DISCLAIMER: I don't own Codename: KND. If I did there would be a lot more Sector W.

"Numbuh 18?" a small girl with short black hair tiptoed softly through the hallway.

"Becca?" said the girl quietly. "C'mon Becca. I know you're here. Let's go to bed 'k?" the girl waited silently, but received no response. "C'mon Becca." the girl whispered. "I know you're upset but – "

"Upset?" Becca's voice broke through the night's stillness. "I'm a little more then 'upset' right now Numbuh 19."

Numbuh 19 turned towards the sound of Becca's voice.

"All my fault." whispered Becca "If I had been paying attention this wouldn't have happened."

"Becca," said Numbuh 19 softly, "please don't blame yourself."

"Who should I blame then Lily?" Becca turned angrily to face her friend. "Should I blame you? Numbuh 17 maybe? Huh? Everyone was doing their job today. Everyone but me. And look at what happened!"

Against her will, tears burst from Becca's eyes. Slowly, Lily put an arm around her friend.

"It's ok." whispered Lily. "We can make it right again."

Becca looked up at Lily and then slowly looked back at the ground.

"We don't know that." whispered Becca sadly. "We don't know that."

"Will you please shut up?" Hoagie and Wally stopped their conversation to look at their very annoyed leader.

"What's wrong boss?" asked Hoagie

"You've been arguing about Yipper cards for an hour and a half!" grumbled Nigel. "It's not helping my headache."

"Awww, you have a headache?" asked Kuki sympathetically. "Here! I brought my Make-The-Headache-Go-Away Rainbow Monkey with me!" Happily Kuki reached under her seat and handed the stuffed animal to Numbuh 1.

"Squeeze his tummy Numbuh 1!" said Kuki happily "It'll make you feel better!"

Groaning softly, Nigel half-heartedly squeezed the red rainbow monkey.

"Rainbow Monkey, Rainbow Monkey, Oh so very round and super chunky!"

"How the crud is that supposed to make Numbuh 1 feel better?" grumbled Numbuh 4.

"It's the rainbow monkey theme song." said Kuki happily. "It can make anybody feel better Numbuh 4!"

"Can not!"

"Can too!"

"Can not!"

"Can too!"

"Can not!"

"Can too!"

"SHUT UP!" Nigel groaned and rubbed his head. "How much longer until we reach Moonbase Numbuh 2?"

"We're already here."

"Welcome Sector V."

"Thank you Numbuh 362 sir." said Nigel respectfully.

"At ease guys." said Rachael. "Go ahead and sit down."

Hoagie, Kuki, Wally, and Abby sat down on a wide couch and Nigel sat on a chair nearby.

"I know you're all probably curious as to why you're here." said Rachael. "But you're going to have to wait just a little while. We need to wait until Sector W arrives."

"Sector W?" asked Nigel "Why Sector W?"

Before Rachel could respond, Numbuh 5 interrupted her.

"Uh, Numbuh 362? I don't mean to interrupt," said Abby "but Numbuh 5 thinks you should turn around."

Everyone looked in the direction Numbuh 5 was pointing. A sheet of white slightly larger then the average ten year old had appeared on the ceiling. Cautiously, Rachael and Nigel slowly advanced forward until they were almost directly underneath the sheet. Slowly, the others came over too. At first nothing seemed to be happening. Suddenly, the white disappeared leaving a clear pane, almost like a mirror on the ceiling. However, instead of seeing their reflections, the operatives saw a big blurry blob.

"Is it working?" the operatives jumped with surprise as a boy's voice floated from the pane.

"How should I know? I didn't build it!"

"DUCK!" An explosion sounded from the mirror-like substance.

"C'mon! Work you cruddy piece of junk!"

"AHHHHHHH!" Everyone jumped backwards as a brown-haired girl fell from the mirror.

"What the h-OUCH!" As the girl struggled to get out from under the boy that had fallen on top of her, another girl fell from the ceiling.

"Oof!" groaned the second girl. "That hurt a lot more then I thought it would."

"Where's everyone else?" asked the boy. "And where's my hat?"

"Heeeeeeeeeeelp!" a blonde pigtailed girl fell to the ground, followed closely by a blonde-haired boy.

"Are you guys okay?" asked Rachael hesitantly.

The brunette girl groaned "Define 'okay'." Slowly the group of kids stood up and brushed themselves off.

"Here's your hat." said the brunette girl as she handed the blue hat over to the black-haired boy.

"Where are we?" asked the black-haired girl.

"Kids Next Door Moonbase." said Rachael. "I'm the Soopreme Leader Numbuh 362."

"Numbuh 362?" said the black-haired boy. "But she was decommissioned almost fifteen years ago!"

"It worked?" whispered the brunette girl "It worked?"

"See?" said the black-haired girl happily "I knew you could do it!"

"Uh, excuse Numbuh 5 for askin', but what the heck is going on?"

"Before we explain could you tell us what year it is?" asked the blonde-pigtailed girl.

"It's 2009." said Hoagie. "Why?"

The brunette girl let out a happy squeal "It worked! It really worked!"

"What worked?" asked a very confused Nigel. "And who are you?"

"I'm confused." said Kuki

"Hold up." said Rachael. "Introductions first."

The black-haired boy stepped forward. "I'm Numbuh 17. I'm the leader of Sector V."

"No, I'm the leader of Sector V!" said Nigel.

"Not where we come from." said Numbuh 17. "Wait… does that mean… you're Numbuh 1?"

"Of course I'm Numbuh 1!" said Nigel "And what do you mean 'where you come from?'"

"Becca it's Numbuh 1!" said Numbuh 17 excitedly. Becca took a step forward.


"Yes really." said a newly annoyed Nigel.

"Does that mean you guys are Numbuh's 2-5?" asked the black-haired girl excitedly.

"I'm Numbuh 5. That's Numbuh 4, Numbuh 3, and Numbuh 2." Abby pointed to each member of Sector V as she said their codenames.

"That is so cool!" said the blonde-pigtailed girl.

"Anyway." said Nigel. "Now that you know who we are, it's only fair that you tell us who you are."

The blonde-boy stepped forward. "I'm Numbuh 15. I'm the Stealth Tactics Officer for Sector V."

"And I'm his twin sister Numbuh 16." said the blonde-pigtailed girl. "I'm the Medical Officer of Sector V."

"Numbuh 17." said Numbuh 17. "Leader and Defense Coordinator."

"I'm Numbuh 18." said the brunette girl. "I'm 2nd in command and the 2x4 technology specialist."

"And I'm Numbuh 19." said the black-haired girl chirpily. "I'm the Kid-Teen Relations Officer."

"What the crud is the Kid-Teen Relations Officer?" asked Wally "That job doesn't exist."

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

"SHUT UP!" Everyone turned to face Rachael. "Okay." she continued, "It's obvious that we need to hear the story. This room is a little small for all of us. Sector V, I want you to take these kids to your tree house. I'll notify Sector W and tell them to meet us there."

"Tell us what sis?" Everyone turned to see Sector W walk into the room.

"What'd we miss?"

"What are we supposed to tell them?" Numbuh 19 looked at her fellow operatives. They were sitting in a circle in the farthest corner of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Sector V glanced curiously at them every once and a while, but otherwise they were left alone.

"I don't think we can tell them anything." said Numbuh 17 unhappily.

"Why not?" groaned Numbuh 16. "A little help from them would be nice."

"No!" said Numbuh 18. "You know the rules. We can't do anything that might change the future."

"We could still tell them our story." said Numbuh 15 "We just won't mention the fact that they're related to us."

"But what about Numbuh 1?" asked Numbuh 19 hesitantly. "We can't tell him."

Numbuh 17 sighed. "We have to tell them something guys."

"I think we can tell them our story." said Numbuh 18. "We'll just leave out the stuff they can't know."

"Sounds good." said Numbuh 17 "Oh, and when they ask us for our real names – cause they will eventually – no last names okay guys?"

Everyone nodded.

"Everyone buckle up." announced Nigel. "We're here."

"Yeah right." Numbuh 85 aka Paddy Fulbright looked skeptically at Rachael. "You seriously believe these guys are from the future?"

"I know it seems weird Numbuh 85." said Rachael. "But they did have a pretty convincing entrance."

"It could've been a trick." suggested Numbuh 363

"It won't hurt to hear what they have to say." said Numbuh 362 as she turned to the future operatives. "Go ahead guys. Lets hear your story."

Numbuh 17 cleared his throat and stood up.

"Our story actually begins before we were born…"

What year are these guys from?

What can't they tell Numbuh 1?

And the biggest question… who's related to who? If you can guess which kids go to which parents you get a virtual cookie! (HINT: The couples are 3/4, 1/362, 2/5, and 83/84)