Hey everyone, I know I said to some people I would try to update soon after the end of term. But considering my current mood it might have to wait longer.

I don't want to bore everyone so in a nutshell:

I failed a creative exam despite thinking it was one of the few things I was any good at. Then my teacher told me I wasn't any good at it and I shouldn't do it anymore. Then when I went home, hoping to comforted by my mum I received this response: "Well don't take it out on me, I'm not in the mood." Gee, thanks mum for the support.

In conclusion I am depressed, stressed and generally unhappy. Therefore it might take longer for me to update. Also I'm busy doing other exams and worrying about other school related stuff. All of this stacked together makes me unable at the moment to write.

I'm really sorry and I'll try to update before September.