I know that I said I would not be updating this anymore but this part of the story just sat in my folders for a tempting two years without being published. I remember being so irked that I would not be able to publish this part having worked hard on the interactions. So after two years I've given up and posted this, but remember this will be the last update to "The Mystery of Hogwarts" Any more updates from me on the BleachxHarryPotter place would either be on Forlorn Promises or a new story... so enjoy!

Warning: the style of writing was kept as it was so no changes were made...ehhh...yea

The caged ice dragon Maru, smirked in amusement to the young Shinigami's reaction. Hitsugaya's face filled with bewilderment and confusion, it was adorable...for a human immortal that is. Maru hovered from the hay-covered floor of his cage and his body slithering to his movement as he tried to find a comfortable place to rest once more. His glowing golden eyes shifted from the boy to his brothers' cloud like silhouette. Hyōrinmaru's lower body coiled around the foggy ice ground of where the pale tan boy stood, his upper body stretched high in a threatening height. His cold, dull but powerful red eyes glowed from his misty appearance and two giant silhouettes of his wings spread away from the shinigami yet at the same time in that position it took, it looked almost protective over the boy's well being. Hyōrinmaru bared his canine fangs and growled lowly to his brothers amused smile.

[How intriguing]Maru mused as his whiskers flicked away.

The younger dragon let out a deep but relaxed breath as he laid his head as closed as he could get to the warded bars. Both brother ice dragons breaths appeared in large puffs of cold clouds yet the young captain did not seemed to be effected by the coldness, his eyes only glued on his zanpakutō that magically replaced his wand and the dragon mist around him.

'What's going on?Hyōrinmaruhow did you get out?' Hitsugaya demanded for an answer,

The dragon spirit Hyōrinmaru let out a soft but low growl from his throat and opened his misty mouth to answer but he was quickly interrupted, Maru was chuckling. His snake like body shook and his chuckling turned to laughter, both Hitsugaya and the spirit Hyōrinmaru looked at him.

'What's so funny Hitsugaya hissed,

'Heh, it is the sight of my brother 'the great one' being commanded and slaved by a dead child! You have lowered yourself to the commanding of this brat' Maru smiled smuggling.

Hitsugaya's eyebrows knitted together as his bare teeth gritted together and his hands balled into a fist. How dare he mock Hyōrinmaru! He had never encounter a dragon like him to be so...rude and to his older brother as well! And called him a brat! No one gets away with calling him a brat!

'He is not a Brat! nor my master, he is my partner. I am bounded to him as he is to me we are one. And what of you, you to speak,' Hyōrinmaru spoke in a mighty voice, 'it is you who has lowered himself, letting such weak humans capture a dragon of your caliber '

The smile on the caged dragons face drooped into a frown as he let out a disappointed 'hm'

'Yes, I suppose it is rather humiliating to be captured like this, but like your 'partner' big brother these are no mere mortals are they not?' He quirked, 'and so curious as I was I made an agreement with these magic humans. I let the capture me in return I wish to learn something of them...a game and so I am a part of this game they call the Triwizard tournament"

'The tournament?' Hitsugaya muttered,

'Yes, I am to protect a golden egg which a participant must take away from me. I agreed with them and now I wait for the games which will be held at the end of this month, I can hardly hold in my excitement' Maru mused

"Why would you want to participate in this?" Hitsugaya's voice stayed low and cold

The dragon kept his eyes on the boy for a moment before smiling,

"They told me to protect the egg with any means possible, and they meant 'any' means"

Hitsugaya send a sharp glance over to his shadowy Zanpakutō's spirit, so the first task will be two weeks from that day. The dragons are the first task and the objective for this game is to grab the egg they protect. The young captain looked over to the other cages and noted that the dragons were dragonettes...female dragons. Thus being more protective to the egg they care for thinking it is her own young ones, he felt disgusted that these humans used the protectiveness of a mother dragon to her children for a senseless death tournament. Even worse is that they are leading students into a death trap, these dragons would kill to protect the eggs. Hitsugaya glared at Maru; only he would kill for the entertainment of it.

"You let yourself be captured for a game?" Hitsugaya snarled,

Was Maru truly Hyōrinmaru's younger brother or was he just kidding? They have no similarities to personality except for appearance and type. But other else than that they were simple different, and the tense and angry feeling from his connection with Hyōrinmaru obviously tells him his partner is not absolutely happy to see him.

"Of course I did. Now I suggest you to depart now, I must retire and save my energy for the games. You should hurry those mortals will be checking up on me any minute now" Maru said in a highly command as he waved his head in dismiss before slithering back to the shadows of the cage.

"Hey! Wait we're not finished yet!" Hitsugaya snapped

But he was answered with nothing more than silence, he gritted his teeth at Maru's character. He was about to take a step forward but a sudden gust of strong cold winds blasted from the cage catching the young captain by surprise and causing him to be blown up into the trees. But even if caught by surprise Hitsugaya managed to balance himself on a branch before glaring at Maru's cage. Hyōrinmaru's ghostly figure followed him up to the branch and curled around the teal-eyed boy, he let out a low growl of disapproval to his brothers actions.

"Hitsugaya, leave him be. Knowing that fool that's all he would be willing to tell us" Hyōrinmaru sighed

Hitsugaya let out a 'hn' but nodded in agreement, his eyes shifted from the cages trying to memorize the appearances of the dragons to search up information about them later in the library. Since he would be against one of them it would be wise to know what he was going up against than going in blind. Suddenly the sword in his hand began to shiver and shake, Hyōrinmaru's protective like silhouette circled around the young captain and slowly retreated back into the sword. His Zanpakutō slowly was covered in ice before braking into shards of ice and in his hand was his regular white wand from before.

/It seems that I have a certain time before I return back to this feature, forgive for the late explanation/ the dragon said wearily

\Judging from the tone of your voice, you've just discovered that yourself. Then there is no need for forgiveness or apologies. But I will want an explanation about Maru and why you have not spoken to me since arrival / Hitsugaya answered back.

He turned around and shunpo away, now that he has figured what was bugging him that day it was time to go but right after he finds Fuyoko. Where as she gone this time... He sighed and shook his head in disappointment.