"Initiating directive #7395: destroy all communists!"

Liberty Prime's voice echoed across the field as the gigantic robot was brought online, its hands already clenching in desire to rip the foes asunder as the brotherhood knights around it quaked in a mix of awe and fear. Now was the time, now in moments they would begin their glorious push, to begin their victory over their hated foe the enclave.

"Anchorage will be..."

The confident roar was cut short as the robot went very still, its head tilting to the side in an oddly human gesture. The brotherhood warriors exchanged worried glances. Had it gone off-line? Had something within it broken? Was the machine about to go berserk? Before them they saw the enclave troops massing, preparing to launch a pre-emptive strike, they needed Liberty prime! Why wasn't it moving!?

"Subroutine 5B initiated!"

Despite the helmets of the assembled knights one knew there was a unanimous raising of eyebrows. What was the machine babbling about? Why wasn't it acting like it should? Several glares were sent scribe Rothchild's way, who only shrugged, frowning at the machine as he furiously thought of what the robot might mean but coming up with nothing.

"Internal scan! Proper maintenance...two hundred years late! Unacceptable!"

Then, to the horror of ever single brotherhood warrior, the massive machine bent its knees, pushed its arms back to catch itself...and sat down with a bone jarring crash, crushing a stunned Sarah Lyons without any of the shocked spectators really noticing.

"Strike! Strike! Strike!"

The robot raised one of it's arms, waving a clenched fist at the air while chanting on with a surprising amount of feeling in its bass voice.

"All are equal! Stand up for the little guy! Attica! Attica!"

Scribe Rothchild put his hands over his face, groaning like only a frustrated scientist could.

"Lousy union!"