Yeah, it's been a fairly long time. Missed you all. I've decided, that this is the last chapter. Oh, you guys will hate me. I've been trying quiet often to get on and write, but haven't had the time, with my school work, it's horrible. No time for nothing. Anyway, here you go :)

Disclaimer: Bahahhaha.

The night fell. It's been weeks since we've been back in Forks. We started to, attend Forks again. It's kinda weird, you know, all those people looking at you like you have six heads, because their parents knew you, from like 20 years ago. Ha, yeah, I'm getting those looks.

My problem is, is that, like, 20 years ago or so, everyone is staring at Edward and is pissing me off. I'm a girl, I get jealous, yeah yeah yeah. We've be debating back and fourth, whether or not to get married. I smacked him and I asked him why the hell on Earth wouldn't be want to. His brilliant answer was, "I don't want to force you into something you don't want." I could of killed him.

Anyway, the classes have not changed, though the teachers are new, some of them anyway. My biology teacher is still here. What fun times. The school hasn't changed, it's not anything to look forward to.

Where was I?

Alice and I have grown stronger together and Rosalie and I have as well. I love wrestling Emmett because I can stillkick his ass. It's funny. All bets are always on me. Jasper is excited that he doesn't have to not hold his breath to NOT kill me. Or something like that. Esme and Carlisle are more my parents than anything in the world. My parents are still around, for the most part. Jacob comes by often, he understands that he can't have me and respects my choice, OR so I think he does. Damn dog.

My life has changed, a lot, from a newborn, to a new family, meeting a new one. From hell, to heaven, back to hell and than from the Volturi to my old family. Life has changed a lot. Oh, in case your wondering, Amber and her coven went back to where they lived before everything. But, they still come around.

Everyone can look at me and say, "That'sEdwardCullen'sgirlfriend."

Now they can look at me and say, "That'sEdwardCullen'sfiance"

Christmas Eve, he asked me to marry him. It was beautiful. No idea what was going on. Amber and her family had flew out for the holidays. Everyone was laughing and opening up presents.

"Bella, there's one more gift for you." Edward had said.

I looked at him with confusion written all over my face, "What?"

He told me to stand up and got down on one knee, "Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?"

If vampires could cry, I would have been bawling. I cried, "Yes!"

He slid the engagement ring on my finger, picked me up, spun me around and kissed me.

For once in my life, I was happy. Happier than I had ever been. Now, whats to come?

Ha, now its over. :( Oh, drats.

Maybe I'll write again for a new story.

Any ideas? Suggestions? o.e


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