A/N: We'll after being silent for so long, I suddenly had an idea that just wouldn't stop. I've read several dimension hopping stories, and I've never once seen one like this. I mean, if you are sending harry to different worlds, it stands to reason that they wouldn't all be 'alt-reality' HP worlds. I mean sure, there would be several, but at the same time there would be some so different that Harry wouldn't exist in them. And that's where this idea started. So I decided to send harry to every world I can think of, from "Dragon Ball Z" To "X-men" and several in between. Plus maybe a couple I came up with on my own. Well I'm bored with hearing myself talk so I say...

(Edit: 1/15/2011)


Boy-Who-Lived, a Murderer?

Last night, several Aurors responded to a large magical reading at number 4 Privet Drive (Little Whinging, Surrey). Upon their arrival, they discovered that the front door had been blown into the front hall of the residence. After entering the house they quickly discovered the bodies of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, the current guardians of Harry Potter. Both were announced dead at the scene, both victims of the Avada Kevadra curse. Further investigation led them to the unconscious forms of Harry Potter, and his cousin Dudley Dursley. Both were suffering the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse. Both were quickly rushed to Saint Mungos.

This morning, during a press conference, Minister Fudge announced that Mr. Potter was being charged with three counts of using the unforgivable curses, two counts of murder, one count of torturing a minor, and one count of destruction of private property. During the conference, Minister Fudge stated: "Mr. Potter is a criminal who deserves to be punished for his crimes. It is believed that, with the escape of Sirius Black last year, and the unfortunate encounter between Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, Harry Potter's sanity has slowly collapsed. After witnessing the unfortunate accident that took Cedric Diggory's life, Mr. Potter's mind has finally cracked. It's no secret that Mr. Potter's family has not provided the most ideal living environment. It is highly likely that they had an argument in which one of the Dursleys said something that caused Mr. Potter to snap, and to violently lash out. As regretful as the situation is, it does not excuse his actions. Mr. Potter broke the law, and must face Justice!"

In the past, we have called Mr. Potter a tragic attention seeker. We have personally worked to ruin and humiliate him. Yet even we are surprised to learn how badly the young hero has fallen. Perhaps the stress has finally gotten to him. However, that is for the Wizengamot to decide. Though we still have one question:

How does a 14 year old have the knowledge, power, and desire to hit himself with the Cruciatus curse?

Potter Trial Tomorrow!

As many of you know, last Saturday, Harry Potter reportedly went crazy and attacked his family, killing his aunt and uncle, and then torturing his muggle cousin. Today, the Ministry of Magic released a statement announcing that Mr. Potter's trial shall be held tomorrow, July 29th in an open court. "We believe that, despite the fact that he may have been unaware of his actions, Mr. Potter must still be held responsible for them." This statement was made after Minister Fudge held a private meeting with several of his trusted advisors (Including Lucius Malfoy, Walden Macnair, and an unknown third man).

Potter Trial Day 1

The first day of the Potter trial has concluded. Today, Harry Potter, who stands accused of killing and torturing his family, sat before the Wizengamot, and a full gallery of wizards and witches. The-Boy-Who-Lived appeared resigned to his fate as the evidence was displayed for all to see. This included photos of the crime scene taken by the Aurors, Medical exams of the deceased and Dudley Dursley, and the detector readings that first alerted the ministry in the first place.

Oddly enough, the Minister did not display any caster readings for the spells used on the victims, or a Prior-Incantatem Chart of Mr. Potter's wand. It has been suggested that the Aurors that first arrived at the scene may have forgotten to take them, or possible even contaminated them upon arrival. We here at the prophet, however, believe that the Ministry is being lenient with Mr. Potter, and may be giving him an opportunity to defend himself.

Witness Surprise! Trial Day 2

Day two of the already infamous Potter trial started off with a bang today as the Ministry called the first of a long list of witnesses. And quite the list it was too:

Draco Malfoy

Vincent Crabe Jr.

Gregory Doyle Jr.

Cho Chang

Susan Bones

Ginevera Weasley

Ronald Weasley

Perhaps even more surprising than the witness list is the list of refusals. Hermione Granger (long rumored girlfriend of Harry Potter) Fred and George Weasley, and Neville Longbottom, all refused to testify against Mr. Potter. It is possible that Ms. Granger is distraught over her boyfriend's fall to the dark side, and rumors from Hogwarts suggest that the twin Weasleys would always side with Mr. Potter. What we here at the Prophet don't understand is why Mr. Longbottom, who has long been a victim of the dark side, hasn't taken this opportunity to put another evil wizard behind bars.

Also failing to testify was Dudley Dursley, the only surviving Victim of this attack, the Aurors who first arrived at the scene, and Harry Potter himself.

Potter Trial Day 3

The world watched in shock today, as Albus Dumbledore took the stand. Cries of anger and hatred were hurled at Mr. Potter as Dumbledore's testimony explained his fall to the dark side and how it was an insult to his parents' death. The headmaster's testimony was the final nail in the coffin. After only ten minutes of deliberation, Harry Potter was sentenced to spend the remainder of his life in Azkaban Prison.

Slowly, this reporter watched as horror slowly sank in, and people realized what had happened. Our savior, the boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, has fallen to the dark side. This is a grim day for wizard kind, a grim day indeed. What kind of future awaits us when even our greatest heroes fall to the allure of evil? We here at the Prophet have never claimed to be Seers, but we can promise you that we will continue to bring you the news as soon as we can…


That was the only word for it. He'd been betrayed! Betrayed by those he'd cared about, those he'd looked up to, those he'd protected! They had turned against him, tossed him aside like a used tissue!

Harry Potter sat silently in his holding sell, glaring at the unbreakable glass wall that separated him from freedom. Beyond he could see the guards assigned to watch him, as if he could break out without his wand. Ironically, they believed he was innocent, as did most of the Auror corps. They had told him so, several times, and if not for their oaths to the ministry, they would have tried to help.

"More than some traitors were willing…." He muttered as he thought of Ron and Ginny. They had betrayed him the most, willingly casting him into hell for their own selfish reasons!

Harry growled softly as he started to pace his cell. Jealousy…That had been Ron's motivation. He was jealous of Harry's fame, his fortune, and the way people treated him. Ron had always been jealous of someone, first of his brothers, than of Harry. The idiot hated seeing others with something he didn't have. The trial must have seemed like the perfect way to shove Harry aside and step into his own limelight.

Of course he couldn't forget Ginny either. The girl had always had a crush on him, much to his discomfort. It didn't help that he'd saved her ungrateful life like some knight from a fairy tale. At first, he couldn't understand why she turned against him. Her tearful explanation of how her "shy, quiet love" had turned dark was both heart wrenching and complete crap. It wasn't until one of his guards, an Auror named Tonks had explained it, that he understood. Ginny had taken the small but dangerous step from quiet admirer to crazy psychotic stalker. The insane red head had apparently decided that, if she couldn't have Harry, than no one could. So of course the only solution was to throw him into Azkaban where she would inevitable be his only visitor. Well at least she didn't try to kill him…

And then there was Dumbledore, the man Harry had always looked up to, the man he always trusted, the man he knew would always protect him, the man who had dashed his life against a giant rock and cast him into a veritable volcano. The old fool probably thought of him as another Riddle, turning to the dark after years of abuse heaped on them before they were old enough to understand, by the very people who were supposed to protect them.

"Damn them all!" His voice rang out as his fist collided with the unbreakable glass.

"Harry?" A timid voice cut through his thoughts. "I'm sorry but it's time to go…."

Harry glanced up to see the pink haired Auror Tonks, hesitantly standing in the cell with a set of magic suppression chains. He sighed and held his arms out, his head dropping in defeat.

"Don't!" She ordered "don't do that!" She gently put the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. "Hold your head high, don't show those people they've won. The more it looks like you believe in your innocence, the more others will as well."

"Right" Harry's head slowly rose. Slowly a grin formed as he took his strutted out of his cell. "Snape always accused me of strutting. Guess it's finally time I took his advice."

The guards laughed as they followed behind him. "So tell me" Harry said "how many of you bet I'd win that stupid tournament?"

Laughter willed the hall as they marched slowly towards the prisoner transport zone. The only thing left behind was a wall made on unbreakable glass, with a thin crack through it, shooting out from a bloody mark where a fist had hit it.

"Hate portkeys!" Harry groaned as the Aurors helped him stand. "I always land on my arse!" The Aurors laughed as he tried to dust himself off. Not an easy task when your limbs are chained together.

"Guess you won't have to worry about that ever again, eh Potter?" A voice called out.

Harry looked up and his eyes widened. Hundreds of people had come to watch his decent into hell…Than he blinked and his eyes grew wider. There was a clear path before him, down the middle of the crowd. On one side, everyone seemed to be yelling angrily and glaring at him, but the others….

"POTTER! POTTER! POTTER!" The cheers filled the air.

Harry grinned. He was the dividing line between through the magical world, the fracture point that could shatter it all! Slowly he raised his hands, as far as the chains allowed, and waved. The roar from his supporters was deafening.

"Let's go" he muttered as he started walking down the clear trail towards the docks, the Minister, and his fate. Head held high, an Auror on both sides and one behind, Harry Potter marched proudly toward his future.

Minister Fudge watched, pale faced, as all his perfectly laid plans crumbled around him. This isn't how it was supposed to go! When Lucius first came to him with the idea, he had jumped at the chance to finally silence the Potter boy! The attack on the boy's relatives was the perfect chance to silence the boy's rumor mongering forever! You-Know-Who returning? OUTRAGEOUS! The boy had to be silenced before he started a panic. So the minister rigged the trial, he put pressure on the Daily Prophet to drag him through the mud, hell he even got the boy's friends to testify against him! And it still wasn't enough, the boy still had supporters. Even Dumbledore wasn't enough to sway them!

As he looked out on the crowd before him, he couldn't help but worry. The magical world was split in half over a simple trial. Yes he had the support of some, but Potter had the rest. And to make matters worse, the Auror corps had made it known that they supported Potter. If not for their oaths, they probably would have set him free! The minister was scared. If anything happened, if Potter said the wrong thing, he could set off a revolution in the wizarding world, one he wasn't sure the Ministry could win.

"Hello again Fudge." Potter's voice tore through his thoughts. "Wonderful day isn't it?"

Fudge frowned. This impudent boy was mocking him! "Hello Potter, ready to go to your new home?" He sneered; maybe he could intimidate the boy…

Behind the Minister, a pair of Dementors floated up the dock. Their job was simple, take the prisoner to the island. So their master had ordered it, so it would be done!

The Minister's sneer grew as he watched the Dementors' effect on the boy. The way his eyes widened and his skin paled. "Harry Potter, you have been sentenced to life in Azkaban. Have you any last words?"

"Actually…." Harry's voice rang out, silencing the crowd. "I do." He cleared his throat and grinned. "To those of you who have supported me, who believed in me, who know the truth, I ask of you to simply look around. You have glorified me as a hero longer than I even knew you existed! You have written books about me, made toys in my likeness, told children's stories about me, hell for all I know you may have declared my birthday a holiday! Look around and see what has become of your worship! Your government has decided that it doesn't like what I say; they have decided that I am too dangerous to leave amongst you; they have decided to silence me now and forever! I ask of you, to look around, see how many of you there are! How is it that a government that is supposed to represent the people, have made a decision you don't agree with? Why is it you follow a government that so obviously doesn't care what you think? How many more people will suffer for their refusal to listen to the people that give them their power in the first place! Look around and see your numbers, see who is amongst you, see how much power you hold. This world doesn't belong to the politicians! This world belongs to you! Look around! There are more of you than there are politicians, if you don't like the world than CHANGE IT!" He roared out. For a second there was silence, then suddenly the crowed exploded with noise. The people who supported him made a heavy metal concert look like a library. "Oh, and to those who have doubted me, have betrayed me, have decide to cast me into hell…." His voice magically rang out over the roar of the crowd "I'll be waiting for you there!"

Harry laughed as his eyes met the minister's. The man had ruined his life; he was responsible for so much pain in the world. Harry usually hated being in the public eye, being watched and judged be everyone, but now his life was over anyway, so why not force himself into the forefront of every mind in the magical world. Why shouldn't he get revenge against the world that had decided he was worthless?

Harry almost laughed at the look of horror on the minister's face, the look of panic and fear. They both knew it was over; the world as they knew it was about to crash down around them. On one side was Harry and those that supported him; Hermione, Neville, Fred, George, and several others. On the other were Dumbledore and the Ministry, the rest of the Weasley family, and ironically, the pure blood supremacists.

Suddenly the sound of people cheering died away, the voices seamed to suddenly cut off all at once. Standing between the minister and Harry was a man. The man slowly took a step toward Harry, a grin on his face.

"Well said Mr. Potter well said. But unfortunately you will not be going to hell any time soon." The man's grin grew "In fact, I am here to offer you a chance to go somewhere far, far better, a place far away from the evil, the chaos, and the pain of this world. Mr. Potter, I am here to offer you a chance to learn everything you need to achieve your destiny!"