Fighting Out Of Love

By: Aneko-chan

Chapter Two

Disclaimer: CCS does not belong to me~

Author's notes: Thank you for the reviews :) I really appreciate it that there are people who finds it interesting :D Anyways, it did motivate me to write the second chapter so I hope you all like it!

"Excuse me. I'm Kinomoto Sakura, the new transfer student."

The teacher ushered her in. "Yes, come in. I was just telling them about your transfer. Please tell them something about yourself."

Sakura froze. What was she to say in front of a group of students her age? She quickly muttered lightly stuff that was mostly common about her.

"I'm Kinomoto Sakura, seventeen years old. I came from Tokyo and moved to Tomoeda due to family issues." She said, mumbling things that she thinks make sense.

Oh great. I just introduced myself, I mean I said my name twice!, She quickly thought to herself. She was stupid in many ways, she'll admit that but generally, she didn't even explain to them about her so called family issues.

Should she have talked about it before someone asks her about it? The introduction didn't need to be long right? She didn't want to bore out the people in front of her; who are currently all eyes on her.

"Okay Kinomoto-san, that was a very short but informative introduction of yourself. Now if you would please sit down next to…Li-san. There's an empty seat there." Sakura looked around the classroom. There were a couple of empty seats around but she didn't know who was this Li the teacher was talking about. "Eto, Li-san. Can you please raise your hand?" He finished asking, his tone sounding full of stress.

And a hand raised. Low, but she noticed. She started to walk towards her new desk; in the far left hand corner. Before she turned to sit down, she took a glance at her new neighbor.

Li, huh… She then caught a glimpse of unruly chestnut hair and soon to meet a pair of amber eyes staring right back at her. Her eyes widened as he gave her a disapproving stare. He then turned his face back towards the front. Sakura wondered if he had a problem with her or something. As she sat, she observed.

He was handsome, she'd had to admit that. But he looked like the quiet type somehow; she decided. He didn't say anything to her for some strange reason. Not even a hello.

She found it strange that between lessons, her new classmates tend to glance at her for seconds and then whisper something towards their other classmates. Even though they didn't tell her anything, she already suspects something.

They all looked like rich kids. The females usually have long curly hair and some had a lot of makeup on. The males couldn't help but look rich with all those flashy hairstyles and looks. But one glance from Sakura and she knew.

They were all snobby.

She silently groaned to herself. She was afraid of this. She didn't like snobby people. She hoped that they would leave her alone and not get on her nerves before she explodes.

It was their break time and so Sakura expected it. People came up to her and started to ask questions about her. How'd she get in, etc. She answered like a normal human being would do and just answer a question and smile. Until some random guy asked her something she had not thought he would say.

"Kinomoto, do you know about the conditions to be in our Special class?" The others tried to hide their grins from Sakura's confused look.

This spells trouble. It's coming, Sakura could feel it. And she didn't like it one bit.

"What…do you mean?" She asked slowly, looking cautious. Suddenly, all their grins got wider. A girl jumped in.

"Well, it's kind of a tradition only for the transfer students!" Sakura's eyebrow couldn't help but raise.

"Huh?", was all she could say. Tradition for transfer students? Who was she kidding? What's so interesting about this tradition?

"You see, they have to do it or they'll be kicked out of the special class…" A girl started, pouting.

Sakura wanted to kick the asshole who started all this for making such a thing up.

The girl continued. "They have to make the most popular guy or girl like them in return."

Sakura barged in. "So you're saying I'm to make this dude like me or else I get kicked out of the class?" The students seemed glad that she understood them and nodded their heads confidently.

"If you refuse", Said a guy as he moves his face closer. She gave him a deadly glare and he quickly moved back in shock. He coughed a bit before continuing. "We'll use all our statuses to kick you out and you won't be able to have a nice school life."

"I see." Sakura looked in thought. She was sitting down and mostly everyone was around her desk. She was kinda glad that this Li person wasn't among them. She doesn't want to have to deal with another extra annoyance. "So I guess I have no choice."

"Exactly." They all said in unison. This was exactly the reason why she hated rich people. They were snobby, stuckup and incredibly annoying. She sighed and then shook her head. "Well, I guess I'd gladly…"

All the students cheered. "How much do you bet she can last?", one asked. Another added, "Five million!" Others betted higher.

She could feel an angry vein coming. And it's a large one. She wasn't done talking. And they just interrupted her like she's a nobody. She felt like bamming her hands on her desk, and so she did. They were gonna get it.

The room echoed through the loud sound and all eyes turned to Sakura; who is now standing and hands resting on the desk. Of course, they were all shocked. What kind of person would have such ill bred manners to do such a thing? Well, they had an answer. Her.

"…refuse." She started to say. One of the students uttered a response back.

"We can't hear you!" Some girls shouted and laughed. Sakura's emerald eyes glared harshly on the group of students and they shivered.

"I said, I'd gladly refuse", She said in a low, scary voice.


"Shut it!" Sakura retorted back and they kept their mouths shut. "I just hate people like you. Rich…and snobby. So annoying. You think money is everything? Using money like that just to win a bet? Or maybe to bribe the principal to kicking me out?" She glared. "Well, there's no way it's going to happen here."

Uh oh. Her evil side is coming out; just call it her bad side. The side where she can't help but talk it out. Sakura herself didn't like it, but sometimes, she just had to let her feelings come out and say it for her.

"Let me tell you this. I'm not doing any of this tradition shit! Heck, I don't even care who this popular guy is! If you guys want to see entertainment, do the tradition yourselves!" The whole class was silent. Sakura gasped as she just realized what she had just said. She then sat back at her seat and then looked at them, frowning. And it was still silent.

Until she heard a quiet bit of laughter. Her eyes widened as it didn't come from the remaining group of students.

But from the Li person who was sitting right next to her.

Her face turned to him, a bit amazed at how he actually opened his mouth. Although he quickly noticed that he'd been heard and he shut his mouth, pretending nothing happened. It was fast, for a response to her expression. It only took a couple of seconds for him to laugh and then go back to the way he was. She was definitely confused.

What kind of person is he when he isn't quiet? Will he ever greet her at least a hello? What kind of family does he have?

She smacked her head invisibly. She's an idiot. She doesn't even know this guy and she finds him interesting after a quiet laugh at her 'I'm not doing this' speech.

"Seriously, what's with that girl?" Sakura's ears perked up as she heard someone speak of her. She pretended like she didn't hear anything and the person spoke a bit more. "She has an attitude. What bad manners!"

Okay, so it wasn't going well with her fellow classmates. So what? It's not like she wanted to be friends with those snobby bastards.

"Li Syaoran would never like that kind of woman!"


Sakura eyes widened a bit as she turned to look at the students who was talking to each other. Li Syaoran? That's his full name? Oh wait, they just said it like he was the most popular guy in school.


So he is the number one guy in school. NOW she gets it. She wanted to smack herself in being slow to these things. Even though she is smart, she's dense. And even if she did accept their terms, what would become of her? He doesn't look like the kind to be provoked by words. And she sure doesn't have time for romance in her school life.

She shook her head. It's almost time to go home and she promised her parents that she was going to take a look at their grand opening store. She is supposed to help out the new trainees and tell them what they're missing and what they need to improve on. More like a coach. So much work to do and less time to sleep. Sakura groaned as she let her head hit the desk.

Life sucks.

It was after school and she slowly walked towards her parents new grand opening store. She did spy a bit before going in. There weren't much people but there were a lot of people outside looking through the window. As she noticed at what they were staring at, Sakura smiled. The crowd of people were interested in what her parents were doing.

Well, it makes sense. Her parents were still young and attractive. And they're martial artists. What's not to like about them? They watched as Sakura's father taught them how to punch correctly and aim.

This will probably inspire more people to join…great plan, she thought as she went in.

Most of the crowd staring were men and as they watched Sakura go in without a doubt, they were in awe. It was rare for a girl to go into a kind of store like this and usually girls would hang out and go shopping. But Sakura wasn't like them. Before she entered fully, she turned to the others outside and gave a small smile.

"If you guys are interested, come join. They're good teachers." She said and entered. The crowd became curious. And so, they decided. To go in, that is.

"Ah, Sakura!" She walked to her dad, who gave the newbies a break.

"…I didn't expect to see much here." She said, as her eyes skimmed the area.

"So you had no hope of getting much members?"

Sakura jerked back at her dad. "No, that's not what I meant!"

He laughed as he ruffled her hair again. "It doesn't matter. Besides, you got us new members." He said as he pointed to the long line of awaiting people. Sakura then grinned.

"I know I'm awesome~"

"Yes, yes. Now go and change." Sakura gave a small frown as he pushed her towards the female lockers.

"Aw…darn it." As her dad left her side to go help out the others, Sakura turned around to hear the entrance door opening again.

She could feel her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

And there he was; with a group of friends.

Li Syaoran.


Author's Notes: haha, I felt happy writing this chapter xD. It was like I couldn't help but want to finish it :D And yays, I really did! I'm really glad to actually get reviews so this is for you reviewers :D

Read and review please~~