CSOH: Be aware, if you end up with this job. You should probably do the following...

Call the red shield

Hide in bomb shelter

Make sure all doors are securely locked and there are no cracks

Have at least 3months worth of food

Be afraid

Solomon: She was never that bad... Well... Um...

CSOH: Go back to my room Solomon.

--------------------------------------( I win)---------------------------------------------------------

Amshel's Note to the Sitter

Amshel sat down at his desk and started to write a note. It was the first time he had ever left Diva with a sitter and he wanted to come back to find them both alive.

____________________________________________________________________________ Pierre,

Diva is very important to me and I expect her to be in the same condition I leave her in. If not you're not getting paid. Here are a few guidelines I suggest you follow or else she will ensure your stay is far from pleasant.

1.) She eats when she wants, whatever she wants.

2.) When she wants to leave call Nathan or Solomon

3.) If she goes for your neck, run and call Nathan

4.) She doesn't listen to commands so don't tell her she has to do something.

5.) If she makes a mess, you clean it up.

6.) Never yell at her, she can hurt you

7.) Never argue with her, she's always right.

8.) Keep the phone on you at all times.

9.) If she tells you to do something and you don't want to do it, ask her if she's hungry.

10.) She will probably destroy all her things, don't worry about it. That's just the way she is.

11.) If a man named Karl comes, call James.

12.) Don't have any animals or other people near Diva. She is not the animal loving type nor the social type



Amshel put that letter aside and grabbed another paper. It wouldn't hurt to try and tell her not to kill the human.



I have a meeting in Russia and will be gone for a few hours. I have a human coming to watch over you. Don't kill him or make him a chevalier. I will be back soon.



Amshel sat back. "Maybe the human will survive." He shook his head as he handed the letters to James and made his way to his car. It was highly doubtful.