Chapter 6 In A Today That Feels Like A Tomorrow

They finished eating and Brooke gestured to Peyton that she needed to sleep, they said their goodnights and made their way upstairs to Peyton's room. Brooke quickly changed for bed and climbed into the four-poster. As soon as her head hit the pillow her closed and she was fast asleep. Peyton however was wide-awake, she decided she would leave Brooke here and go back to her time and see her family. She felt nervous about this trip essentially she would be a visitor in her own life. She was terrified truth be told, but she felt the need to see for herself the kind of future she had.

Peyton got out the timepiece and thought of home 2008, she landed with a swoosh in the bedroom of the house she shared with Luke. He had a smile on his face even in sleep and he looked more handsome than she remembered. There was no double of her in this future as she was returning from the past and technically didn't exist in the future hence she was able to travel here without running into her double.

She walked over to the bed and Luke felt it dip as she took her place at his side, she leant down to kiss him on the lips, he responded by kissing her back. He made an adorable noise at the back of his throat as he realized who was kissing him; he opened his eyes and saw his beautiful wife staring back down at him.

'Hi babe'. Peyton smiled at her husband, the word still sounded foreign in her mind.

'Hi yourself, that was a great way to wake up'. He smirked at her and tugged on her hand, until she was draped over him. He pulled the duvet up and felt her body slide over his as she nestled closer into his side. Not feeling satisfied with the contact he reached across her and took off her dress. She lay next to him in just her underwear; he pulled her until she was lying on top of him.

'Much better, now what can we do this morning that will take about an hour?' Luke mused. She smiled down at him and kissed him on the lips.

'You read my mind wifey'. She smiled into his lips and felt his tongue graze the seam of her lips, she deepened the kiss and felt him press himself a little closer to her.

'God this feels good, it feels like forever since we did this'. Peyton sighed into his chest as she pressed a kiss to the steady beat of his heart.

'And by forever you mean last night?' He quirked his eyebrow at her and smiled into her eyes. She ran her hands down his chest and felt his pulse quicken as she reached down further. She shifted her hips so that she was pressing into him, he grunted in anticipation, his girl felt right in the most delicious way.

'Peyton are you going to finish what you started?' She smirked at him and pressed herself just that little bit closer he growled low in his throat and kissed her deeply. She responded with equal passion, he ran his hands up her back and rested them deep within her hair. He flipped them over and once he felt her tight body lay still beneath him he grinded ever so gently into her.

'Ok you have to stop doing that or do something about my underwear' He smiled at her and teased her a little bit more. Her eyes glazed over with lust and she really, really wanted to feel him inside her, it felt like she had been missing something for too long now and foreplay could wait until later.

He slipped her underwear off torturously slowly and placed his lips on her stomach and trailed a line down her legs, he took a moment to gaze at her and just be with her. This was the part he loved the most, just being able to look at her and take his time. She always looked beautiful right before they made love, well she looked beautiful all the time but the way she looked at him made his heart beat faster and he could barely contain himself. No other woman had ever had this effect on him and it never got old or tired.

'Luke whatever you're doing down there don't stop, God I've missed this'. He just continued his ministrations, he slipped his tongue over her and felt her quiver just that little bit that caused a shiver to run down his spine, if this was her reaction to him gently tasting her then they were both in for a wild ride.

She unhooked her own bra and lay there in all her naked glory; he sucked in a breath and thanked her silently with his eyes for agreeing to spend her life with him. She grinned at him and shook her chest at him in a sexy way,

'Why Mrs Scott are you trying to seduce me?

'Is it working?' She glanced at his bulge and decided that yes it most definitely was working.

'God yes'. He raised himself above her and slid his boxers down, she looked up at him and said, 'I love you', 'I love you too Mrs Scott'. He perched his arms either side of her and pushed himself into her, he quickened the pace as her hips raised up to meet his, he could feel himself falling in the best kind of way.

He didn't know how she did it but she always made him harder but just clenching around him a little tighter as though wanting him to thrust deeper. He raised her legs so that her feet were over his shoulders and he slowly pushed in and out of her. He knew this drove her wild. He kept this pace up and felt her come closer, he thrust one last time and just held himself there as he felt them both release at the same time. He slowly eased her legs down and placed kisses across her belly before joining his lips to hers. She deepened the kiss and he finally pulled himself out of her and lay down beside her, she draped her legs over him and cuddled in to his side before placing her head next to his heart and placing a tender kiss there. She sighed in contentment and he finally felt like his every dream had just come true, he had a beautiful and sexy wife and the cutest set of twins anyone could ask for.

Peyton fell asleep in his arms and dreamt of happiness and love surrounded by people close to her heart. She didn't think about the future or the implications that time travelling would have on it, all she saw was her and Luke finally happy and living the life they were always destined for. It felt pretty good.

She awoke to the sound of giggling and two lumps perched on the bed, Sawyer (the girl) was sitting on Peyton's stomach and William was bouncing on top of Luke. They were both giggling and poking their parents trying to wake them up.

'Daddy wake up, Daddy wake up. We're hungry and you told us we couldn't make our own breakfast after what happened last time'. William stared down into Luke's face and waited for his eyes to open signalling he was awake.

'Mommy please get up-we're so hungry!!' Peyton looked up into the greenest pair of eyes she had ever seen-they looked almost blue, she was absolutely stunning and she looked like a younger version of Peyton.

'Good morning baby girl, I'll be up in a minute why don't you too go watch some T.V for ten minutes whilst I get daddy up and we fix you something to eat sound good?' Sawyer nodded her head and then leant forward and kissed her mother's cheek. Peyton felt her tiny arms wrap around her neck and she pulled her daughter closer to her.

Sawyer and William ran into the living room and put some cartoons on, they could hear the laughter from the bedroom. Peyton just smiled and pressed herself a little closer to Luke, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and then turned to her and whispered he loved her. She smiled and pulled him in for a searing kiss; before it could get too heated he stood from the bed and clasped her small hand inside his own. She wrapped her arms around his waist and draped herself over him; he just pulled her even closer and sighed in contentment.

Luke put some coffee on and started making up a batch of pancakes, Peyton stood at the kitchen counter and got out plates and cutlery she set the table and went to find her babies. They were lying on their stomachs in front of the television.

'Breakfast guys, Dad made pancakes, come on turn that off and come with me'. Peyton scooped up Sawyer and William clung to her hand, she walked down the hallway and Luke swore his heart stopped in his chest, to see mini versions of themselves clinging to her made him feel all sorts of different things. Peyton was a young mother and she looked devastatingly beautiful with their babies clinging to her.

'Come on you two, it's going to get cold'. Peyton seated her two children and before she could sit, Luke put his arms around her and pecked her lips quickly; he tasted of pancake batter and orange juice. He tasted of a life that she had only been given but a glimpse at, she was hoping it would be more permanent but she needed to go back to London and talk to Herbert about these latest developments. Not to mention the fact that she had left Brooke stranded there, she knew Herbert could probably get her back but she really needed some questions answered and Brooke would want to know that she hadn't been abandoned.

Breakfast was a noisy affair in the Scott household, both kids happily chatted away about school and what they were doing, Peyton just smiled and gazed around her in wonder. She really didn't know what to say, she knew she liked this reality the best and just wanted a little more time to soak it all in before she left again.

Luke got the twins ready, kissed Peyton on the lips and rushed out the door, they all waved madly as he reversed down the driveway. Peyton had just grinned and blown them all kisses; she went back inside and sat down on the bed. It was time, she had never felt less sure of what she was doing, she really didn't want to go back but she realised that she needed answers almost as much as she needed to find Brooke.

She clasped the watch in her hand and pictured Herbert's studio, she landed with a thump on the couch. Brooke had been standing by the windows and saw Peyton come flying into the room. She chuckled at her.

'Thank God you're back, we were going to come and get you if you had taken any longer'.

'Good to see you too Brooke. I was gone a day, why all the panic?'

'Peyton I've been here for a week, time seems to move differently when you spend it in the past'. Brooke looked at the surprise on Peyton's face and just shrugged her shoulders.

'What do you want to do today Brooke?'

'Let's go sightseeing we can meet up with Herbert later'. Peyton nodded her assent and they walked outside. The weather was muggy and the air was thick with the smell of fish, they were close to the docks.

'Brooke, I saw Sawyer and William. They're beautiful and amazing. I really love my life, but I need to stay here and figure some things out'. Brooke just nodded and hugged her friend she'd had many conversations regarding Peyton's time travelling with Herbert, and she knew they were only at the beginning of what would become her life's work.

'Honey, I love that you're happy and I know you need to figure stuff out here first, but I really need to get back'. They spent the day wandering around London; it was the most relaxed they had both been in a long time. When it came time to say goodbye, Brooke's eyes welled with unshed tears, this was so much harder than she had originally thought.

Peyton took Brooke back and couldn't resist going over to her house, she pushed the front door open and was quickly enveloped in hugs from the twins.

'Mommy we missed you'. Sticky little fingers clawed at her clothing and then Luke was walking towards her, his face was covered in what looked like dough.

'What is going on here?' Peyton looked from Luke to her children and just started giggling.

'Daddy was cooking and we were helping him'.

'I can see that, but why is he covered in dough and only your hands are sticky huh?'

'Well we threw it at Daddy and then we ran and hid, he couldn't find us, so we waited then we heard your car in the drive and knew it was ok to come out'.

Luke just shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom, he emerged five minutes later with a freshly scrubbed face and planted a kiss on her. He tasted of sugar and fun.

'Hi babe, we missed hanging out with you. Brooke called and told us you were on your way'.

'Hey yourself, well I need to go see Brooke about something real quick. I'll be back soon okay. Do you think you can stay out of trouble?' Luke nodded his head and the twins hugged her.

She kissed him one last time and then disappeared out the front door. Before she got into her car she took in the view one last time.

She drove to the beach and parked her car, she said hello to Brooke and then poof she was gone. She landed in her bedroom at Herbert's house, it was dark and she could tell that it was late; she climbed into bed and fell asleep. She was exhausted, everything about her trip had been emotionally wrenching for her and all she really wanted was a warm bed and maybe a Luke. That she would have to wait for, but for now she would stay here and find out where her life was heading.

Sunlight peeked through the gap in the curtains and she sighed loudly, she really just wanted to wake up with her husband beside her and the twins just down the hall. She would set some ground rules with Herbert today and inform him that she would do what he asked of her, but there would be concessions. She wanted to spend more time with her family-it was non-negotiable.

Herbert met her at the bottom of the stairs and they walked in silence to his workshop. They spent the day hashing out the details of how this would work. Herbert told her he would only ever visit her when he needed her help, he would appear at her office only and she was not to tell anyone of her new found abilities. Peyton promised she wouldn't, there didn't really seem anything left to say and she was itching to get back home.

He wished her well and told her the next mission would be soon, but that he wouldn't call on her until it was absolutely necessary. She nodded and vanished. She was home and the feeling was indescribable.

Luke was sleeping on his stomach and had a goofy look on his face, she was so happy to see him. She stripped and climbed into bed beside him.

'Hey you, the twins went to bed early and I was too tired to wait up for you'. She snuggled into his side and said not to tired to welcome me home she cooed in his ear. He turned to her and smiled.

'It's never too late to welcome you home Peyt, in fact I was hoping you wouldn't be much longer, cos now that you're here I'm wide awake'

'Good, cos I was thinking we could pick up where we left off'.

He just kissed her and pulled her so that she was straddling his hips, she rocked gently on top of him and felt him begin to groan. She leant over him and pressed her naked body to his chest and kissed him with a passion she had almost forgotten he could inspire in her.

They made love all night and both were soon bathed in a thin sheen of sweat, she lazily draped her legs over his body, he pulled her closer still craving her touch and her scent. He pressed a sweet kiss to her lips, it was full of a promise of a forever and maybe even another child had been conceived borne out of their passion for one another. It was moments like that, and pieces of themselves splintered through one another that made Peyton glad she had been patient and waited out the storm instead of tempting fate and changing her path. She didn't know where her life would lead her but she knew it would always be with Luke right beside her. Destiny had foretold their love and twined their souls long ago on a full moon and a night full of mayhem. It had weaved its magic and brought them together, there was nothing in this life that would ever tear them apart.

Or so Peyton thought, little did she know that her time travelling was about to pick up in earnest, in his greatest time of need Herbert would call on her. She would never be able to refuse his request and so it had begun……


A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers and people who story alerted. This has been a lot of fun to write and it's not completely over. There will be a sequel-so look out for that!