ISeeDeadPPL- Rose

SuperSpirt- Lissa

PyrOzera- Christian

D_Belikov- Dimitri

PhantomofDreams- Adrian

MadeForTheFlies- Victor

J_Hathaway- Janine Hathaway

HMK- head master Kivora

DeadandGone- Mason

TwilightNinja- Eddie

Iseedeadppl has singed in

SuperSpirit has signed in

Iseedeasppl: HI LISSA!!!!!

SuperSpirit: umm… hi Rose are you on something?

Iseedeadppl: no why?

SuperSpirt: cause ur being so preppy

Iseedeadppl: I discovered the genius that is MCR

SuperSpirit: MCR?

Iseedeadppl- My Chemical Romance

SuperSpirt- aren't they emo

Iseedeadppl- IDK they're awesome

Iseedeadppl- *plays Black Parade by MCR*

When I was
A young boy,
My father
Took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said,
"Son when
You grow up,
Would you be
The savior of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said
"Will you
Defeat them,
You demons,
And all the non believers,
The plans that they have made?
Because one day
I'll leave you,
A phantom
To lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade."

When I was,
A young boy
My father, took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, "Son when you grow up,
will you be the savior of the broken,
the beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling, she's watching over me
And other times I feel like I should go
Went through it all, the rise and fall
The bodies in the streets
And when you're gone we want you all to know

We'll carry on, We'll carry on
And though you're all dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it

A woman sends you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all
So paint it black and take it back
Let's shout out loud and clear
Defiant to the end we hear the call

To carry on

We'll carry on,
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches
On and on we carry through the fears
Oh oh oh

disappointed faces of your peers
Oh oh oh

PyrOzera has signed in

Take a look at me 'cause I could not care at all
Do or die
You'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Come and try; you'll never break me
We want it all, we want to play this part
I won't explain, or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer, for all the broken
Listen here, because it's who we are
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero
Just a boy, whose meant to sing this song
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero

We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches on
Do or die
You'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Come and try; you'll never break me
We want it all, we want to play this part
Do or die
You'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try; you'll never break me
We want it all, we want to play this part
We'll carry on

PyrOzera- I love this song!

Iseedeadpple- when did you get on

SuperSpirit- Play nice you two

ISeeDeadPPL- - _ -

SuperSpirt- Love ur sn Chris

PyrOzera- Love yours to but I love you even better Lissy

ISeeDeadPPL- *Prays* God I know I haven't talked to you in a while but please, please save me of the torture that Christian and Lissa are putting me through!!

D_Belikov has signed in


D_Belikov- O.o *Reads the above txt*

ISeeDeadPPL- I never thought id be so glad to see someone!!! :3

SuperSpirt- Hi Guardian Belikov

PyrOzera- what she said

D_Belikov- hi Rose, Lissa, and Christian

ISeeDeadPPL- Tell me all about your problems, I was killing b4 killing was cool.

D_Belikov- O.o

SuperSpirt- O.o

pyrOzera- what my chemical romance- kill all your friends

ISeeDeadPPl- for once Christian is actually right!

pyrOzera- *Punches Rose*

ISeeDeadPPL- *Knees Christian in the balls*

pyrOzera- how come Lissa or Guardian Belikov haven't stopped us yet

SuperSpirt- we took bets how long it would take you guys to figure out we weren't stopping you yet.

D_Belikov- and I won :D

ISeeDeadPPL- Dimitri that wasn't nice

D_Belikov- ;P

D_Belikov has signed off.

ISeeDeadPPl has signed off

SuperSpirit- hey chistian, want to come over?

pyrOzera- hell yeah

SuperSpirit- LANGUAGE

pyrOzera- sowwy :(

SuperSpirit has logged off

pyrOzera- doesn't anyone say good by any more!!!

Chat room has been closed

I know it wasn't hilarious but it shall be soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!