Well ladies and gents… here is that long awaited Chapter 13. I am sooo very sorry about the wait, but I promise as long as people are reading and enjoying my story I shall continue to write it. Ooohh before I forget there is some minor changes to the story. I shall say what they are at the end of the next chapter (if you don't spot them before hand anyway)

BTW: I have to thank the readers who have reviewed even though I have not updated in over a year… THANK YOU ALL FOR REVIEWING.

Oh good news! I got a Beta for this story, but unfortunately this chapter has not been Beta-ed yet… Please say hi tooo RHatch89

So without further bellyaching….

CHAPTER THIRTEEN! *Or is it chapter 14? walks away grumbling to self about annoying numbers*

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Chapter Thirteen: Interlude: Battle before the DigiWorld!

When the DigiTrainers returned home most of the group decided to change out of the wet clothes that happened in the park. But the three that were smart enough to stay away from the water works in the park decided to do something that all of the DigiTrainers loved but none had the time to do, what with the moving to a new world, and trying to fit in. So Rema, Aqua, and Lea go to the back area of their home that has a large fence that can hide a seven-foot tall Pokémon. With the help of Aqua's computer handling of the security system, they were also able to block anything taller, along with any noise that they can make, thus making the back area to be the best place for Pokémon battles.

"All right! So who will be the two battlers?" asked Rema after Telling Tai to go change.

"I want too!"

"No! I want too!"

"Some times Lea and Aqua you guys are like 8-year olds…" mumbled Rema with a sweat drop on the back of her head while watching the two mentioned fighting.

"Computer Brain!"

"Garden Mouth!"

Suddenly the twins launch at each other and start a brawl.

"Sigh… Pira can I get some help?"

While stating this Rema tosses out a small round capsule that looks like a Pokéball but instead of red on the top half it is a teal color that has crisscrossing black lines on it. (A/N: It is a Net Ball)

With a flash of light from the ball comes a two feet fish that has red on the bottom, which is jagged where it meets the dark blue on the top half, with two sharp teeth pointing out from the bottom two red eyes on either side of the head that look to be in a glare. The fish also has two yellow dorsal fins on top of its head in an "M" shape, one yellow ventral on the bottom, two, curved, yellow pectoral fins, and one large, yellow with a red lining next to the body, tail fin behind it. Surprisingly the fish was floating near Rema instead of flopping on the ground.

"Carvanha!" The fish cries, in a gravelly, but female like voice. While saying this it fondly head butts Rema.

The young lady laughs and gestures to the anime-like cloud in front of her and states, "Hello as well Pira, think you can Water Pulse these two to cool them down?"

Pira sweat dropped as well when she saw the cloud. "Carva van. Carvanha… (I am on it. Boy they are loud…)" And with that she fires what looks to be a pulsing ring of deep blue water at the twins, who stop fighting with a yell.


"Well I thought you two would rather have a real battle against each other… but if you want to fight each other instead. Than that is ok too, I guess." With that she and Pira pretend to walk away, when suddenly the twins lunge towards Rema.

"No! We'll be good," they state together.

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A little while later, when the twins have dried off. Everyone decides to watch the first Pokémon battle in a few months. Everyone but the twins and Rema are on the sidelines sitting down, while the ones mentioned are standing up with Rema (with Pira still out to act as a bodyguard) facing at an angle to Aqua and Lea who are facing each other with around eight feet between them.

"Ok here we go! Aqua has won the coin toss so she shall call out her Pokémon first. But both agree that the Pokémon with the higher speed shall attack first. First to get all three of her opponent's Pokémon to faint or give shall be declared the winner. Aaannndd… Begin!"

"Alright! Let's go Siri!" And with this call the blue (pixie-cut) haired girl threw out a red and white ball into the air.

Out of the Pokéball comes a beam of white light that lands in front of her of a creature around a few inches above a foot. The creature is light blue, with three dark blue stripes going up its belly. It had an oval head that was almost bigger than it's body, a paddle tail, two little feet, and two antennas on either side of his head (the antennas had four branches showing that he is a male). The creature was also wearing something around its neck a deep blue necklace that had a teardrop pendent hanging from it. The pendent was a swirl of two colors, a sandy-tan color and a blue the color of the sea.

"Wooper!" called out the creature.

"Boy sis, you are going to make this battle an easy win for me. 'Cause grass beats water and my Thorn is all grass," and with a cocky smirk, the green-haired French-braided teen threw out a round capsule that was instead of red was blue with red horns sticking out of it (Great Ball).

The creature that appeared before Lea facing Siri and Aqua was tiny. A few inches smaller than Siri, the creature was different shades of green, pale green for its skin tone, with a large dark green, with a yellow line going through it, leaf that was centimeters from the ground (if it touched the ground would be a female, I think), and two shoulder pads that are attached to the leaf. The hair on the creature's head was the same color as the leaf that was being used as clothes; the hair was covering most of the head with three points that look like thorns. For hands the creature had two fully bloomed roses, Pink on the right hand and blue on the left. The creature was also wearing a type of pin that looked to be a three-leaf flower a pale yellow color, with light violet streaks through it.

"Roselia!" squeaked the little creature.

"So you decide to use the little rose bud to fight? Meh," with a shrug Aqua calls out to her mini-mudfish partner. "Siri! Let's start off the battle with a heavy hitter! Use Tail Whip to gain momentum than use Slam!"

"Why you! Thorn is only a few inches smaller than your walking Slime ball!" Fuming Lea shouts to her Pokémon, "Thorn! Spread your Poison Spikes, Than attack with Magical Leaf!"

"Woop par Wooper!" I am on it

"Ros Rose Lia!" Here we go!

With these yells both Pokémon jumped towards the middle of the training field to do battle.

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TA-DAH! *Is it just me or was it kinda short?*

This chapter is finally finished! I would like to tank everyone who have reviewed alerted and or done both. You guys are my bread and butter that Kept me going…

Before I forget there is a special couple of Authors/Reviewers that need to be thanked…

1000x Thanks to CometCaster and GalaxyGirl! Along with to Lord Pata for being the one who stared it all.

Now a big question before I go. Do you want to read about the battle? Or should I do it as a one-shot later and go on with the story?

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OH! I forgot about this, and sorry about the double posting but I don't want to get in trouble by posting an AN by itself. BUT there is a new story I out up that is a kinda/not really prequel to this story. Please read and see how you like it. Plus please put me on Author Alert, since there will be a few more stories introduced to see how everyone will react to them... BTW over 4000 hits! am I looking at this right? OMG! Ok if people its up to you please tell me if you want the battle or the next part in the story... When the 5th person tells me either way I shall try to post within that week. But for a warning I am a full time college student and a part time worker at wal mart.