Disclaimer: I do not own Star Fox or the characters. The characters not mentioned in the games that are in this fanfiction belong entirely to me. The story line also belongs to me (AND YES I HAVE A REAL COPY WRITE), I won't mind if you ask first to use this idea. (IF YOU DON'T ASK I'LL FIND YOU).Joke ;) Lulz

Some parts inspired by pictures on



The Gole Incident

Chapter: One

Fox sleepishly pushes a few buttons on the computer panel and the screen changed from Engine Output Report to Weapons Diagnostic. Fox wore his typical civilian attire; red scarf, green muscle shirt, a black vest and jeans. Hanging on his hip was his blaster and on his left knee was one of his knee pads; he couldn't find the other this morning. On his wrists were his armoured gantlets, as usual.

The past couple of weeks had been pretty slow. The galaxy was too peaceful, thought Fox. His eye shot open, realizing what he just 'thought' and slapped himself across the face. Fox yawned and stretch a little, trying to stay awake. With one last yawn, Fox turned his attention back to the diagnostic. The data piled up and a little voice stated, "The main cannon shows an energy depletion of 12%." Fox sighed and leaned back in his chair looking up to the ceiling with his eyes shut.

He quickly whipped out his communicator and sat up. A little hologram of Slippy's head appeared. "What's up Fox?" he asked.

"The computer says the main cannon has a 12% power deficiency, could you look into it please?" Fox retorted.

"Yea no problem," Slippy chirped.

Slippy disappeared and the bridge was quiet again. Fox closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair again. Fox's eyes flickered and he was surprised not to see the ceiling. Instead there was a pair of beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly a tongue plunged into his mouth and started searching the insides of his mouth, but Fox didn't resist, he knew perfectly well who it was. Krystal. Krystal pulled away leaving Fox motionless and still staring at the ceiling.

Then, very casually, Fox stated, "So how's your day going?"

Fox and Krystal had been going exclusive for past two month now, they had even moved into the same quarters (it took weeks to decide who's). They had each settled on an agreement, Fox wouldn't worry so much about Krystal in the field and she wouldn't leave her tooth brush in the sink; a particularly pointless deal. Fox had fallen head over heels for Krystal when he first laid eyes on the beautiful vixen on Sauria. Fox had even planned to ask her to marry him one day; he had a ring in his dresser that used to belong to his great grandmother.

"Oh, cheer up Fox, I bet the General Peppers will be sending you a com signal any second now," the vixen stated encouragingly.

"Yea, don't hold your breath, I tried that already," joked Fox.

Fox stumbled onto his feet, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Fox tossed his com device onto the chair and he started making his way to the elevator, but Krystal stopped him and pulled him back.

"Fox, I'm a physic I swear that com is going to ring any second," Krystal implored.


"General Pepper here!" shouted the hologram in his usual manner.

"Wow, we could make millions in fortune telling," blurted out Fox.

"What?" demanded General Pepper?

"Uh, nothing, what is it General?" Krystal asked.

"Right, I need you to go and find two of our missing pilots. Commanders Kelly and Curk were performing a survey when we just lost contact. They were surveying the planet Demar; home to the Gole, a primitive people, or so we thought," explained the general. "We think that the Gole are a little bit more advanced than we thought."

"So you need us to find the pilots and see if the Gole are hostile?" laughed Fox.

"You read my mind Fox, Pepper out!" said the hologram before disappearing into nothing.

There was a short pause (like really short).

"Woo!" they both shouted as Krystal jumped into Fox's arms wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his midsection.

"Woo!"Krystal shouted again.

"I can't believe it!" Fox shouted back.

"Get a room," a condescending voice protested. Krystal hopped off Fox, an arm still around his neck the other resting on his chest. Strutting onto to the bridge came, no one other than Falco.

"What's all the shouting for?" Falco asked.

"We just got a new mission!" Fox and Krystal shout together.