:3 Yay! I smile to myself that I got this chapter done. It's not as long as I wanted it to be though. I couldn't think of a name for this chapter either...so I just called it that.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach!


Renji looked at Ichigo, who was holding out a gift.

"Well, take it." Ichigo said.

"Why did you get me a gift?" Renji asked.

Ichigo debated for a minute on whether or not to tell him. "Well, I was going to give it to you when we went with Rukia on the trip, but they had it ready for me today. So, I decided it would be nice to give it to you now." Ichigo explained and took Renji's hand, putting the present in it. "Now then, open it." He said.

"Okay. No need to be pushy." Renji mumbled and started to open it; he tore the wrapping paper away and discarded it onto the floor. What he now held in his hand was a velvet box, which he opened.

A necklace lay inside; it had a silver chain with a small, gold, rectangular plate hanging from it, on the plate Renji's name was inscribed along with a pineapple next to it.

Renji set the gift on the table and turned to Ichigo, "Thank you." He said.

Ichigo smiled weirdly, "I'm glad you like it." He said.

Renji smirked, "Well, there is one other thing that I like more." He said.

Ichigo blushed and looked at Renji, "And what may that be?" Ichigo asked playing along with what Renji was saying.

Renji didn't answer him; instead he leaned towards Ichigo and captured his lips in a kiss.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around Renji's neck and opened his mouth when he felt Renji lick his bottom lip.

When the two pulled away from the kiss, Ichigo asked, "Do you think we should go upstairs?"

Renji smirked. "Come on." He said and led the way.

"You don't think we'll get interrupted this time, do you?" Ichigo asked and heard Renji laugh a little.

Once inside the room, Renji shut the door and Ichigo went to sit on the bed. Renji walked over to Ichigo and smirked before he kissed him roughly. Ichigo opened his mouth and Renji immediately snaked his tongue inside.

Ichigo kissed back, wrapping his arms around Renji's neck and tangling his hands in his hair. Renji leaned forward more and Ichigo fell back completely onto the bed, Renji falling on top of him.

Renji kissed down Ichigo's jaw line, trailing down his neck and torso. Ichigo felt his face heat up more and more the further Renji went down.

Soon, Renji was just teasing Ichigo, kissing around all of his sensitive spots. "Renji." Ichigo groaned a little annoyed that Renji was teasing him and at the immense pleasure he was getting in him doing so.

Renji smirked and came up to kiss Ichigo, distracting him while he ran his fingers along Ichigo's boxer line and slightly wiggled them down. He pulled away from Ichigo and removed the boxer's completely from him. Renji examined Ichigo for a minute before kissing him again and trailing down much the same way he had before.

Ichigo gasped when he felt something warm and wet lick his member. More heat flooded his face as Ichigo felt Renji coat him with his saliva. His heart pounded in his ears and raced in his chest, he shivered then gasped again when he felt Renji engulf his member completely and give a light suck. Ichigo gripped the sheets beside him and bit his bottom lip, trying to restrain himself from bucking into Renji's mouth.

Ichigo's grip tightened and the air around him seemed to rise in temperature when Renji started to bob his head and create a tempo, Renji slid his hands down along Ichigo's sides, stopping when he reached his hips, holding Ichigo in place while he continued his ministrations.

Pleasure and intensity increased for Ichigo the faster Renji went and the tighter he sucked. This continued for a while longer, temperatures ever rising. Ichigo soon was in a huge wave of heat, "Ah! Renji!" He managed to say, seconds before everything reached its peak and Ichigo came. He closed his eyes and felt Renji lick him clean while he laid there breathing heavily and riding out some of the high.

Ichigo felt Renji get up from the bed and he opened his eyes, he watched as Renji shuffled for something on the floor then stripped himself of his own boxers before rejoining Ichigo back on the bed.

Renji smirked at Ichigo, and then leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips, "You ready?" He asked.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around Renji's neck and sat up slightly, "You got me ready." He said. He then kissed Renji in a rather rough kiss.

Ichigo rolled over and almost on top of someone. He slightly opened his eyes to see who he almost crushed. He saw Renji and his eyes immediately shot open. "Shit!" He cursed and sat up in the bed too fast that he went dizzy for a few seconds.

Renji stirred next to Ichigo, "What are you cursing for?" He mumbled.

Ichigo fell back on the bed and sighed, "I wasn't supposed to stay here last night." He said.

"How come?" Renji asked then yawned and stretched. "You said over the phone that you could."

"Did I?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes." Renji answered and pulled Ichigo close to him.

Ichigo laid there for a few minutes before turning to face Renji while lying down on the bed. Renji's eyes were closed and his hair was falling around him and some strands over his face. Ichigo pushed the strands away, thinking Renji had fallen back asleep.

"I can tell you're staring at me, whatta ya want?" Renji asked, opening one eye to look at Ichigo.

Ichigo jumped slightly, and then smiled at Renji. "Thought you fell back asleep," Ichigo said. "I'm hungry."

Renji rolled his eyes, "I'm too comfortable to get up." He said.

"But-" Ichigo started before his stomach interrupted him, growling rather loudly.

"Fine." Renji said and let go of Ichigo. He sat up, stretched and yawned. "You should call your dad; I don't want you to get into trouble because of me."

"Funny," Ichigo said, "I would have never expected you to say that."

Renji smirked at Ichigo, "Thought as much." He leaned closer to Ichigo till his face was a few inches away. He placed a finger under his chin. "I do care about you." He said before placing a light kiss on Ichigo's lips.

Ichigo looked rather shocked. Two things he didn't expect from Renji in less than a minute.

Renji got off the bed and stood up. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out some clean boxers, slipping them on. "You can borrow some of my boxers if ya want, or you can take the ones ya left over here the last time."

Ichigo blushed before he scrambled out of the bed and walked over to Renji's dresser, he shuffled through it for a while before he found a pair of boxers he liked and slipped them on, not really caring about the ones he left.

Renji smirked and watched as Ichigo slipped on his favorite pair of boxers, but he wasn't going to let Ichigo know that just yet. "Call your dad." He said, "And whatta ya want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes," Ichigo said and picked up his pants, pulling out his phone, he glanced at the time, 10:14 a.m., before looking back at Renji.

Renji gave Ichigo a look that said what-the-hell-could-you-possibly-want-pancakes-for-you-know-we-have-other-food before he walked out of the room.

Ichigo sighed and opened his phone, dialing his dad's number.

Hello? Ichigo? The man answered from the other end.

"Yeah, Dad, it's me." Ichigo answered.

Where the hell are you? You know Yuzu was worried about you.

"I know. Tell her sorry for me. I'm still at Renji's house."

Oh? Did you guys make up?

"Make up? What the hell are you talking about?" Ichigo asked a little annoyed.

You didn't go over there for so long, I figured you guys weren't seeing each other anymore.

"S-Seeing each other?! What the hell do you mean?!"

Ah! Sorry! Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.

Ichigo waited a second before he sighed and responded, "You're not jumping to conclusions." He said, "And if you must know Renji was going through a tough time, his parents died."

I know, I know, sorry. Are you-wait, did you say I wasn't jumping to conclusions?! Does that mean that you and-and Renji are dating?!

Ichigo sighed, not really wanting to talk to his dad about that fact, "Now is not the best time to discuss this."

Ah, you're right, but that doesn't answer my question; are you two?!

Ichigo sighed again, "Yes."

Since when?

"Since before the accident, about two months, maybe."

I can't believe- I didn't know that my own son was gay! Regardless, though, don't let him hurt you. Ah! I'm so happy though! That my son has finally got a boyfriend!

Ichigo could almost feel his dad's smiling and happiness through the phone, and he was glad that he couldn't see him because of his blush.

Anyway back to what I was going to ask before, are you coming home?

"Not right yet and defiantly not if you're going to act like that. I'm going to eat first, then I may come home."

Ichigo heard his dad sigh slightly through the phone, Alright, just be safe. Then Ichigo heard: Ah! Yuzu! Karin! You're never going to believe this! Ichigo has a- and Ichigo shut his phone in annoyance.

"Damn dad!" Ichigo said and threw his phone on Renji's bed.

"What 'smatter?" Renji asked walking into the room and over to Ichigo.

"My dad just found out that we were dating, and he's going to tell everyone! Do you know how much teasing I'm going to get?!" Ichigo asked.

"Calm down." Renji said and wrapped his arms around Ichigo. "It can't be that bad." He murmured in his ear.

"Yeah, like you would even know." Ichigo whispered, already calmed by Renji's touch.

"Let's go eat." Renji said.

"Okay." Ichigo replied and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait." Renji said, "Ya might want to put some cloths on first, unless of course, ya want my cleaning ladies and cook to see you half naked."

"Cleaning ladies?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah. Ya don't think I clean this huge house on my own, do ya? We've had the cleaning ladies ever since I could remember; I called them before ya came over the other day. I have three, Linda, Charlette, and May. They come over every Sunday." Renji said and threw some cloths at Ichigo.

"Hey, that reminds me," Ichigo said, catching the cloths, "Are you gonna take over your parents company?"

Renji frowned a second before responding, "Technically I already have. I have someone managing it for me though, so I don't have to worry. If I took it over completely I'd be going on business trips and never see you, or finish school."

Ichigo smiled and started to get dressed, "We're almost done with school aren't we?"

"Yeah." Renji said as he finished getting dressed. He walked out of the room and to the bathroom, Ichigo followed as soon as he was done, grabing his phone and shoving it into his pocket on the way out.

Renji stood in front of the mirror, hair tie in his mouth and brush in his hands; he brushed his hair and then pulled it into a pony tail, using the brush to make it flat before he pulled it up completely. His ends seemed to magically stand up in their usual spikes.

Renji then took the brush and walked over to Ichigo, "Let me brush your hair." He said, eyeing Ichigo's really messy hair.

"No way." Ichigo said back and walked away from the advancing Renji.

"Come on!" Renji said.

"No." Ichigo shook his head.

"Why not?" Renji asked.

"'Cause I don't want you to and that would be just weird!" He turned away from Renji and walked rather fast down the hallway.

"I'm going to whether you want me to or not." Renji said.

"I don't want my hair brushed!" Ichigo exclaimed, "I'm fine with the way it is!" He ran down the rest of the hallway and down the stairs. Renji chased after him.

Ichigo rounded the corner and made it a few feet into the living room before Renji tackled him and they fell to the ground. Renji straddled Ichigo and quickly brushed his hair, ignoring his struggling and the few laughs and stares he got from his cleaning ladies.

Renji set the brush down next to them and smirked, "There, see, now that wasn't so bad was it?" He asked.

"I've never seen you so friendly with someone before." One of his cleaning ladies said. She was short with long blond hair and green eyes.

"Ah, yes." Renji said, picking up the brush and getting up, then he helped a blushing Ichigo up. He set the brush on a near-by side table. "As I told you on the phone Linda, this is my boyfriend, Ichigo."

Ichigo raised his hand and smiled to everyone, then his stomach growled and he blushed even more.

Renji laughed lightly, "Come on," He said, "Into the Kitchen."

"I don't need a guide." Ichigo mumbled and walked into the Kitchen. He was immediately greeted by the smell of pancakes and deliciousness.

"Good morning, sir." The cook said from in front of the stove.

"Good morning." Renji said, and sat down at the table. Ichigo did the same.

"Breakfast will be ready in about five minutes." The cook said.

Renji nodded his head, "This is Ichigo by the way." He motioned to Ichigo.

The cook smiled, "Nice to meet you, I'm Bard, Renji's chef."

"It's nice to meet you, too." Ichigo said.

"What're we doing today?" Renji asked Ichigo after a brief silence.

"Dunno. I'm going home after breakfast, have to make sure everything's packed for the trip tomorrow, wanna come?" Ichigo asked.

Renji thought about this for a moment, "Do ya me to?" Renji asked.

Ichigo just shrugged and Bard came over and served them pancakes. "I think I made too much…" Bard said motioning to the mountains of pancakes on the counter.

Renji's eye twitched, "Ya think…" He mumbled. "Why don't you and the ladies eat with us?" He offered.

Bard nodded his head and he walked out of the Kitchen.

Soon the table Ichigo and Renji were sitting at was full with chatter, laughs, and smiles. Everyone was enjoying themselves.

Renji stood with Ichigo at the door, "Want me to come with you?" He asked.

Ichigo shook his head, "I'll be fine, 'sides, I'm seeing you tomorrow."

Renji smirked, "How do ya plan on gettin' home?"

Ichigo shrugged, "Same way I got here, the bus."

"Ya know I could always drive you home, right?"

Ichigo opened the door, "Fine." He said, "Drive me home." Ichigo watched Renji smirk and disappear up the stairs, no doubt to go find his keys. Ichigo stepped outside and waited for Renji to come back.

He smiled to himself. Next week is going to be a fun one. He thought.


I'll update within the next two weeks, promise!

Please Review!