Thank you for your reviews. Here is the conclusion of the story.

She's Practically You, Jethro

Chapter 4

Jethro reluctantly let her go and watched her walk to her car and drive away. He was still standing there looking out the windows when Ducky walked in the front door.

"Well, Jethro, planning your escape?"

"Hey Duck. Just watching Jen leave."

"Oh, I see." Taking note of the younger man's expression Ducky became concerned. "Or maybe I don't. Is something wrong?"

"Not exactly. Things aren't exactly right either. It's sort of a mess Duck."

"Well that's our specialty isn't it my friend? Sorting out messes. Tell me about it if you want and maybe we can sort it out together."

Jethro and Ducky made their way back to Jethro's room and he explained to Ducky what Jen had been doing since they met her. He gave a summary of the whole conversation including his promise to wait for Jen to decide what she wanted.

"I must say, Jennifer is a surprise. I thought she was someone special but I had no idea how right I was. What is your feeling about the whole situation, Jethro?"

"I think she did what needed to be done. That doesn't make it any easier for her to accept it but she'll be alright with it eventually. As to the other, I'm hopeful. I think I love her Duck and I'm hoping she will let herself love me back. The way she talks about not wanting to get involved it's like she's been in my head and read all my thoughts. It's like listening to myself talk. I told Kate some of the same things Jen is telling me. I only hope I can be as persuasive to Jen as Kate was to me."

"Yes, I can imagine Caitlyn had to be quite persuasive to get past your defenses. It was worth it though wasn't it?"

Jethro smiled a sad smile. "Yeah, Duck it was. I'll always be sorry it took me so long to accept Kate's love and admit I loved her."

"Do you have a limit on your patience for Jen?"

"I don't know."

"Well, you can be very charming when you want to be my friend. I suspect if you give her a couple of weeks to think about it and then approach her again you will have your answer one way or another. For your sake I hope it's what you want to hear. Now, I guess I'd better be going. Your father is picking you up tomorrow, correct?"

"Yes, he'll be here in the morning and after we stop by the house to pick up some of my stuff we'll be on our way to Stillwater. I'll be back after the first of the year I imagine."

Ducky gave Jethro a hug and told him, "this was a close call Jethro. You got lucky this time my friend and I'm glad you're back with us. I hope Jen comes around. Be good to your dad and I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

"Bye Duck. Thanks for everything and I'll see you."

The next day Jackson Gibbs arrived at the hospital and Jethro was finally free. They stopped at his house to pick up some clothes and personal items and then drove to Stillwater, PA. When they arrived at the Gibbs home Jethro was exhausted even though he had spent most of the day just sitting in the car. He and his dad had a quick supper and then Jethro gratefully fell into his bed and enjoyed the first really good nights sleep he'd had in weeks.

The next couple of days were spent just moving gingerly around the house and trying to get back some of his strength. Jackson Gibbs was a good cook and Jethro eagerly ate whatever was put in front of him. He had very little pain most of the time but when he overdid it even a little he was reminded of his injuries. After being there for three days Jethro gave in to his urges and called Jen.

"Hey, it's Jethro. How are you?"

"Hello, Jethro, it's good to hear your voice. I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm good. Getting stronger every day I think. I miss you though. You about ready for Christmas?"

"Yes, we're ready. In fact we probably got ready too early. Nicholas is driving me crazy shaking all his presents over and over. I just hope the wrapping holds up for a few more days. His grandparents will be here tomorrow, maybe that will distract him. I miss you too by the way. Can I call you on this number?"

"Sure, call anytime. This is my dad's phone. Cell coverage isn't very good here so this is the best number to call. Well, I just wanted to check on you and hear your voice. I guess I'll let you go."

"I'm glad you called. Call me again. Bye Jethro."

"Bye Jen."

Jackson came in the room and found his son staring at the phone. He took note of the sad expression on his face and shook his head. If anyone deserved to find a good woman it was his only son.

"Everything alright, son?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Wanna talk about her?"

"How do you know it's a her?" Jethro smiled at his dad and shook his head. They had come a long way in the past year and he was very glad to have his father back in his life.

"You don't get that hangdog expression on your face for anything but a woman."

Jethro told his dad all about Jen from the way they met to the way they left things at the hospital. When he was finished he watched his dad get up and leave the room without saying a word. Soon Jackson was back with a bottle of bourbon and two glasses. He poured them both a drink and handed Jethro one of the glasses.

"She sounds like a woman you need to hang onto; if you can actually catch her that is. What's your plan?"

"No real plan. Just be patient and try to convince her to give us a chance. Any suggestions?"

"No, but I'll sure give it some thought."

For the next two weeks Jethro concentrated on getting back in shape. He took at least two walks every day going farther each day until he was walking four or five miles at a time. He also began some light weight lifting in the garage and every day he felt a little stronger. Calling Jen was the highlight of the day of course. He usually called after his walk and before hitting the weights. That way he could think about what he wanted to say while he was walking and then he had the weights to help him work out his frustrations. Their conversations were always friendly and light. Jethro was determined not to push her but he was having an increasingly difficult time not asking the hard questions he wanted answers to. Hearing her voice brought back the memory of how her hands felt in his, how her lips felt when they kissed. It was getting more and more difficult for him to just ask how she was and talk about the weather.

One day after talking to Jen he went to the garage to lift but he just sat on the bench for a long time thinking about her. Actually, thinking was probably not the right word. Fantasizing was more accurate. He could very clearly see her that day they went sailing; wearing that little bathing suit and looking so very desirable. He remembered the taste of her and the feel of her hands on his bare skin. He also remembered how soft her skin was under his rough hands. The way she kissed him and touched him. He thought about how she had looked at him in the hospital; how she cared for him and comforted him when he was in pain. Then he thought about what he wanted to do when he saw her again. He wanted to touch every inch of her; taste every spot and make love to her for hours. He wanted to hear her call his name as she fell apart beneath him. He wanted to whisper in her ear that he loved her as he moved inside her. The idea of slowly undressing her began to fill his mind to the point that he couldn't think of anything else.

Suddenly Jethro realized he was freezing and had to get up and move around. He set the weights and got to work. Lifting was just barely taking his mind off Jen but it was all he had right now. He wished he had a punching bag; maybe that would help with his frustration. There was only one thing that would really do the trick though; the woman herself. He needed a plan and he needed it pretty soon.

While Jethro was walking and lifting his frustrations away, Jen was running around DC trying to stop thinking about him. The weather was cold but clear and she was running at least ten miles a day in hopes of keeping Jethro out of her mind at least for the time it took her to make her circuit. It wasn't really working. Every time she came to an intersection she thought about the day they met. When she ran on the mall or around the tidal basin she thought about the weekend they spent together. That got her thinking about the sailing and that led to thinking about their kissing. Jen was blessed with a very good memory and an equally good imagination.

She remembered the sensations that coursed through her that day on the boat when Jethro took her in his lap and kissed her senseless. She remembered very well the feel of his hands on her bare back; the tingly feeling she got when she ran her hands over his chest. No one had ever made her feel like Jethro did just by looking at her with those mesmerizing blue eyes. His hand holding hers, his lips on hers, his voice when he said her name; all these things crowded her mind whether she was running or cooking or doing nothing at all. Every time he called she felt her breathing catch and her heart speed up. When they hung up she was sad and lonely until he called again. Jen knew what she wanted. All she needed now was the courage to reach out and take hold of it.

On Christmas Eve, Stephen came to stay for a couple of days and have Christmas with them. Jen had her hands full in the kitchen when the phone rang that afternoon so she asked him to answer for her.

"Shepard residence."

Jethro frowned at the phone and swallowed hard, "Is Jen there?"

"Yes, just a minute."

"Hi, Jen. Is this a bad time"

"Hi, Jethro, no I just had my hands full in the kitchen. How are you?"

"I'm good. I wanted to say Merry Christmas early. Was that Stephen who answered.?"

"Yes he just got here this afternoon. Are you sure you're okay, you sound kinda down."

"Holidays aren't my favorite time of the year. I'm good. Feeling like myself finally. Dad's cooking has put the pounds back on me and my workouts are going well. I'll be ready to go back to work when I get home."

"That's great. Any idea when you'll be back?"

"Not sure. Probably end of the week. I have a doctor's appointment on the third and if I pass that inspection I'm hoping to get back to work right away. I'll call the director next week. Listen, you have a good day tomorrow. Merry Christmas Jen. I love you."

"Oh Jethro, you aren't supposed to say that. But thank you. I'll call you tomorrow if that's okay."

"Sure, call anytime. Bye Jen."

Jen put the phone down and walked into the living room. Stephen was reading the paper. He looked up and smiled at her. "Jethro?"


"He alright?"

"Yes, he's fine. Better every day he says."

"You alright?"

"I don't know. Want to hear about it?"


Jen told Stephen the whole story except for the part about Colombia. She didn't think he needed to know about that. She concentrated on her and Jethro and how she felt about it. She described how they met, the sailing, the phone calls and finally the shooting. She poured out her confusion and her fears and her desires. Stephen listened without comment. He knew Jen better than anyone else. They had a wonderful friendship and Jen trusted his judgment.

"He sounds like a man you should hold onto Jenny He obviously cares for you and I think you care for him as well. You say you trust him. Let yourself be happy for god's sake. You deserve someone who understands you and loves you. He sounds like he's someone you could let Nicholas get to know. I know that's a concern for you but hey, he's a federal agent for heaven's sake. You already love him don't you?"

Jen just laughed and said, "Yeah I do. I've tried not to but I just can't help it."

"Why are you trying not to love him?"

"Because I'm afraid I'll screw it up and then he and I will both get hurt and maybe Nicholas too."

"Listen to me Jenny. You're too hard on yourself. Yes, you've had some rather questionable "boyfriends" to use the term loosely. But you didn't screw those relationships up. You woke up and realized they weren't good enough for you. I'd say that's the smart thing to do. It sounds to me like you've finally met a really good guy that you can depend on. As far as Nicholas is concerned, Gibbs sounds like a man I wouldn't be opposed to having Nicholas meet. Give yourself some credit Jenny you are actually a very good judge of people. After all you're still friends with me aren't you?"

The talk with Stephen helped Jen sort out her feelings. She still had reservations about going ahead with her relationship with Jethro but she was edging closer and closer to being willing to take that chance. The next morning everyone went to church and then opened presents. By the time they finished and had something to eat it was almost noon. Jen slipped away to her bedroom to call Jethro.

The Gibbs men were just coming in the house from a long walk when the phone began ringing. "Hello", Jackson answered the phone and gave Jethro a wink and a smile.

"No this is his father. Ms. Shepard?" Jackson was now grinning wickedly at his son and having to work pretty hard to keep the phone from him.

"Yes, he's right here, trying his best to wrestle this phone away from me as a matter of fact. Well, Merry Christmas to you too, Ms. Shepard." Jackson finally gave in and handed the phone to Jethro.

"Hi, Merry Christmas Jen."

"Merry Christmas Jethro. Your dad sounds like fun. How is your day going?"

"He's a real riot alright. My day is considerably better now that I can hear your voice. How about yours?"

"I'm having a very good day as well. Nicholas did very well in the present department and right now he's busy downstairs with his dad playing some new video game. Stephen's parents have gone out for a walk and I'm upstairs giving some serious thought to taking nap."

"It sounds like you've had a successful Christmas. I miss you."

"I know, I miss you too. When are you coming back?"

"Probably New Year's day. I don't want my dad driving on New Year's eve. I can't wait to see you. Will you be at home on New Years?"

"Yes, I'll be here. Nicholas is going to Boston with his dad for a few days."

"So, you'll be home alone, huh?"


"Then I'll definitely be home by then. That is if you think you might let me come over and see you."

"I think you can count on that."

"I look forward to it. I'll see you in a week I love you." Jethro hung up before Jen could protest his proclamation.

"Bye. I love you too" Jen's response was really only to herself because she knew Jethro had already disconnected them.

Jethro thought something was a little off in his conversation with Jen. He felt like she had something she wanted to say but she didn't say it. Maybe he was being too hopeful. He desperately wanted her to say she loved him or at least that she wanted to give them a chance. But she didn't say anything close to that. Was he kidding himself that she wanted it and just needed some time? Maybe she was just going along because she didn't know how to tell him no. 'That's not it' he told himself. 'Just be patient, don't give up on her yet.'

When he hung up Jethro knew the coming week would be the longest of his life. He wanted to go home NOW. But…Jen still had company so there wasn't much point in him being there. What he wanted to do with and to Jen he didn't want to do with anyone else in the house. He had a plan and it didn't include anyone but himself and Ms. Jennifer Shepard.

Each of Gibbs' team members called him during the day including Abby and Ducky. When Tony called he asked Gibbs if there was anything he needed or anything he wanted him to do. Jethro thought for a minute before deciding to ask his senior agent for a favor.

"Tony what are you doing New Year's eve day?"

"Nothing special, Boss. Going to Abby's party that night but nothing until then. You need me to do something?"

"Would you mind coming up here and getting me? I don't want my dad driving with all the crazies out and I need to be back in DC that day."

"Hot date, Boss? Never mind. Sure I can come up there and get you. I'd like to see your dad anyway. Just name the time."

"Make it easy on yourself. I just want to be back by five or six. Okay?"

"Sure thing Boss. I'll be there about 11:00; that should give us plenty of time to get you back here for your…whatever you have planned. Merry Christmas Boss."

Jethro didn't call Jen the next day or the day after that and she didn't call him. His reason was that he was too keyed up about seeing her in a few days and he didn't have anything to say really. He was about through talking. Jethro had never been a man of many words. He preferred to let his actions speak for him. He'd had more conversation with Jen than he'd had with any other woman in years. Even with Kate he never talked this much. Basically, Jethro just wanted to see Jen, to put his hands on her, kiss her and seduce her until she accepted that they belonged together. He didn't know how any of that could be accomplished over the phone so he just decided not to call.

Jen wasn't calling because she too, wanted to see Jethro to tell him how she felt. She didn't want the first time she declared her love for him to be over the phone. She had decided after her talk with Stephen that she was ready to give Jethro her answer. Being away from him for almost three weeks had shown her that she cared for him more than she thought and she wanted to be with him. She wanted to show him how she felt and obviously that couldn't be done over the phone. If she hadn't had so much company she would have driven to Pennsylvania and told him in person. But she decided, New Years Day would be the day.

On the 30th, Jen gave in and called. She was determined not to let her feelings out but she needed to hear Jethro's voice. Stephen had taken Nicholas home with him and his parents were gone back to Tampa. She was all alone in the house and missing Jethro terribly.

"Hi, I just wanted to call and see how you're doing and if you're still coming back on the first."

"I'm glad you called. I'm doing good. Is all your company gone?"

"Yes and it's so quiet. How's your dad?"

"He's fine. Are you sure you're okay, you sound kinda, I don't know, is everything okay?"

"Everything's okay. I think maybe I caught a bit of a cold but I'm fine really. So, you'll be home in a couple of days. I imagine you're anxious to be back in your own house. It's been quite a while hasn't it?"

"Yeah, I am anxious to get home. Okay if I come see you when I get back?"

"You better. I'd hate to have to come looking for you."

"You won't have to, I promise. I'll see you soon. Bye Jen."

"Bye Jethro."

Now he knew something was off. She didn't have a cold. She wasn't a very good liar that's for sure. Had she been crying? Geez, what the hell was going on? Jethro had to admit to himself that even though he was sure Jen was holding something back or not being completely honest with him he didn't know her well enough to be able to figure it out. He told himself it didn't matter. He was going to convince her they belonged together no matter what.

Jen hung up and fell back on the bed. She couldn't call anymore because it was too hard to not say what she wanted to say. She was pretty sure Jethro didn't by the whole 'I've got a cold' thing which was so lame she couldn't believe she'd even said it. It was so damn hard not to just scream 'I love you' to him. Not calling anymore became her new survival plan.

The last day of the year dawned clear and cold with no weather issues that would interfere with their driving. Jethro and his dad had breakfast and were having their second cup of coffee when Jackson spoke up.

"You got yourself a plan for when you see your lady this evening?"

"Sort of."

"Sort of? Dammit son, you'd better have something better than that in mind. From what you've told me she's a pretty special woman. You can't just go in there blind and expect to sweep her off her feet."

"Hey, I can be pretty charming when I want to be at least that's what Ducky says. Anyway, I'm taking flowers and she's not expecting me so I'll have surprise on my side."

"Flowers are a good idea. I suggest roses, six red and six yellow if you can find them. And yes, I know you can be charming. You'll do fine."

DiNozzo drove up as they finished their coffee. Tony had a brief visit with Jackson while Jethro put his bags in the car. Then Jethro hugged his dad goodbye. "Thanks for everything dad. I'm glad I could come stay and get back in shape. I love you."

"You're welcome son. I'm just glad I could help. I love you and good luck tonight."

The drive back to DC was mostly quiet. Tony filled Jethro in on their latest cases and updated him on all the NCIS news. Of course he was dying to ask Gibbs why he needed to be back in DC tonight but he refrained, almost.

"So, Boss, you still seeing the lady who got run over?"

"Her name is Jennifer Shepard and yes, I'm still seeing her."

"She why we're on our way back to the city in such a rush?"

Jethro looked over at DiNozzo who had his eyes fixed on the highway. He thought about head slapping him but then he remembered who held his hand in the ambulance and who was there in the waiting room and the ICU from the first minute until he woke up the first time. Tony was absolutely loyal to him and Jethro knew he could trust him.

"Yeah, she's the reason I wanted to come back today. She thinks I'm coming home tomorrow but I wanted to surprise her."

"She seems very nice. Sure is pretty and Ducky says she's tough too. Sounds like a match made in heaven, Boss."

"Let's hope so, DiNozzo. Let's hope so."

Three hours later Tony dropped Jethro off at his home. "You need anything else, Boss?"

"No, thanks Tony. I appreciate the ride. I'll see you at work next week. You be careful tonight. Happy New Year."

"Same to you Boss. And, hey, good luck tonight."

Jethro stepped into his house for the first time in almost a month and was happy to be there. He took a quick shower and put on some black slacks and a white dress shirt. He grabbed a coat from the hall closet and left the house just thirty minutes after he arrived. Luck was with him as he found a florist still open. He bought the flowers; six red and six yellow roses as his dad had suggested, and drove toward Jen's townhouse in Georgetown. When he was a block away he pulled out his cell and called her praying she was at home and that she didn't notice he wasn't calling from his dad's house.

Jen was just stepping out of the shower after her run when the phone rang. She wrapped a towel around herself and picked up the receiver.


"Hi, it's Jethro. I wanted to call and say Happy New Year a little early in case you were going out." He figured he better find out if she was going to be home and this was his method.

"Well, hello. I'm so happy to hear your voice. I'm not going out, in fact I just came back from a run and was stepping out of the shower when you called. Perfect timing. How are you?"

Luckily Jethro had pulled over when Jen answered because the thought of her just out of the shower, in a towel or less, had his imagination in overdrive. "I'm good. I've missed talking to you the last couple of days. I'm really anxious to see you Jen." Jethro had resumed driving and was in fact about to pull into her driveway.

"I know. I miss you too. I haven't called because it feels like we've run out of things to say. I just really need to see you Jethro. We need to talk face to face."

That scared him but he put his fears out of his head as he reached for the flowers and opened the car door.

"I agree. I need to put my arms around you, Jen. I wish I could do that right now."

"Oh me too, Jethro. I'd like nothing better right now."

"Then I suggest you open your front door."


"Open your front door Jen."

Jen threw on her robe and flew down the stairs to the front door. She undid the lock and opened the door to find Jethro grinning from ear to ear and holding a dozen beautiful roses.

"Happy New Year, Jen."

"Oh my god, Jethro. Come in this house."

Jethro stepped in the house and set the flowers down on the entryway table. As soon as his hands were free he pulled Jen into a fierce hug and began kissing her. His hands tangled in her still damp hair as he backed her up against the wall. His tongue was seeking entry into her mouth which he was quickly granted. He felt Jen's hands grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer. When he finally had to breathe he broke off the kiss and began nipping and kissing his way from her mouth to her throat and across her clavicle. Jen was making quiet moaning sounds and her hands were in his hair. Jethro finally pulled himself together and took a very small step back.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well you certainly did that. I'm so damned glad to see you Jethro." Jen grabbed the lapels of his jacket and pulled him to her for another kiss. This time she took control and when she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth he responded and deepened the kiss. When the oxygen between them had been depleted they both pulled back and Jen rested her forehead on his chest.

Jethro finally took the time to look at her and realized she was wearing a bathrobe and probably nothing else. As tempting as that realization was, he stopped himself and stepped back.

"Before we go any further, we need to talk Jen."

"Yes, we do. Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable. I'll put the flowers in a vase; they are beautiful by the way. Thank you very much. Go in and sit down. I'll be right there." Jen directed Jethro to the living area and he sat down on the couch. He took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. He was determined to say what he needed to say before he did anything else.

In the kitchen, Jen took several deep breaths and tried to slow her heart rate. Seeing Jethro standing on her porch had been the most wonderful surprise she could imagine. Kissing him had been the next most wonderful thing to happen. But…. she needed to get control of her emotions and gather her thoughts so she could say what she needed to say. She got the flowers arranged and took them into the living room. Putting them on a side table Jen took a seat at the end of the couch and turned to face Jethro.

They just looked at each other for a few moments before Jethro spoke up. "If you don't mind I'd like to go first."

"That's fine. Go ahead but I do want to say that having you here is the best surprise I've ever had."

"I'm glad. I wasn't sure if you'd be home and I'm sure glad you are. Okay, here goes. You know how I feel about you Jen. I can't explain it but I think I've been falling in love with you since the first time I saw you. I'm not much of a talker but I seem to be able to talk to you very easily. I prefer to let my actions speak for me and later, if you let me, I'd be happy to demonstrate that. But for now, I want to tell you that I know you care for me and I know we can make a relationship between us work. I know you have your doubts and I respect that. If you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don't love me I will walk out that door and not bother you again until you say it's alright. I can't promise to wait forever but if you need more time I'll give it to you. The thing is Jen, I can't stand to be away from you much longer. I think about you, hell I dream about you all the time. I want you. In every way. I can't say it any plainer than that. I love you and I want you."

Jethro never took his eyes off her while he was talking. He knew he was practically rambling but he figured if he didn't get all out at once he'd never say everything he wanted to say. His heart was pounding by the time he finished what was probably the longest speech he'd ever given; certainly the longest he'd ever given a woman. He wanted to reach out and touch her but he was afraid if he did and she said she didn't love him that he wouldn't be able to leave like he said he would. So, he sat there on the couch, barely a foot away from her and waited for her to respond.

Jen had thought of stopping him when he said he'd leave if she said she didn't love him but she had the idea he needed to say everything at once so she let him go on. Of course she knew when he started what she was going to say. Still, it made her feel good to hear him say all those lovely things to her. He was looking at her so intently she was finding it difficult to return his gaze.

Finally she scooted closer to him and took his hand in hers. She looked him right in the eyes and said, "I love you Jethro." That was all. She stopped and watched his eyes go wide and then darken. His mouth opened but no sound came out. She had surprised him.

Very quietly, so quietly she almost didn't hear him he said, "could you repeat that?"

She leaned closer. He could feel her breath on his face. She framed his face with her hands and said, "I love you Jethro." Then she kissed him. Slow and sweet at first and then, frantic and heated. She pressed into him and let him know that what he'd heard was the truth. Then she sat back and enjoyed the parade of emotions racing across his handsome face. "I think maybe I surprised you. Doesn't happen very often I imagine." Jen kissed him lightly on the mouth and laughed that happy laugh Jethro liked so much.

"Yeah, you surprised me alright. Probably the best surprise I could have asked for. Was it the flowers or the speech that did it? 'Cos if it was the flowers I have to give credit for that to my dad. The speech was all me."

"Actually it was just being away from you for so long and a talk I had with Stephen after you called on Christmas Eve. The flowers and the speech just sealed the deal." Jen couldn't take her eyes off him. She also couldn't stop smiling. She felt like a wonderful new life was about to unfold for her. Jen reached for his hands and entwined her fingers with his. "I love you, Jethro and I want to be with you in every way possible."

"I don't know what to say. I'm just blown away Jen and so happy I can't even think straight right now."

Jen leaned into him and whispered in his ear, "I believe you said something about a demonstration." She sat back and looked him dead in the face with something very close to his infamous smirk on her face.

"Yes, I did didn't I?" With that he pushed her back onto the couch and holding himself above her he kissed her with unbridled passion. One hand snuck down and untied the sash holding her robe closed giving him access to the softness he had been dreaming about for weeks. Jethro pulled back from the kiss and tenderly began touching and caressing Jen from her mouth to her navel. Jen was astonished by the gentle almost reverent way he was touching her. She could see by the look on his face that he wanted to please her at the same time he was pleasing himself. When he returned to her mouth he gave her a slow, deep kiss then he sat up and pulled her up with him.

"I want to make love to you Jen but not here."

Jen stood up and took his hand and led him to the bedroom. When they entered the bedroom, Jen turned to him and began undressing him. When he started to help she stilled his hands. "Let me do it. I want to touch you." Jethro dropped his hands to his sides and let her do it her way. She began unbuttoning his shirt very slowly and deliberately. As she did so she walked them toward the bed. When she had three buttons undone she leaned in and placed a kiss on his chest. Then she proceeded to finish the shirt and Jethro pulled it off. Jen's hands were on his chest and back and her nails were scraping little designs on his skin as he pulled her in and kissed her. His hands managed to find the tie to her robe and untie it again, opening the robe completely. Before he could exploit that wonderful accomplishment Jen began unbuttoning his trousers and pushing them down to the floor.

Jethro toed off his shoes and stepped out of his slacks. Jen stepped back a step and let the robe slide off her shoulders and fall to the floor. Finally, he could stop dreaming and fantasizing; she was standing in front of him, naked and wanting him. Jethro reached out and touched her tenderly. "You are so beautiful, Jen. I have been thinking about this moment for a long time."

"Touch me Jethro. I want to feel your hands all over me."

And that is exactly what he did. He explored every delicate inch of her. His fingers were like little torches on her skin. From her shoulders he traced a line across her chest barely skirting the swell of her breasts. He caressed up and down her arms and then let his hands skitter across her breasts and down to her firm stomach. Her breathing was beginning to go all haywire but she never took her eyes off of him. Jethro ran one hand around the back of her neck and pulled her into a heated kiss while his other hand gently sought out her hot, wet center. Her moan of pleasure was lost in his kiss. Both her hands were on his ass pulling him as close as she could to maximize their body contact. . Jen raised one leg and smoothed her foot up the back of his calf. Jethro's mouth left hers to trail kisses down the column of her throat to her breasts. His tongue swirled around a nipple and then he suckled at first one breast and then another. Jen's nails scraped up his back and into his hair holding his head in place. He was driving her crazy with his mouth and his hands; she could only imagine what would happen to her when they finally made it onto the bed.

As if he read her mind Jethro sat down on the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs. He continued his worship of her breasts with his mouth as his hands moved up and down her sides occasionally straying to the spot where Jen really wanted his attention. She put one foot on the bed and taking one of his hands in hers she moved his to cup her swollen, wet lips. He took the not so subtle hint and began massaging her with his palm bringing more moans of pleasure from her.

"Baby you are so beautiful. I've been dreaming about doing this with you for weeks."

"Jethro, I need to touch you. And I want you inside me."

Jethro stood up and pushed off his boxers freeing his erection. She took him in hand and gently stroked him before pushing him back onto the bed and straddling him. She began her exploration with a slow deep kiss while her body was in complete contact with Jethro's. Then she slowly made her way down his body, kissing and licking him while he tried to control the urge to flip them over and take her right then. Jen looked up at him and saw the darkening of his eyes and noted his very erratic breathing and she knew they were very close to the edge. She sat up then and taking him firmly in hand she slid down on him, taking him greedily into her center. Jethro's groan of pleasure and the smile on his face almost made her laugh with pure happiness.

Their rhythm suggested they had been lovers for years instead of less than an hour. Each of them seemed to sense what the other needed and wanted without having to speak. Jen rode him slowly at first waiting for him to pick up the pace. When he felt she was nearing her climax Jethro carefully rolled them over and took control. He watched as her eyes grew a darker shade of green and her cheeks flushed with the heat of their coupling. When she wrapped her legs around his waist he felt her tighten around him.

"Jen, let go baby, come for me."

"Oh god, Jethro, harder, please."

He thrust into her twice more completely filling her and she soared over the edge calling his name. Wanting Jethro to reach his climax as well she arched up to him and continued to move with him.

"Fill me up Jethro. I want all of you."

Hearing her request Jethro closed his eyes and let himself go spilling into her just as she asked. He opened his eyes and found her smiling at him her eyes alight with desire and satisfaction. Not wanting to spoil the moment with words, he leaned down and gave her a kiss intended to convey at least some of what he was feeling. Slowly he pulled out of her and Jen curled into his side with her head resting on his chest.

As they lay all sweaty and tangled together neither of them spoke for a long time. Jen laid her head on his chest gently stroking his newly healed scars. Jethro ran his hand up and down her back. When he finally spoke it wasn't what Jen expected to hear.

"Do you still have the name of that guy who ran into you?"

"I think so, why?"

"I want to send him a thank you card."