Author's Note: Here's the promised sneak peek. Enjoy!


His land based phone rang and he groaned, getting out of bed at 2:45 AM.

Ziva David moaned softly and turned over, putting a pillow over her head.

"Answer it and tell them to go fuck themselves."

"What if it's Gibbs?" he asked as he pulled his black sweats on.

"Then Gibbs can go fuck himself."

Laughing softly at her indignation, Anthony DiNozzo quickly went into the hall.

He picked up the phone mid ring, holding it to his ear.

It was a Baltimore area code, he realized.

Who the hell would be calling me from Baltimore?



His eyes widened in shock at the familiar woman's voice.


"Who else calls you, A.J., shithead?"

He grinned as his twin sister laughed at him.

He hadn't heard that noise in 9 years.

"Oh my god! How are you and Phil?"

"Fair to middling. Our teenagers are driving us to the wacky shack, though."

Ziva came out in her light grey nightgown and asked who it was in Hebrew.

Thanks to her instruction, he could reply in English.

"It's my sister." he told her, putting his hand over the speaker.

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, we're twins. I also have an older brother out west towards Seattle."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you didn't tell her to go fuck herself. You keep talking. I'm going to get some water."

"Shouldn't you go and lay back down?"

"No. I'm up, now. Besides, I don't sleep well without you anymore." she told him as she went to the kitchen.

With a small smile, he turned his attention back to the phone.


"Sorry. I woke Phil. He's groggy so he went to get some juice."

"What's up? Why are you calling me?"

"You're invited to the week long family thing up here. Everyone's coming. Even Andrew and Jenna. The hospital gave them some time off. Say you'll come, Anthony. We all want to see you except for the old bastard but we overruled him. This shit's gone on long enough."

When he decided to be a cop instead of the head of the family business, Anthony James DiNozzo II had disowned him, sending all his children into a rage. Andrew had gone out West to be an OB-GYN, Alexandria had accepted a scholarship to Ohio State to learn to be a band director, and Tony had packed up and moved to police academy dorms.

He hadn't seen or heard from his father since he had his security throw him out.

To see his sister and brother again would be awesome.

To have Ziva meet his brother and sister would be even better. Was it too soon, though? They had only been together for 5 months. He needed to talk about it with her.

"Wow. Well, I'm all for it, Alex but I have to run it by a couple of people."

"You mean your girlfriend..." she sing-songed.

"Yes, I mean my girlfriend, Alexandria."

"Ack! Not the whole name! You sound like our sperm donor! Well, you do what you have to and call back. It's late as hell."

"And yet, you had no qualms about waking me at this late as hell hour?"

Ziva was back and giggling behind him.

Turning, he gave her a filthy look, to which she stuck out her tongue.


"Why are you so mean to me?"

"You're my little brother."

"Only by 2 minutes!" he protested same as he had for years.

"Still, you're the baby so that means that Andy and I can make your life hell. Anthony, talk to your woman and your boss because if you don't get your ass up here, we're coming down thereā€¦ with your baby pictures."

Horror filled him but before he could formulate a response, he was listening to a dial tone. Ziva's silky soft hand took the phone out of his hand and she hung it up carefully.

Getting in front of him, she arched a curious brow.

"Baby pictures?"

"Let's not go there. Ziva..."

"If Gibbs and Jenny will give us the time off, I will gladly accompany you to Baltimore." she cut off matter of factly.

He looked at her, shocked at how calm she was.

Just like that? She didn't even... I didn't have to... okay, I'm confused.

She chuckled in her "you're clueless but I don't mind it" way and kissed the tip of his nose, hugging him.

"Tony, I love you. I intend to be with you until my death, either by an explosion or beneath you at the ripe old age of 90..."

He grinned at that idea and kissed her forehead.

" meeting your family is not a burden to me. I want to meet them. Besides, your sister sounds like a chirp."

"A hoot, Ziva." he corrected.

"Whatever. I still want to meet her. She sounds like she has all the good blackmail material on you. Material I could "accidentally" slip to McGee..." she trailed off evilly.

"You better not, woman." he growled.

"You don't scare me.", she sassed.

He looked at her and realization filled her face as his fingers twitched.
He gave her a slow easy grin, making her begin to back up.

"Leave me alone!" she yelped, taking off down the hall.

Laughing, he chased after her, determined to catch her and tickle her into submission.