When I was reading Death Note 13: How to Read, Ryuk was explaining L's eating habits. He pointed out something I never noticed before; L could tie a cherry stem into a knot with only his tongue! I couldn't wrap my mind how people could do that. I can barely open a Starburst in my mouth without cheating a little.

Disclaimer: TOSO does not own Death Note, Starburst, or Cherries.


The first time he tried it was a few seconds after he first saw it. He just happened to be eating cherries at the time. He was sitting… No, more like perching, on a chair in front of a TV in Wammy's House. No, that's wrong as well; he was perched behind a group of children sitting in front of a TV. They were on the ground while he, as mentioned earlier, was on a chair.

L has no memory of what exactly he was watching, or even if he was really paying attention, all he remembers is seeing a girl from the screen pluck the cherry steams free, popping them into her mouth, a few mouth movements here and there, then BAM! … A perfect knot. L was amazed.

Even back then, L was full of surprises, and there wasn't much he couldn't do. But this trick, he had never tried it, therefore it couldn't really, truly be said that L couldn't pull it off, but even the slight question of his ability, no matter what the task, upset him a little. He must learn how to do this, his pride depended on it! This is how L saw it anyway.

"Sir! Sir, L is choking!"


One would think that choking on the parts of a food that you're not even supposed to put in your mouth would be embarrassing. Well, you're right, and L was embarrassed, not that anyone could tell, though. But, the young man did not give up. This resulted in him being banned from eating cherries for a total of three months.


"L, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?"

"I am trying to tie a cherry stem into a knot with only my tongue," L explained to Watari, "it's proving to be quite difficult considering I started trying when I was still in Wammy's House."

Watari nodded before questioning further, "why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to," L responded as he spat out a stem, he had long before learned when to stop so he wouldn't choke on his little challenger, "could you bring me some more cherries, please?" Watari nodded, and then went to fetch some.

When he came back with a big bowl of the fruit, he said, "Now, be careful, L. It would be rather unfortunate for a detective such as yourself to fall prey to a mere cherry stem."


"I did it!" L shouted.

"What? What happened, L?" The young man's face paled (even more than usual) as he realized that his mic. was still on.

"Erm, nothing gentlemen," he said hurriedly to his latest clients, "g-good day!" With a click, the screen went blank, and L sighed. 'I made a fool of myself for the first time in a while,' he thought, 'but I finally did it!' He held up the knotted cherry stem with pride…Then he tossed it in the trash. "Well," he said, a bit of pride still lingering, "back to work."


Yeah, I know it's short. I thought it up while driving to Texas with the fam. I didn't put much thought into it, alright? Whatever. Review if you want, it's an oneshot so I really don't care either way. However, if you see a mistake, it would be much appreciated if you pointed it out by either review or PM. So….yeah. Bye. =D