Ouran High School Host Club Potter Puppet Pals Presents

Tamaki's Nightmares

Author: Yes, as usual, I bring you another exciting fanfic spoof of Potter Puppet Pals. This time we are going to talk about Tamaki's interesting nightmares. We all know he has some, so let's find out what they are.

Tamaki: Hello ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I Tamaki Suoh have a great and dashing life, but let me tell you something, my life isn't always full of commoner's ramen and Haruhi in a bikini. I've seen some shit! I've been abounded by my mother, had my grandmother hate me and have had Haruhi yell at me. Although I may be successful and relatively attractive in my day life, it is at night I have horrible pain scarring nightmares that bounce around in my head. Like this one time I had this horrible nightmare:

*insert random dream sequence*

Tamaki: So I was hanging out in the Third Music Room, being all cool and shit when suddenly Kyouya came up to me. He was all like, "Tamaki, you're not sexy. What do you plan to do with life," and was getting angrier and angrier and angrier and then he flipped out and tried to kill me with a hammer.

*end sequence*

Tamaki: Then there was this other time where I was dancing with Haruhi…

*insert new dream sequence*

Tamaki: And the moment was beautiful and I was totally awesome, but then Nekozawa tried to upstage me, showing off these totally fly moves I've never seen before and the girls were like "OMG! He's totally awesome!" and I tried to bust a move in retaliation but then my feet couldn't move…

*end dream sequence*

Tamaki: It sucked! But then I had another nightmare…

*new dream sequence*

Tamaki: I was pregnant and in labor and suddenly I gave birth to Kyouya and had to raise him from infancy. Clothe him, feed him, but then I missed place him and this was terrifying…

*end dream sequence*

Tamaki: Because this meant I failed as a parent. Oh and one time I dreamt Haruhi was actually a guy.

*yet another dream…*

Tamaki: She was trying to hit on me, so me and Kyouya had a intervention and she tried to kill us with a hammer.

*once again, end damn dream*

Tamaki: And another time…

*damn you Tamaki and your flash backs! -_-*

Tamaki: I dreamt I was ugly…

*ends once more*

Tamaki: Yuck! But the worse nightmare I ever had…

*Damn you Tamaki! Stop Flash Backing!*

Tamaki: I was at Ouran and there stood Hunny and he looked so old and hungry. He kept telling me I wasn't Tamaki Suoh and I was like, "But of course I'm Tamaki Suoh Hunny,", but he kept looking at me with those sugar craving eyes and told me that this was a realm created by Bisco Hatori and that I was played by Mamoru Miyano and Vic Mignogna and that this world was made to please the young starving fangirls who have fetishes for anything from shota to yaoi.

*finally ends all dreams*

Tamaki: That sure was a crazy messed up dream. Anyway, what are some of your worse host club related dreams? Leave me a review or favorite this fanfic and remember to add an alert!

*Haruhi and the twins look at each other*

Haruhi: Ok senpai, we will do those things you just mentioned.

Twins: Alert to what?

Haruhi: Sssh!

The End and Remember to do those things Tamaki said or you will have worse nightmares! :D