Phantom: Update is here! So sorry about the wait. I'll get to my other stories too, just give me some time. Time for Chapter 7!

Our arguing had kept up until we eventually crashed, it being late at night. Who knew it took so much energy to just verbally fight? Either way, somehow, I had dragged myself to the bathroom and gotten changed into really simple sleepwear. (Figures that the bathroom is located the next hallway down.) After that, I can't really remember how I got back to the twins' room.

But I do remember that I was quite comfortable.

Dream POV

It was so soft, and whatever I was against was so warm. A soothing thumping sound echoed underneath my ear. I cracked my eyes open a bit, spying gray skin and a simple tank top right in front of me. I was lying against someone, with my head on their chest. A peek upwards revealed Debitto.

A weight settled over my waist, it felt like an arm. Golden curls spilled over my shoulder, giving it away. It had to be Jasdero behind me. I can't recall the last time I was so comfortable. Falling limp, I let out a heart felt sigh.

I was all set to fall asleep again, when warm lips started kissing at my exposed shoulder, my over sized shirt unable to cover both shoulders, resulting in the neck of the shirt hanging off of my other shoulder. The arm around my waist tightened a bit. Another pair of lips joined in, mouthing at my neck from the front. I let out a quite moan, my head falling back a bit, as Debitto purred from underneath my jaw.

"All ours now. You're all ours."


I was jolted awake again, this time by a certain young girl by the name of Road. She was wearing a cute lilac knee length dress, with puffy sleeves. She had black and white striped stockings on and Lolita shoes to finish off the outfit. I blinked blearily up at her, my mind still trying to pull itself out of the haze of my dream.

She smiled brightly from where she was sitting on my stomach, putting a finger against her lips in the universal sign to be quiet. I noticed that the twins were still sleeping, fairly close to me. As in Road could easily wake them up if she moved a few centimeters too far. I blinked at her, before she somehow hopped off of me, motioning with her hand that I should follow her. With another glance at the twins, I managed to roll forward into a sitting position, before scooting off the bed. Road grabbed my wrist, yanking me out of the room without letting me even have a chance to get changed out of my sleep wear.

I was pulled through several hallways, until we reached another room. I was shoved past the doorway, to find myself in a bedroom full of gift boxes, dresses, toys, and some floating candles.

This must have been Road's room.

I was broken out of my observations by Road pushing me into the private bathroom that belonged to her room. "Road-chan, what's going on? What time is it?" I asked, as she had me sit down on the closed toilet seat, so I'd be more at her height level. She picked up a brush, moving to brush my hair. I left it down when I went to sleep, so it was a mess. "Since those idiots stole you away yesterday, I decided that we should spend the day together. We could play dress up. You look so pretty, and it's such a shame that you had to stop wearing skirts at school. But I have all kinds of skirts and dresses that you can wear here. We'll have so much fun!" she giggled, working out all the knots in my hair.

"Ah." I nodded, brushing my hair away from my face when she finished my hair. "Ne, Road-chan, could I take a shower? That way I'd be all clean and you can pick out an outfit, since my clothes are still in Jasdebi's room." I asked, eyeing the bathtub she had. The showerhead was quite elaborate, and all that. Road took a look at her bathtub as well. "Take a bath. That way I can clean your hair."

Now, seeing as I'm a teenage boy and Road is a preteen girl, socially, I shouldn't take a bath with her in the room. But also seeing as this is Road-chan, and she said I was going to spend the day with her, not to mention my social morals are a bit… askew, I could probably get away with it. But just to be safe… "Make it a bubble bath and it's a deal."

It'd cover all the inappropriate areas, and I happen to like bubbles.


After a refreshing bubble bath, Road had me sitting on a plush footstool in her large room, with nothing but a towel around my waist for modesty. She had brushed my hair dry, and was now curling the ends into ringlets. She hummed as she worked.

"So what will I be wearing today, Road-chan?"

She grinned brightly, finishing my hair, and stepping back. She didn't answer me, but she skipped over to one of the giant closets, and started rooting through it. The violet haired preteen pranced back over, holding a white silky thin strapped under dress, and a pair of dark purple panties. She handed them to me, motioning for me to get dressed. I gave her a quick look. "Turn around for a second." She rolled her eyes before complying. Quickly, I slipped the panties on, the towel still around my hips. Pulling the dress over my head, I let gravity pull it down, where it ended a few inches above my knees. The towel was immediately taken off as I smoothed out the dress.


She turned back around, and gave me a once over. "Now what else?" she murmured to herself, tapping her chin with her pointer finger. Turning back to the wardrobe, she continued to root through it. She pulled out the cloth for a lavender and magenta obi, as well as a dark purple modified kimono top with silver butterflies embroidered on it. The kimono top when on first, the clothing hanging off of my shoulders, and part of it seemed to be like a dress, since the skirt of it fell an inch or two below my under dress. The edge of it had black lace. I had to lift my arms so that the obi could be tied on, the back of it being tied in a short, cute bow. Taking a seat on the footstool again, a lavender and purple butterfly clip was placed in my hair, while most of it was pulled into a high ponytail.

Road started to run around her room, looking for something else. Meanwhile, I felt quite pretty. She came back with a pair of lavender thigh high stockings, and black mary-janes, as well as some clear lip gloss, black eyeliner, and silver eye shadow. I pulled on the stockings and shoes while Road waited for me to finish. Afterwards, she applied the makeup, took a step back, and squealed.

"Oh, you're so pretty Rin-chan! Let's go show Tyki and Papa!"

I was lead out of her room and down a few more halls to what appeared to be the dining room, where lunch was in progress. All of the Noahs appeared to be there, which meant there were quite a few I hadn't met yet. The Earl was also present as well as the twins. The twins who had immediately began to scream at Road. A shouting match ensued which everyone pretty much ignored, except Sheryl who kept an eye on his precious daughter.

"Ah, good evening, Rin-kun~!" the Earl greeted. I gave him a quick bow as greeting. Jasdero had stopped fighting with Road, and motioned for me to take a seat next to him. Once seated, I noticed two Noahs staring at me. A smile popped up on my face. "Hello~!"

The lady staring at me had blond hair, pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a suit. She eyed me like a housecat would. Meanwhile, the guy staring at me with pale hair held back by a striped turban spoke up. "Who are you?"

"My name is Orin Starlit. I happen to be the twins' roommate at school." I said, my stomach reminding me that I missed breakfast when a plate of pasta and grilled chicken was placed in front of me by a maid. I could see Tyki continuing to eat his soup from the corner of my eye. "May I ask who you are?" I asked, picking up my fork and spearing some pasta on it.

"I happen to be Wisely, while the silent lady right there is called Lulubell." he said, pointing at the blond lady who continued to stare at me like I was a mouse. "It's nice to meet you, Wisely-san, Lulubell-san~!" I waved at them before I popped my forkful of food into my mouth. Oh, whoever cooked was quite a good chef.

"So how exactly did someone like you end up here, Orin-kun?" Wisely asked, picking at his meal. My little fox smile never left my face. "Someone like me?" I asked.

Wisely stared me straight in the eyes, and I could see quite a bit of malice in their depths.

"A human."

Noise continued on around us, as the twins kept being disruptive and Road was simply adding more fuel to the fire. Sheryl and Tyki were having their own conversation. The Earl was laughing, and several other Noah were complaining about the noise level, adding to it.

I stared right back at Wisely, the fox-like smile still on my face, even as my eyes changed for a few brief seconds back to my other form, and he flinched slightly.

"Why would you fancy the idea of me being human?"

Needless to say it went very quiet after that.

Phantom: Yeah, I really am sorry about the wait for updates. I ended up getting a part time job, so a lot of what I do is divided between homework and work. Review time!

ShadowQueen1996- The chapter is up. I am sorry about the wait.

darkangelyuna14- I didn't update as soon as I'd like... But it's here now. I will not let this die.

Jacky-lulu- This story will forever persist, and BTW, did I mention I love your penname?

luv strawberries named daisuke- I MADE ANOTHER CHAPTER!

vampirexgothxgirl- Well, I'm glad you like this story.

I hope to get more reviews. I realise this chapter never really went anywhere, but I should get on track soon enough. As soon as I figure out how to get the plot back...(Stupid thing ran away and is hiding from me...) Til next time! Ja ne!