A/N: Hello all. This is my first attempt at an Ouran High School Host Club fanfiction, so I hope you enjoy it! Please read and review. All reviews are extremely appreciated!! Thanks in advance! ^.^

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club or anything affiliated with it. If I did, we'd already have a season 2 by now. :P


"Do you ever wonder what exactly he's writing in that thing?"

Upon hearing his voice—dripping, as always, with dangerous mischief—I turned my glance from my book to Hikaru. He stood with his arm around Kaoru's waist; both boys were watching Kyoya Senpai from a distance, with looks of curiosity and sly smiles on their faces.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, not entirely sure if I truly wanted to know the answer.

Hikaru turned around to face me and grinned. "Well, don't you ever wonder what Kyoya Senpai writes in that notebook of his?"

Kaoru added, "He seems to always be writing in it, even when there's no data or important notes to record. It's weird."

I shrugged. "It's his business, and it doesn't affect me, so I don't really care."

"Aw, come on, Haruhi!" Hikaru exclaimed. "You can't be that objective all the time. You must wonder!"

"Curiosity is just a part of human nature," Kaoru finished.

Now I looked over to Kyoya Senpai, who was—as predicted—still jotting down words in his notebook, his hands moving across the pages like speedy, slender bolts of lightning. I had to admit it was strange. At the present moment, nothing much was happening at the club. We had not yet opened for business—we had at least fifteen more minutes until our clients showed up—so, we actually had a little down time. I chose to catch up on homework, while Tamaki Senpai set up some final decorations for our guests. Honey Senpai and Mori Senpai were having their own private tea party with Usa-chan. The twins…well, they were observing Kyoya Senpai. And Kyoya Senpai? Writing in that notebook of his. Writing about what? What was there to record at the moment?

"You think it's some kind of diary?" Kaoru offered.

Hikaru contemplated the idea. "It could be. I bet if we actually got to read it, we'd find out a whole lot about Kyoya Senpai."

"He's always been so mysterious," Kaoru said. "The boss is the only one who seems to really know him."

"And we're always in the dark. It's not fair," Hikaru agreed.

"Hey, wait, guys!" I said quickly. "Before you think of doing anything stupid, like stealing it from him or something, think about this: maybe it just has future plans for club events and activities. Those will all be revealed to us in due time; we don't need to know about them at the moment. Or maybe it just has a lot of technical stuff about the club. Financial records, you know, that sort of thing; I'm sure none of us really want to read about that. And finally, maybe it is a diary."

The twins smiled. "So, you do think it could be a diary, Haruhi?" they asked in unison.

"Well, maybe. But if it was, the worst thing we could do is steal it and read it! How would you feel if someone knew all your private thoughts and feelings?"

Hikaru offered, "We already let the club in on our thoughts and feelings."

Kaoru added, "They know of our battle between friendship and love."

"They know of our childhood traumas, our dependency on one another, our social anxiety…"

"They know a lot about us. Not everything, of course. But enough."

"But what do we know about Kyoya Senpai? Besides his boring, clichéd father issues?"

I pondered it for a moment. "Well, maybe we don't know much about him. But that doesn't give us the right to invade his privacy."

Hikaru laughed heartily. "Wow, you're such a prude, Haruhi!" He then tightened his grasp around Kaoru's waist and looked him in the eyes. "Come on, Kaoru. We don't need this stick in the mud to help us get that notebook." The two smiled and began approaching Kyoya Senpai.

"Guys, knock it off! Don't do anything stupid," I warned, but it was hopeless. I knew once they had made up their minds about something, they were going to carry it out fully. I rose from my seat and caught up with them as they reached Kyoya Senpai.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi. How may I help you?" Kyoya Senpai asked, without taking his eyes or pen off his notebook.

Hikaru immediately answered, "Your dad is here, Senpai. He said he needs to talk to you."

Kyoya Senpai's storm-colored eyes widened at the mention of his father. "What the hell is he doing here?" he said, more to himself than to us.

Hikaru and Kaoru shrugged. "I don't know, but we saw him downstairs. Near the auditorium. He asked us to get you for him," the two said in that perfect unison that sometimes really frightened me.

"I didn't see you two leave the room," Kyoya Senpai said, suspicious.

"We just went to the bathroom. You were too focused on that silly notebook of yours to be paying attention, I guess," Hikaru said.

Kyoya Senpai looked uncertain, but he slowly put his notebook down on a nearby table and began leaving the room. Tamaki Senpai immediately looked over to him, concerned. "Kyoya, where are you going? The guests will be arriving any minute."

Kyoya Senpai answered, "I'll be back in time. Don't worry, Tamaki."

Tamaki Senpai nodded, but he continued to look worried. Although Kyoya Senpai kept an emotionless expression on his face, Tamaki Senpai could read what was behind it and know that his friend was upset. He looked as if he would go after Kyoya Senpai to ensure he was all right, but the Shadow King had already made his way out the door.

Hikaru and Kaoru grinned, satisfied with their work. They each put one hand on the notebook Kyoya Senpai left behind and opened it. "Okay. Let's see what this baby says."

I attempted to protest for a final time. "Guys, this is so wrong. I'll tell Tamaki Senpai if you don't stop."

"Ooh, you'll go running to Daddy, will you?" Hikaru chuckled.

Kaoru looked up at me and smiled. "Haruhi, the first paragraph on this page is all about you."

"It is?"

Kaoru nodded. "I bet there's some juicy stuff in here. You sure you don't want to know what Kyoya Senpai really thinks of you?"

I contemplated it. I knew it was wrong, but I had to admit I was curious. Sometimes I got the impression that Kyoya Senpai disliked me; other times I wondered if he liked me as more than a friend. I kind of wanted to know which it was. "Well…I guess I wouldn't mind knowing…just so I can…"

"Say no more!" Hikaru said happily. "Come sit on my lap and we'll all read it together."

I narrowed my eyes. "In your dreams. I'll pull up a chair." I took a stool from nearby and sat on it, craning my neck to read Kyoya Senpai's writing. And once this was accomplished, what I saw written in beautiful handwriting and shadowy ink on the porcelain page shocked me more than I could have imagined.