Disclaimer: I might be using aspects ColdHeartedVampire used on her version of Zacharias Smith's sorting in 'Read My Mind'. Before anyone files a complaint, she allowed me.

Chapter 9: Zacharias Smith

"Smith, Zacharias." Professor McGonagall announces.

Zacharias arrogantly approaches the teacher's table to put on the Sorting Hat. "Where to put you?" The hat asks.

"Hufflepuff, of course." Smith answers as if the hat had just made a stupid question.

"You might be a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff but that doesn't ensure you'll be sorted at her House." The Sorting Hat explains. "You want power and glory but aren't willing to risk yourself for either. Too Slytherin of you."

"I can't be a slimy Slytherin!" Smith exclaims, outraged. "They're Evil!"

"Not necessarily." The Hat replies. "Slytherin House already had their share of good wizards and witches."

"It was Salazar Slytherin who secretly created the rumor that Hufflepuff was for people who were not good enough for the other houses." Smith angrily replies.

"I remember that." The Sorting Hat comments. "He was envious of the early Hufflepuff's achievements, specially the Muggle-born ones and took advantage of her policy of welcoming anyone willing to join her House to spread the rumor."

"And that's why I must become a Hufflepuff." Smith explains. "Any other option, especially Slytherin, would betray my family."

"Congratulations, Mr. Smith. You finally expressed a virtue that yells HUFFLEPUFF!"

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