Chapter 22: Gravity

"What made you change your mind?"

Purposefully Sakura walked through the tangled grasses, all signs of sleepiness long banished. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, revealing a carefully composed expression. Avoiding his dark, unforgiving eyes, she spoke to his chest. Itachi was an enigma, one that she had no desire to solve. Her gaze focused intently. It would be remiss of her to let the unanswered question escape her notice, but she saw no reason to call him out on it just yet.

"What is genjutsu, Sakura?" Sensing that any explanation she could provide would pale in comparison to the Uchiha's understanding of the subject, the girl paused. She watched as the dewy grass dampened her brown boots, staining them black.

"Only what I've been taught," she said, recalling fleetingly the basic lessons all shinobi received. "That genjutsu causes sensory illusions through the manipulation of the flow of chakra in the victim's brain. In order to counteract the technique you have few options. You can either disrupt the flow of the caster's chakra using an even greater surge of chakra or by causing yourself enough physical pain that you snap out of it. But first you must realise that you are caught in a genjutsu before opposing it".

"Your knowledge is clearly lacking. If I were to disregard your command over chakra and your awareness of the inconsistency in the A rank genjutsu I used yesterday, my tutelage of you would be a pointless exercise".

Sakura's fists clenched, a scowl creasing her bow. However, reacting to the comment would likely invoke further aspersions to her character.

"I assume Deidara has informed you on the enemy we are facing?"

An eerie orange mask hiding the unnaturalness beneath; a swirling red eye and the infamous rinnegan flashed across her mind, bringing forth the memory of her village in a smoking ruin. Pein was gone but the real danger was as yet, unrealised. Precious little was known about Tobi except that he was the mastermind behind the Akatsuki and that even his name was a lie.

"Yes he has," Sakura said, rubbing her neck muscles subconsciously. "I know the danger, and the stakes".

"Then you know why it is important for you to master this skill. We have four weeks. You will eat, drink and breathe genjutsu until I am satisfied that you can manipulate chakra in this way on an unconscious level. Time given over to thought processes will get you killed. You must learn to react instinctively".

"Not asking for much, are you?"

Sakura did not approve of unrealistic goals. From her experience, in the hospital it often resulted in over-worked staff and potentially lethal mistakes.

Itachi's gaze became flinty. She straightened up with a sigh, muscles tensing in her arms and legs.

"Where do we begin?"

Silhouetted against the sudden sunlight, Itachi stood resolutely. After five minutes of inaction, her question entirely ignored, Sakura turned swiftly and she strode through the grasses back to the house. Her boots disturbed the gently swaying strands which scattered pollen to the wind. Yet instead of the wind dispersing the pollen in swirling eddies it lay in suspended animation, oblivious to the elements, defying the laws of gravity. Eyes narrowed, she removed two kunai from her pouch. Balancing the first steadily upon her palm, she took a deep breath and then threw it skywards. After ascending a foot or so the weapon came to a smooth halt, twisting slightly on its axis.


The second kunai left her hand in the blink of an eye. She watched it spiral towards the dark-haired man, frowning as each rotation decreased in momentum until finally it halted, a metre from his chest. His expression was unreadable.

Realisation flashed through her. This was her second test.

The kunoichi glanced downwards. A niggling feeling lingered in the back of her mind. The laws of physics no longer existed here. Everything she disturbed lost its pull on gravity. What then, was keeping her feet anchored to the earth? The instant that thought entered her mind her feet lost purchase on the ground and began to rise. She had become weightless.


Arching her neck back, she stared down the infinite heavens above. Without gravity what was there to stop her from floating upwards indefinitely. Sakura writhed in the air, powerless to stop her own ascent. The motion sent her spinning as she lost balance. Suspended in mid-air, there was nothing for her to grasp that would break the cycle. The earth and sky blurred together. She closed her eyes, feeling sick.

This isn't real.

She screwed her face tighter still, fists balled. Mind over matter. If she didn't trust what her senses told her perhaps she would see the truth.

I am standing in the field. All of this is a lie.

It had not escaped her notice that if this had been a real opponent she would have lost the battle before it had begun. Her eyes burned, picturing the liability she would become both to Itachi and Deidara.

No, her thoughts were ragged. I will not be beaten! I will-

Her knees and hands touched the dewy grass, soaking her legs. Her damp top clung to her back and she tasted salty trails upon her lips. Blessedly, the world had stopped spinning. She raised her head as footsteps approached from behind, muffled by the greenery.


Chest heaving, Sakura stumbled to her feet. "No. I can do better!"

"It will never be enough."

"Please," she whispered, eyes following his retreating figure until the forest swallowed him whole. Her knees buckled as the nausea returned. On all fours, she retched silently and her vision blurred.

"This is your fault."

Sakura flung herself onto the rickety chair ignoring its squeaks of protest. Deidara turned at her tone taking in her puffy eyes and folded arms, her reluctance to make eye contact.

"What happened?"

Setting down his lunch, he tried to put his arm around her small shoulders.

"Don't touch me!"

"Sakura." He made to push her lank, sweaty hair from her eyes, surprise crossing his features as she deflected his hand away. "Please."

She opened her mouth, but then as if thinking better of it, slowly shook her head. "I have nothing to say to you, Deidara."

A second squeal announced that the chair was now vacant.

"I don't understand. What did Itachi say to you?" Her eyes flashed at the mention of his name, as she retreated further from Deidara's advances. A wild panic set in her eyes and her hands shook.


He halted before her outstretched hand. Her fingers trembled, inches from his chest.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I can't do this anymore. It's o-over, Deidara."

Choking back a sob, she fled the room. Deidara collapsed heavily onto the chair, his mind reeling. What had just happened? He cast his thoughts back to last night and then, this morning. Nothing had been amiss. Confident in his ability to discern her emotions, he thought he would have sensed her distress.

Itachi! He was the catalyst for this.

Deidara relieved some of the tension from his knuckles. He had a feeling this conversation was long overdue.

Feeling completely wrung out, Sakura reached the edge of the trees. Hesitantly she peered between the branches at the clearing where she'd been so thoroughly overwhelmed. Her stomach roiled at the reminder but she clutched it, forcing the sensation back down. She'd had her moment of weakness.

It took her a moment to realise she was not alone. Two figures stood at the other end of the clearing, their postures aggressive. As she watched, one took a swing at the other narrowly missing their jaw. Her fingers involuntarily found their way to her mouth.

Deidara. What are you doing?

"-pushed her too far... trying to achieve?"

Snatches of conversation floated on the wind. Sakura strained to hear Itachi's reply but at this distance, his voice was inaudible. The girl slumped behind the tree, squeezing her eyes shut. Her hands clasped tightly as she listened to Deidara's pointless raging. She hadn't the strength to face him now.

"-instead blaming me!"

There was a short pause.

"Say that again!"

A sickening crunch rent the air. If the fight continued much longer, she'd have to intervene. Staring at the woodland floor she listened to the sounds of conflict. A broken finger, a punch to the jaw, a cracked rib.

What was he hoping to gain by this? Her affection?

A yell of anguish as a shoulder became dislocated. Sakura flinched involuntarily. She recognised that voice. This had gone on long enough. Before relinquishing her shelter, she wiped the traitorous moisture under her eyes away. Her hands balled into fists as she stepped into the bright sunlight.

It was obvious who had fared worse in the brawl. Itachi had a dark shadow along his jaw and his left index finger hung oddly. She took a deep breath. Deidara's good arm supported his side, the left one was clearly dislocated. She sensed their combined stares as she approached, imagining Itachi's to be icy cool, the complete opposite of Deidara's impulsive, searing, spine-tingling gaze.

Why can't you let it go?

Ignoring her lover, she strode towards Itachi. His expression remained neutral as always. She inhaled sharply. "I am ready to devote myself completely to your training. I will live, breathe and dream genjutsu. I will not let Tobi destroy our village."

The dark-haired man nodded brusquely and turned on his heel. Within seconds they were left alone.

"You're injured," she said, watching as Deidara popped his shoulder back into place. Her hand had almost reached his midriff when she halted. The very thought of his touch was too much to bear.

"I know what you're thinking".

"I- I need some space". She turned away, unable to look him in the eye.

Finally, she heard a soft reply. "I understand".

When she found the courage to meet his gaze, she discovered she was alone. A soft breeze played against her cheek and in the distance, she could hear birds singing their hearts out in the trees.

"Not bad".

Sakura smiled, pushing the hair out of her eyes. That comment was the closest thing she had come to a compliment in three weeks. She leant forward, resting her palms on her thighs as she struggled to regain control of her breath. Sweat beaded across her brow.

"That will be all for today".

Sakura shook her head. "One more session. I need all the practice I can get".

"No, you've mastered all you can in that area. Tomorrow we can focus on some more of the subtle aspects". Itachi's tone left no room for argument.

She nodded. "Ok, there are some medical texts I'd like to read up on anyway".

She turned to leave.


"No?" she echoed. Her mouth was slightly open. "I don't-"

"This alliance between you, myself and Deidara will only work if we can co-operate seamlessly as a team". Itachi's gaze was piercing. "Whatever you've done, fix it".

Sakura bristled at his words. White hot anger ignited in the pit of her stomach and looking down, she noted that her fists were already clenched.

"Fuck you, Itachi! You don't know the first thing about-"

"Fix it".

Sakura caught a glimpse of his cold, unforgiving gaze before he vanished. She shivered, rubbing her arms against the sudden chill and felt the goosebumps that had just risen upon them. The kunoichi glanced back towards the silent house with its blank windows, all the elation at finally getting a compliment from Itachi driven away.

In the last three weeks the only time she had spoken to Deidara was when both former Akatsuki members sat down at the table to fill her in on the leader of the Akatsuki and his plans for the world. She discovered that they believed he was a man named Madara, supposedly the legendary leader of the Uchiha clan. If that was not preposterous enough, it was rumoured that he was threatening the five great nations with war, though Itachi personally felt that this was not Madara's true objective.

The outcome was simple: no matter what the three of them did, it was unlikely that they would succeed. They were most likely marching to their deaths.

Except for this one occasion, Sakura and Deidara had gone to extremes to avoid one another. Deidara had taken to sleeping on a mouldy, faded leather couch whilst Sakura kept the bed upstairs. Since he left it she had often found the bed cold and draughty, tossing and turning late into the night. At first he'd tried to time his breakfast with hers in an effort to talk to her but that behaviour soon stopped when she took to eating in the woods. Later, he'd asked her about how the training sessions were going but seemed disappointed when she wasn't very forthcoming. Now she came to think of it, she hadn't seen him at all this week. He appeared to be respecting her space.

Sakura frowned. Developing a close relationship with Deidara again would be risky. The attraction was too strong for them to work comfortably without succumbing to their desires. On the other hand, ignoring him completely would cause their teamwork to suffer. A small voice inside of her head whispered that if they were going to die anyway, maybe it wouldn't matter if she gave in. Another voice hissed that if their desire to protect one another jeopardised things, people she cared about could be at risk because of them.

Was a moment of happiness worth the life of another?

Words crowded inside her head, causing her brain to feel overwhelmed. There was no easy answer. No quick fix. Actions had consequences. The question was, could she live with the choices she made?

A/N: Sorry that this chapter has been very, very, very overdue. It's shorter than normal but we are also coming to the end of Deidara's and Sakura's story. As usual, I do not own any of the characters or story.