Ask Us

by: emaleelilac

Chad: Welcome to "Ask Chad!"

Sonny: Chad! It's also 'Ask Sonny, Tawni, Nico, Grady, and Zora!'

Chad: Ask Chad sounds better.

Tawni: Agreed to disagree. I like 'Ask Tawni!'

Nico: Guys! We're supposed to explain this story thing!

Grady: Yeah, ask your favorite or least favorite character from Sonny with a Chance any question-

Sonny: But it has to be rating appropriate!

Grady: Right.

Tawni: And the author will do her best to answer it in character because the author is mean to us and writes us out of character! She is so-

Zora: Tawni! The author can lock you up again so shut up!

Tawni: Yeah, so?

Chad: She could make you un-pretty.

Tawni: Oh my, you're right! The author is awesome! I was kidding, girl!

Chad: And the questions have to be realistic.

Sonny: Right, so you can't ask how Chad is so hot cause he's not.

Author: Cough, cough. I think he is.

Chad: In your face, Sonny.

Sonny: Oh boo.

Chad: Did you just blow a raspberry at me?

Sonny: I think I did. What are you going to do about it?

Chad: I do not do stuff! People do stuff for me!

Author: Enough you two!

Chad and Sonny: Sorry.

Nico: And each chapter will be us answering your questions!

Grady: And remember to put who you're asking or the author won't know which one of us is going to answer it!

Zora: And you can ask more than one character at a time.

Tawni: So, we are looking forward to answering your questions, there will be at least 10 questions for a new chapter, maybe more.

Author: Right, so now the disclaimer! Portlyn!


Portlyn: As much as the au-au

Author: Sound it out!

Portlyn: Author! Would like to own Sonny with a Chance and dis-dis- disturb-in-ingly! Disturbingly own us, she does not, so sorry.

Chad: Who doesn't want to own me?

Portlyn: This is not your disclaimer, Chad! Get out!

Chad: Fine, fine.

Portlyn: So, the author owns nothing and has resorted to writing fan fiction, so just ask the questions and all of us will answer them!

Author: Well done, Portlyn! Well bye!

--- Tee hee hee. This idea has been in my head forever so ask anything, but as Sonny said, rating appropriate. Bye!