This takes place during the time of "New Moon", just after Edward leaves Bella and she resorts to writing him letters to cope.

Dear Edward,

It's been a week now since you've left, and I still can't believe you are gone. I just keep waiting for this nightmare to end and yet every day starts and finishes without you here. How did this come to be? A week ago I was reluctantly celebrating my birthday with you and now my life is over because IT'S over. You are all I wanted, all I needed. I know I didn't deserve you, but somehow we still belonged together and I allowed myself to feel that joy.

I keep remembering your good-bye, your distance, your detachment, and finally your revision of our love. Is this real? Is this really happening?

Last night I took a two-hour shower, just trying to wake up.

All around me life already is going on, people are acting as if all is the same, when EVERYTHING is different. I went back to school today and all I saw was the shadow of you and what we had.

Tonight I couldn't take another quiet night with Charlie in the front of the TV and escaped to my room early. I am restless and pacing and keep looking out my window, hoping you are just outside.

I finally decided to finally write you. Somehow I feel closer to you, here, even if it means feeling my pain. When I hurt, I keep you with me for a little longer. I didn't think I could stand it, but I am starting to feel afraid of when I won't feel the pain...afraid of resignation to your absence.

Where are you, Edward? When are you coming back to me, my love?
