The Lost Pretend

By PaBurke

***Summary: Double Drabble. My first Atlantis Crossover. ***

***Disclaimer: I play, am not paid, do not own. No infringement intended.***

***Spoilers: Season Premiere for SGA and the Gemini-Storyline for Pretender. ***

***Distribution: Crossgate, Wormhole Crossing ***

Jarod 'Thatch' leaned back in his chair and grinned. The Ancients' technology truly challenged him. Falsifying his papers to join this expedition had proved to be a bother but well worth the rewards. Thankfully, he knew his father. Having a legitimate Air Force connection sped the process.

"Do you think Doctor McKay will realize you tweaked his experiment?" a quiet voice asked.

Jarod turned to his clone. The boy was a mirror image of him at that age but his self-esteem was severely battered from several years in Mr. Raines care. "Jay, don't worry. It works now. It's not as if they can throw us back."

Jay looked worried. "They won't be happy."

Jarod smiled. "We'll just have to make ourselves indispensable. Are you up to the mental challenge?"

A whisper of a smirk flitted across the solemn face. Jay was the main reason Jarod had pursued this assignment. Jay needed the opportunity to be safe and loved but the challenge to keep his mind out of trouble. Jarod had no regret about stowing Jay aboard with his equipment.

Just let Miss Parker and the Centre try and track them down. They would have to find the Lost City first.