The irish troll stared at the bundle, quite shocked. She tilted her head to the side and nudged it with her foot. At once, strong wails were heard and she covered her ears. Two other trolls appeared, those different from the first by their high body and their bat-like looks.

They growled.

"What is that?" asked one of them.

- It's a human's filfth! Let's get rid of it!

- But maybe we could sell it!

- No!

While they were arguing, the irish troll knowed as Lucy, leaned over the bundle and saw two gleaming human eyes full of tears. That baby girl (she knew it was a girl, she could smell it) could not be older than two days and it had be abandonned there in the more dangerous alley of Brooklyn. Humans could be so heartless and cruel!

The wails had stopped and the infant was watching the small "glamoured" old woman with as much interest as it was watching her... and smiled a big toothless smile.

The troll frowned... and smiled too. Picking up the bundle, she rocked it gently, making comforting sounds. Then the baby did something that shocked the two-centuries old troll, she reached for the long high hairs that were hidden by her glamour!!!!


The two trolls stopped their arguing and looked at the pair.

- Impossible!

- No human can see us!

- I am telling you that she sees me!! She reached for my hair!!!

They went silent and leaned over her arms. The baby giggled happily and sized the noze of one of the troll.

- Oww!! Take it off!! Take it off!!!

The other troll barked a laugh and the irish one sized gently the baby's hand, making it let go. The little girl gurgled and smiled again at the old troll.

- I say that we keep it!

The two trolls gaped at her, their big round eyes rolling with surprise.

- WHAT? they said in unison.

- I want to keep her and raise her. She has been abandonned, I claim her as my own child.

- But she is human!

- She sees us, she will be hated for being different! We saw what humans can do and how cruel they can be... I will teach her to like us and we will all teach her our ways.

- But... but... where are we going to keep her?

- And how will we feed her?

The old troll just smiled to the baby.

- We'll keep her in the troll market, at the library and we'll feed her with milk that you will steal for her.

The two grunted, but they knew they would never get her to change her mind.

She cooed at the bundle and walked through the alley, followed by the two giants. They got to the sealed door that led to the troll market and opened it. The colorful scenery appeared, they walked through it, sometimes earning glances from other magical creatures. They got to an old but shining library and went inside it...

... An old man with a head looking like a house went to them and saluted them.

- What do you wish for my dear friends?

A wail answered his question and he looked at the baby, bewildered.

- What is this?

- I found it in the street and I decided to keep it. Will you be her godfather?

He looked more bewildered and then relaxed, he had had a family in the past and though his children didn't look at all like this human, he was eager to agree.

- I will be delighted, but if the others learn about it...

- ... she will be accepted, she sees us.

The librarian gasped and looked at the baby once more.

- Then it changes everything. Toll you should go find some milk! he said to one of the two trolls.

- Why me? Why not my brother?

- Because Boll doesn't know what milk is, stupid! answered the irish troll.

Toll grunted and obeyed, coming back a while later carrying a large pack of milk. The librarian cooked it and put it a baby bottle that he had bought to one of the sellers outside, who liked to sell human belongings.

The baby sucked on it happily, closing her eyes in content. The old troll cooed again, Toll and Boll mimicked her.

- You're ridiculous.

- Shut up.

The librarian smiled. If someone could have seen this scene, he would never have believed it. Four magical creatures gathered around a human baby and looking at it as if it was a treasure.

- How will you call her? asked Boll.

The old troll smiled, her eyes never leaving the human baby.

- Arwen.


What do you think of it? I hope they will make a Nuada movie.