Hi guys :D So as u've probably realized, I'm an easily bored person :D Soooooooo I started to talk to Iggy :D I know.......really random, but It was fun to write :D The chapters may seem short, but I'm gonna post two chapters a day to keep the ball rolling, also, as said in the summary, Saint Fang of Boredom is mentioned in this story because she was my inspiration....

Iggy: Do you know how corny that just sounded?

Me: Great, the story has begun.....ALREADY!

Iggy: Aren't you forgetting something....

Me: Nope, can't say that I have :D

Iggy: -sighs- the disclaimer

Me: But there is nothing to disclaim!

Iggy: BELL!

Me: -grumbles- Fine

Disclaimer: I do not own Iggy, Fang, or Saint (cause saint owns herself)

Me: Happy?

Iggy: Yep

Me: on with the randomness :D

Mrs T, our science teacher, who is supposed to be talking about Marine Biology, has decided to shove on a video about Galaxies? It just makes no sense!

Iggy: Well, I think it makes perfect sense

Me: Okay then, Mr Smart guy, tell me how marine biology has anything to do with Galaxies. Enlighten me

Iggy: Umm........

Me: Exactly! Stars and space have nothing to do with the creatures of the ocean. When did life stop making sense?

Iggy: I believe it was when you got bored and started to write in your notebook about something completely random

Me: -shrugs- probably. But, where did you come from anyway? Where the hell are the Flock?

Iggy: -looks confused, then shrugs- I'm here to entertain you, and the Flock is probably off doing something unimportant, like saving the world.

Me: Okay.......But, last time I checked, wasn't saving the world kind of important?

Iggy: Meh

Me: Hey, hasn't Fang been kidnapped by St. Fang of Boredom?

Iggy: That's what we've been told

Me: Why aren't you out saving him?

Iggy: I'm kind of 'here' at the moment and I don't know how to get back

Me: YAY! That means that you can stay until my boredom dies!

Iggy: -rolls eyes- great –says sarcastically- please don't tell me that you're some psycho fan of the book 'Maximum Ride' and that you're obsessed with me

Me: Maybe......

Iggy: Oh great, you're just like Saint

Saint: -appears, smacks, disappears-

Iggy: -looks around confused while rubbing head- What the Hell?

Me: I don't think Saint likes you very much.....

Iggy: What does Saint have anything to do with this?

Me: She's the one that just hit you! And why are you asking me? You're the one who insulted her!

Iggy: Oh......right, but how did she get here and then disappear so quickly?

Me: I dunno, she's probably a witch or something considering she managed to kidnap Fang without anyone noticing.

Iggy: True. How do you know Saint anyway?

Me: I emailed her and I've read lots of her fanfictions, and all of them are awesome! Fang should really get around to paying that child support for Justin soon......

Iggy: What the heck?

Me: never mind, this conversation isn't going anywhere now is it?

Iggy: Nope

-Bell rings-

Me: -heaves a sigh of relief- let's get out of here!

Iggy: So, that was the first chapter, huh?

Me: Yep

Iggy: Really short....

Me: Shut up! I'll post another one in a minute :D

Iggy: And you've got to email your friend and-

Me: Stop revealing my personal life! Saint, if you're reading this The characters are annoying, but U probably have more control over Fang than I do with Iggy

Iggy: That's because I'm cooler than Fang and I can't be controlled by an obsessed fangirl!

Me: -smacks- Iggy get in the closet!

Iggy: What? But-


Iggy: -grumbles, then steps into closet-

Me: phew break......


Aleria14 (Bell)