I stared at the night sky, it was just so beautiful. I couldn't believe that we had just killed one of our enemies, it felt good in some way – not that I was overly happy about my reaction to any of the things that had happened earlier, but there was really nothing that I could do about that now.

I heard footsteps, it was someone that I could easily recognize. It was Edward, oh how I had missed him – even though I had just seen him some hours earlier.

I figured that he wanted me to come inside so Alice could figure out what I should wear to the prom, not that I really wanted to go at all, I just wanted to spend some time with my Edward. That and I sucked at dancing.

I was the most ungraceful being on earth when dancing.

Laugh all you want, really, I do so too.

Edward sat down next to me and looked up too. We sat like that for a while, just enjoying each others presence, it was nice to sit like that for once and not have to worry about anything else.

"Alice wants to see you." Edward said once we had been silent for a while, I cursed at him in Japanese before I began to rise. It felt like I was about to go and meet the one who would sentence my death.

I barely got to open the door before Alice had yanked me through it and began to babble about all sorts of dresses, I admit it, I didn't listen to what she said to me that time at all.

"Ohh, this one!" she exclaimed excitedly, holding up a red dress (A/N: Use your imagination cause mine sucks when it comes to dresses TT_TT). It was really pretty and all of a sudden I felt lucky about having Alice to help me picking out a dress for me to wear.

She asked me to go and put it on, so I did just that. I saw a strange glint in her eyes when I closed the door but I didn't think much of it. Before I opened the door that is.

She practically shoved a pair of high heels into my face – and by high heels I really do mean high heals, insanely high heels. Was she trying to kill me?

"Put them on." she said impatiently, shaking the shoes in front of my face, as if it would help me see them better. I sighed before taking the shoes from her and slowly put them on, showing just how much I didn't want to use those damned shoes.

"Good girl." Alice said once I had the shoes on. I gave her a half hearted glare before standing up slowly.

What? It's not my fault that I suck at walking in high heels.

Alice led me through the house, I figured that she wanted to show me off to the rest of the family, not something that I was overly happy about. But I complied, knowing that if I refused, she would annoy me until I would give an okay and just let her show me off anyway.

Evil little girl.

She opened the door slowly and said my name in a dramatic way before stepping out of the way so that the people in the room could see me too.

They all gave me a smile, which made me smile right back at them.

Oh how I loved them at that moment.

"Are we ready to go yet?" Emmett asked impatiently from where he was sitting. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Did he have some sort of problem today?

I chose not to make a comment about it, just this one time.

We walked out to the three cars waiting for us.

Alice was with Jasper.

Rosalie was with Emmett.

I was with Edward.

I was so NOT looking forward to dancing or anything that involved me using my feet.

We were some of the few that had arrived early, not that I minded. It just mean that less people would see me walking around in that awkward way that I do when wearing heels.

Edward found a place where we could sit and told me that he would go and get something to drink for the both of us – it was just a guise, I knew that much but just this once, I wished that I could drink something without wanting to throw it up two seconds later.

That was one thing to hate about being a vampire, you never got to eat or drink anything at all – other than blood, but that doesn't count in my book.

I looked around me and only then did I notice the akatsuki coming towards me, how lovely.

"What do you want?" I asked when everyone was in hearing range.

"Can't we talk to our favorite kunoichi?" Kisame asked with a wide fanged grin.

"For a matter of fact, no. I would appreciate if you could just walk the other way and leave me alone." I answered with a raised eyebrow. I was kidding around with them and they knew that, it made me kind of warm inside that some people knew when I was kidding around and when I wasn't.

All of them chuckled slightly at my words. Or well, Tobi didn't but he was, after all, a little on the dense side and probably didn't know that I had been kidding around.

"Did Tobi do something wrong Sakura-chan?" Tobi exclaimed with a stream of tears rolling out of his eyehole. I twitched slightly, wondering just why the hell he was wearing that stupid mask. I was just about to ask why he DID wear it when I remembered that he had asked me a question that I hadn't answered yet… That and I really didn't want the answer that he would provide me with.

Who knew what that guy would be able to come up with.

"No Tobi, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just kidding around." I answered when I was done with my thinking.

Tobi flung himself at me, hugging me around the waist and, in that same progress, making the chair fall backwards only to be caught before it hit the floor with a thud that would have been anything but silent.

Needles to say, I felt very nauseous after all that bumping around.

"Are you okay Sakura?" Edward asked, I looked up at him with unfocused eyes and smiled dizzily at him before regaining myself to answer him properly.

"Ah, yes! I'm perfectly fine! Nothing to worry about!" I exclaimed, waving my right arm around, narrowly avoiding to hit anyone.

Edward only raised a questioning eyebrow before he decided that he didn't want to pry anymore. I found that strange, it wasn't often that he left things that easily, especially not it had something to do with someone that he cared about.

"Is something wrong?" I asked after he had been sitting around a little, he turned his head towards me and flashed a smile that was nothing but fake. It made me shiver.

"Everything is perfectly fine Sakura." He said, he probably believed that he had me fooled but he hadn't and I just got more and more worried about him as the seconds passed.

"Please Edward, won't you tell me what's wrong?" I asked again, this time he raised and eyebrow, flashed me a true smile before he gestured to the akatsuki. They were sitting around us, trying to look innocent, but I figured that they had been listening intently to everything that had been said.

It made my right eye twitch madly.

"Would you people be as kind as to move away so that Edward and I can speak without anyone listening in on our conversation?" I asked, trying to sound polite but I knew that I had failed miserably at that task.

How I knew?

Well, let's just say that Tobi is very good at making the kicked puppy expression.

But they left.


"Will you tell me what's wrong now?" I asked Edward, I knew that I should probably calm down, but at that precise moment, I didn't care about my temper, I just wanted to know what was wrong with my Edward.

"I was just wondering." He replied halfheartedly, my right eye twitched again.

"You got yourself to look like someone who just saw a ghost… Just because you were wondering?" I hissed, he had me so damn worried and then it was only that, I figured that he could see that his words had upset me – if not that, then he could clearly see me shaking and hissing in my anger – and then he decided to go into details with his thoughts.

It had to do with Victoria – go figure – the mate of the vampire that we had killed. At first my angry mind didn't see the bed things about that.

Well, before the words MATE burned their way through and I understood so well what was wrong.

She would want to target me – not that I was worried about that – but not only would she target me, she would target Bella and Asami.

Just because we were the mates of the ones who killed her mate.

Why Edward thought that she would be so intent on going after me I didn't know.

I was in on the killing after all.

"Edward, listen carefully please. If this have you so worried then we will just have to up our security. We can't let anything happen to Asami or Bella, you don't have to worry about me, I have been around for a long time and I know quiet a few tricks that the little redhead don't know about. But… If you absolutely want to worry then can't you at least wait until tomorrow? I would really like for this night to be about us and not other people – or vampires – please Edward, for me." I pleaded with him, I wanted to give him the puppy eyes so bad but I knew that it wouldn't make his decision any easier, it could make his decision harder on himself later.

He might regret it if he wasn't into it with 100 percent of his still heart.

"Okay, I won't think about it anymore tonight, I promise." He said with a small sigh, but I knew that he meant what he said, he wouldn't have told me that it was a promise if he didn't really mean it.

I smiled brilliantly.

Until he came with his ONE condition for him to not think about it anymore that night.

"If you will dance with me."

Oh how I wanted to break something.

"Fine, but it has to be a slow song." I agreed with a giant sigh. He gave me his trademark smile before he focused on the growing crowd of dancers. They looked like they were having a lot of fun.

I suddenly wished that I had a pair of flat shoes with me so that I could dance amongst the crowd, but I hadn't brought any, not thinking about the pull of dancing being as great as it was.

It gave me yet another reason to hit myself over the head the next time that I would get the chance.

Edward chuckled beside me and I looked at him, he didn't elaborate, he just smiled and looked back out to the dancing crowd.

"Why didn't I bring a pair of flat shoes?" I asked out loud, just to see what Edwards reaction would be to my words.

He broke out laughing so hard that I actually shook his entire frame.

"Oh little Sakura, it's okay, we'll just have a dance on our own when we get home." He said with a merry smile and a glint in his eye that I could only place as lust.

"Geez, horny are we?" I asked teasingly, he just grinned even wider, not even answering my question, before his right hand grabbed my left, only to pull me into a standing position and out to the dance floor.

Now I felt scared.

Yes, you can laugh at me.


When we were finally at a – somewhat – excluded part of the dance floor, he pulled me to him, pushing our chests flat against each other, his arms wrapped around my waist while my arms wound around his neck – the extra height of the shoes made this task so much easier.

We danced in tact to the music, I felt endlessly worried about falling.

That is, until Edward spoke softly into my ear.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall." And I felt my body relax as I followed his lead around on the dance floor, we ended up somewhere in the middle of the floor – how the hell we managed to get through the giant mass of people, I will never know.

We began to sway in tact to the music, becoming lost in each others eyes, eventually standing completely still. Our faces came closer and closer to each other.

We were the only one there, we only had our eyes opened for each other, our senses were on high alert just so that we would feel everything of this very special moment.

Our eyes closed slowly.

And we kissed.


Horrible way of ending this, I know TT_TT

Mah, the talk that Sakura and Edward had just after the Akatsuki left were not something that I had planned beforehand AT ALL. It was a complete spur of the moment but I am happy that it came out as it did.

Errors and all XP

I don't know if I had said this once, but the reason for the Akatsuki only being in the story one time – besides in this last chap - has a very simple explanation.

I forgot them.

You may ask yourself why.

But we will never know the real answer :P


On to something else.

The last couple of chaps had been short so I thought that I would do something about it and try to get this chap a little bit longer and I think that went well enough (The chap itself is a little over 2000 words).


There might be a sequel….

But I dunno when I will get an idea or what it will be about (Ideas anyone?)

Now to the thanks:

First to the ones who reviewed the last chap:

XDrAnDomPeRsoNXD ; Thank you and there you have the answer^^'

DemonKittyAngel ; It sure did and who knows :P

anabel the lady shark ; Haha, here you go. Sadly this is the last chap TT_TT

yuchi1994 ; Yup yup^3^

And to the ones who reviewed before that (Ones who, sadly, didn't review the last chap or earlier on):

xDarakuxShitaxTenshix ; Excel Go Boom ; freeflyingwolf ; Melaniehailey.R ; rosepuppy ; zoro-lover-95 ; Eyes of a Black Dragon ; lumierediva ; Ima Rape You ; whydidyoutakemypenname ; cloudwatcher333 ; HarunoSakuraFan ; Jasper's-Number-1-Fangirl ; FreedomIsPirateKey

I appreciate the support more than you will ever know^^ (sorry if any of the names ends up looking strange, it might be my laptop messing around with me… It does that sometimes -.-U)

(And you are welcome to keep the reviews coming, it might make me think of a sequel to this much faster :D)

And a really big thank you to all the people who attempted to read the story (even though it might only have given me some hits, it still shoved me that some people wanted to read this – and by some hits I mean all the 6021 that I actually got XP – they are all pretty much spread over all the chaps but still, it's a lot^^)

And of course a giant thank you to the ones who faved (31) and alerted (30)^^

Actually, why don't I give all of you a big bear hug??

*Gives bear hug*

Heh, so I hope you enjoyed reading my story and… Yeah…

I hope that I will see some of you once I get to write a sequel^3^

Side Note: