This is my first attempt at writing for Wicked. This is a short one shot about Boq and my personal favourite character, Nessarose. Hope you like it!

(Of course I don't own the characters or any of Wicked...)

'That's it! I've had enough!'

'Boq?' Nessarose started as Boq burst suddenly into her room with a look of half anger, half determination. He thrust a piece of paper in front of her face.

'What's this?'

'You know exactly what it is!' He shouted, throwing the paper to the floor. 'Another new law taking away more of the Munchkinlanders freedom. Haven't you done enough to them?'

'Boq please you know it's not like that. I only want to keep you here and if it wasn't for the laws…'

'I'm not letting it go on any more. I'm putting to end to this right now!'

He grabbed the handles of Nessarose's chair and began pushing her to the door.

'What are you doing? Where are you taking me?' Nessa's voice wavered. She had never seen Boq so angry before.

'To the chapel. We are going to be married. Then you'll have me for the rest of my life to do as you please with me but you can let the Munchkins go!'

'Boq, I…'

'Wait. What am I thinking?' He let go of the chair and ran to her wardrobe, flinging open the doors. 'We need to get you ready first. Every bride should look her best for her wedding day!'

'Boq please stop! You're hysterical!'

Boq ignored Nessa's plea and began pulling dresses from the wardrobe and throwing them to the floor until he found the one he had been looking for. 'This is the one. It's perfect.' He threw the dress at Nessa. It was the one she had worn to the Ozdust dance. 'And now your hair. I think you should have it down like you used to.' Boq moved back to Nessa's chair. He grabbed her shoulder with one hand and with the other he began pulling out the pins from her hair that she used to fix it into a bun.

'Please Boq you're scaring me,' Nessa had begun to cry now and she could feel herself trembling.

'What's wrong Nessa? Isn't this what you want?'

'Not like this.' The tears turned to sobs as she leant forwards, her head in her hands. 'I want you to marry me because you love me.'

'Well we can't have everything we want can we? Right. Are we ready?'

He once again grabbed the handles of the chair, but this time he pushed it with such force that Nessarose tumbled forwards and landed on the floor. It was at this point that Boq caught a glimpse of himself in the large mirror on the wardrobe door. What he saw scared him. Reflected back at him was a man almost hysterical with anger, visibly shaking from the emotion he felt. He stared for a moment before his concentration was drawn away by the sound of Nessa quietly crying. He looked at her properly for the first time since he entered the room. She was slumped on the floor where she fell, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. The dress Boq had thrown at her lay beside her on the floor. She looked up at Boq, fear showing plainly in her eyes.

'What have I done?' Boq took a step backwards, horrified. He sank to his knees in the middle of the floor. 'Nessarose…Nessa…I'm so sorry.'

Nessarose shook her head. 'You shouldn't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I just wanted to keep you here and I…I…' She pulled herself across the floor towards Boq. He pulled her close to him and held her until her tears slowly stopped falling.

'What's happened to us?' He attempted to smile. 'Weren't we once just carefree students at Shiz?'

Boq sighed. That was a long time ago.

Let me know what you think!