she hiccupped, while he was slowly approaching her crotch.

"You like softness?"

"Yes" she said, fever in her eyes, her arms shaking.

"Pull over on the shoulder, dear one, you seem under pressure."

They were at the forest level just outside Bon Temps; the road was completely abandoned at this hour of the night.

"Sure," she answered hypnotized.

She did it and turned off the engine. At light speed, Sookie was lowered in her car seat without knowing how, her belt off, dress lifted, panties off, and Eric was bending over her wet folds to taste her with delight. Her moans increased in volume as he licked her more and more.

"Jesus Christ, Shepard of Judea!"

Skilled at multi tasking, he was caressing her breasts, one and then the other, lightly at first and then stronger and stronger, stopping from time to time on her nipples. Sookie was no longer in control; she grabbed his hair as if her life depended on it. Her release was quick.

"Oh Eric, Eric, ERIC, ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She was gasping, experiencing aftershocks as Eric was kissing her on her thighs and continued to stroke more lightly. As her moans stopped, he picked himself up and lifted her onto his lap to kiss her, her body still shivering.

After few moments, she caught her breath.

"That was part of your plan? I'm definitively enjoying it."

"Not really, I was overtaken by my lust, but I managed to keep a little restraint. With you, I'm not even the master of my own game."

"It doesn't matter, does it?" She kissed with pecks on his mouth.

He sighed, "With my rank, I cannot afford to lose my head. I'm the sheriff of area 5, and my people rely on me. Unfortunately, the only thing on my mind now is for you to become my bonded."

"Bonded? What does that mean?"

"It's difficult to explain, there's no equivalent human term, and the closest would be marriage. But you can't have a divorce here; it's much deeper than an oath or a paper contract."

"Are you proposing?" She asked, smiling.

"I just want you to consider that you and I have this possibility. But now," he put her back in her seat, "we must go to your home."

She put her seatbelt back on and drove silently to Gran's home, her home as well. As they approached, he asked considering the location: "This house is isolated, do you live alone?"

"Only with my Gran."

"And don't you have any male relatives?"

"Yes, my brother Jason."

"Why doesn't he take care of you?"

"What are you saying? We can take care of ourselves! Women take care of themselves in the 21st century, I earn my living."

"Yes, I can see you earn enough to get by but barely more than that."

"I'm not ashamed to be a waitress, I'm good at this job and it helps me with my telepathy."

"That's not my point, and you know it. When was the last time you went on holiday?"

"It doesn't ring any bells, but it's pointless."

"When do you plan to change your car?"

"It works just fine."

"An engine can barely make it after 200 000 miles and yours displayed 250 000." He added coolly.

"It's not any of your concern."

"Yes, it is."

"I've just met you yesterday! Can't you wait a little longer before you try to take over my life? Is it vampire style to do that?"

"Not at all. We usually behave like bastards. I assume it's Eric-with-Sookie style and I'm not ashamed of it either." They were still in the car, facing the decayed back wall of the house. "Tomorrow, I'll send you someone for a security system."

"I don't need charity!"

"You're right, you deserve protection and your Gran too, don't you think?" Sookie gaped.

They left the car.

"Can you invite me in? I'd like to take a tour before leaving you."

"Yes, of course." Sookie said, seeking the closeness of his body as they climbed the stairs. She unlocked the door and they entered the quiet house, Sookie turning on several lights on her way.

"I'm sorry, I only have True Blood," she began, ever the Southern hostess.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not here for that," he replied checking the doors and the windows.

Sookie prepared herself a glass of water in the kitchen.

"So how is it going?"

"Very poorly, it needs improvements."

"Can't you just kiss me, and think of something else?"

"I can do the former." As he approached, they heard a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" Sookie asked surprised.

"Bill, I've seen your lights." She opened the door.

"Hi, Bill. You received my message about the cancellation? I'm sorry, but as I was busy this evening I couldn't call you directly." She excused herself.

As Eric appeared in view of Bill behind Sookie, Bill nodded, "Eric."


"That's fine. We'll talk later, I hope." Bill gritted his teeth.

"Yes, later. See you soon."

She closed the door and turned back to Eric.

"Where were we?"

"Just here," he answered catching her lips like he was starving.