Chapter one

Duncan Morgendorffer

"I don't know how you could do this to me," Duncan Morgendorffer said miserably, sitting on his living room couch. "Haven't I been good to you?" he asked the love of his life.

Sandi Griffin sighed irritated, "Well, yeah. But he has money. I mean, he-llo, he's a Sloane."

Duncan shook his head. "I know you can be coldhearted, Sandi, but this is low, even for you. Really? Money is what does it for you now?" Duncan said in disbelief, "And more so, how can he do that to Janey?"

Sandi scoffed, "Come on. Jane isn't up to his standards. He's obviously found something better," she smirked.

"Shut up, about Janey! And I would hardly say you're better. Janey wouldn't choose to date someone because of how much is in his wallet. She didn't choose Tom because he was rich," Duncan said angrily.

"Whatever. I mean, he and Jane were having problems anyway and so were we," Sandi said casually.

"We were not. Sandi I love you," Duncan said desperately.

"Oh, Duncan, don't get pathetic," Sandi sighed, "Its better this way."

He looked up and glared at her, "Yeah. For you and him."

"Whatever. Just know that it's over," Sandi said impatiently and walked to the front door, "It's was fun," she said before she exited the house.

Duncan scoffed, "Fun. Right," he said getting up and walking to the door. He looked out the window and saw Sandi getting into her car.

He opened the door, "You are evil, Sandi!" he shouted angrily.

Sandi simply waved at him and drove off.

"Go to hell!" Duncan shouted and went back into his house, slamming the door, "Damn," he said softly.

Duncan sat on the couch again, feeling like he was going to cry. He inhaled deeply and exhaled.

He was not going to cry over Sandi Griffin. She wasn't worth it no matter how much she meant to him.

He knew she could be mean. He knew she was evil, but he loved her. When she wanted to be, Sandi could be the sweetest thing ever. Sandi was perfect for him and now she was gone.

"Damn Tom too," he said and reached for the phone.

Duncan contemplated calling Jane. He hesitated. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to be the one to alert her to what Tom and Sandi had done.

He sighed and put the phone down. He'd let Jane come to him, and then they could pick up the pieces together.

Duncan walked upstairs to his room. He entered it and sat at his desk. He turned on his computer. He needed to write, to get this horror out of his system before it threatened to consume him.

He needed to be strong. He was not going to let this get to him. Besides, he would need to be strong for his best friend, when she called.

He still couldn't believe this was happening to him.

Duncan opened a file titled 'Journal' and scrolled to the bottom. He started to type:

June 20th, 1999

Today sucks! The love of my life, the evil, Sandi Griffin, finally decided that I wasn't good enough for her. I know I should have seen this coming. Janey told me often that Sandi was superficial and that she didn't have a heart to use for falling in love. Her chest was as empty as her head, Janey said often, (not referring to her bust of course. I had no complaints there). I didn't think so though. Sandi was great. She was fun, true, a bit superficial and high-maintenance, but I believed Sandi when she said she loved me. I believed I had a future with her, but I am a fool. I would have expected Jane to tell me 'I told you so' once I told her about this incident, except its Janey's boyfriend, Tom Sloane, that my Sandi is leaving me for. I can't believe he would do that to Janey and me. He was a cool guy. I thought we were friends and he seemed genuine with Janey, but I guess he was enchanted by Sandi as I had been. Janey and I did not see this coming!

It doesn't matter about me. It's Janey that I'm worried about. She really seemed to love Tom. I'm going to kick his a** once I see him. I know Jane'll kill Sandi for me, but stupidly, I'll stop her.

Duncan stopped typing. He saved his work and closed the file.

He sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. He looked at a picture of him and Sandi. They were at a beach party. She had her arms around him and they were both smiling. She looked good in her bikini.

Duncan picked it up. They had been happy once.

She had to have loved me, Duncan thought, and then scowled.

"B***h," he said and threw the picture in the wastebasket.

He walked over to his bed and lay down. He removed his glasses, placed them on the bedside table, and looked at his, blurry, ceiling sorrowfully.

He let the sadness envelop him. He knew he couldn't fight it forever. He loved the coldhearted girl and he was going to miss her deeply.

"I wish this wasn't my life," Duncan muttered and turned on his side and drifted off to sleep, hoping when he woke, this would have just been a nightmare.

Daria Morgendorffer

"So, what happens now?" Daria Morgendorffer asked.

"I was hoping you knew," Jane said honestly.

Daria didn't though. "Are we still friends?" she asked.

Jane didn't answer.

"Are we?" Daria asked again, worried.

Jane sighed and nodded. "Yeah. We're the kind of friends who can't stand the sight of each other," she said wearily.

"Temporarily, right?" Daria asked.

"I hope so, Daria. I'll see you," Jane said somberly and headed for the front door of the Morgendorffer house.

"Right," Daria said glumly.

Jane opened the door and exited. Daria got up and went to lock the door.

Daria felt horrible. She didn't know what was going to happen to she and Jane, but the prospects didn't look too good.

"Dammit," Daria said and walked up to her room.

She sat at her desk and turned on her computer. She opened a file labeled 'Journal' and scrolled to the bottom. Daria stared at the blank space, unsure of what to write. She hadn't written in a few days; she had been too preoccupied with the things that were going on.

She thought about the last few days and started typing:

June 20th, 1999.

I can't believe this is really happening! There's no way this could be happening! It's all Tom's fault! Well, maybe not entirely his fault, I mean if I'm feeling like this, I had to have some part in this. Even so, I didn't mean to hurt Jane, my best friend, my only friend. How could I have been so stupid? Yesterday, I kissed her boyfriend, Tom Sloane. I didn't mean for it to happen; I don't think I did. It's true she and Tom were having problems and they seemed like they were close to breaking up, but…no! It still wasn't right. Tom was still with Jane and I don't even know how I can justify the kiss. Now I'm losing my best friend. How could I even think of risking my friendship with Jane just for some stupid guy? What do I do now? All I feel at the moment is hurt and fear. I don't want to lose Jane, but I still like Tom. Jane said I could go out with him, although, she looked less then thrilled with that idea. I can't do that to her, but…I'm just so confused. Why did she even need to get a boyfriend? We were more then fine when it was just us. Tom just ruined things. No. I ruined things. I have to take responsibility for my part in this mess. Tom…I'll deal with later. I don't know how yet, but…somehow, I know what I want. Jane'll hate me.

Daria finished typing, saved her work, and closed the file. She turned off the computer and stared at the blank screen.

"What am I doing?" she whispered, tears brimming her eyes.

Daria removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. She felt exhausted.

She walked over to her bed and lay down. She looked at the ceiling. She felt so lost and unsure.

Daria placed her glasses on her bedside table and lay on her side.

"I wish this wasn't my life," Daria said miserably and drifted off into a troubled sleep.