"Never judge a book by its cover", can easily be the most cliché way of saying, "get to know me and you'll see I'm not the person you see from the outside". Have you ever looked at a person and automatically thought you knew exactly who they were just by what they're wearing? You have to keep in mind that what you see on the outside might not be the same on the inside. On the outside they may be all smiles but on the inside they might actually be more broken then you'd ever imagine.

Use Somebody

Chapter Four: Whataya Want from Me?
Shane's POV

There might have been a time when I would give myself away. Oooh once upon a time I didn't give a damn, but now, here we are so whataya want from me? Just don't give up, I'm workin' it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down. It messed me up, need a second to breathe. Just keep coming around. Hey, whataya want from me? Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?

"What are you doing in my room?"

As I saw Alex walk in and look at me with confusion I instantly felt like just running out of her room. Why did I even come here in the first place? Do I really feel like I can trust her enough to talk about this with her? Oh god Shane, you're such a fucking pussy! Always getting yourself in situations you know you'll regret later…But I have to try and get to the bottom of this. I refuse to live in a house were I have someone hate me. Never again.

"I…I was wondering if I could talk to you," she just looked at me with hesitant eyes, "if you don't want to I understand! Sorry I came into your room so late," I quickly added as I made my way to the door. Maybe coming to her wasn't the best idea. I have got to learn to think things through first.

"Shane, go sit back down," she sighed as she made her way to her bed as well, "and just tell me what you came here to tell me so I can get my beauty sleep, yeah?"

I made my way back to her bed and sat down next to her. I really didn't know where to even start but this Mitchie thing was really bothering me. "Well, I kind of just need your advice on something I guess…"

"Advice on what? Oh God Shane, if you want some type of girl advice you can seriously forget about it. I'm not the type to be—"

"No, no I don't want girl advise…well kinda but not the kind of "girl advise" you think!" Wow this is a lot harder to explain then I thought.

She gave me one of those, you're not making any sense whatsoever looks, "Oookay, care to explain that a little better please?" She laughed slightly and I took a deep breath.

"I know that Mitchie doesn't like me…at all. But – but do you know why? It's killing me not knowing why she'd hate me right off the bat like that without even knowing me, ya' know?"

"Yeah, I guess that's understandable, but I really don't know why she doesn't like you. How do you even know that she doesn't? Maybe she could just be shy or something?" Even I knew that she was lying at that last part.

"Alex, seriously? You and I both know that she isn't. She was talking fine with everyone but me…" What could I have possibly said to get her to dislike me?

"Listen Shane, I think you should just honestly talk to her about all of this. I hardly know the girl and I wouldn't know why she doesn't like you. If it makes you feel any better though, I think you're a cool guy? You know, for a pretty boy." She winked and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks Alex, and yeah you're right. I'm just being a paranoid freak and don't understand why she wouldn't like me. I guess I have this weird need to feel accepted or something…" And I stopped it there. Even though Alex was really cool I think I've already said too much and she probably thinks I'm some type of pansy as it already is.

"Anytime and nah, I get what you mean. But now, if you don't mind I really want to get my beauty sleep so get out of my room," she half smiled and jerked her head towards the door.

I chuckled, got up and walked towards the door, "thanks again."

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to close my door, people have tendencies to walk into rooms around here," she laughed and turned to walk towards her closet as I smiled and closed her door behind me.

I walked back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before I headed towards my own room when I spotted Nate staring at me.

"Uh, hey man. What's up?" Ha, awkward much? I think he noticed I just caught him staring at me because he kinda looked away as soon as I spoke to him directly. But after a moments hesitation he turned back to me and spoke.

"Nothing. Just noticed you walked out of Alex's room just now. You, uhh, you two know each other or something?"

"Who me and Alex? Nah, just met her today like everyone else. I needed to ask her something, that's all. She's actually really chill. And funny as hell too." I chuckled to myself but stopped when he just stared at me blankly. "Why?"

"Just wondering. 'Night man." And he walked out of the kitchen. And I was the odd one in the house? Pfft, yeah right.

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and headed up to my room. Tomorrow is sure going to be an interesting morning. I shook my head as I made myself up the stairs, maybe coming and living here was a crazy idea after all…nah.

A/N: So sorry its so short and late :/ but I've had this sitting in my documents forever and since I haven't posted in, well, forever I decided that even though its short it's still something. Plus, I just wanted to get Shane's POV out there before I go back to Nate's POV in the next chapter which will be twice as longer then this one. Promise. Once again thank you for all the reviews & for sticking with this story. It means a lot :)