A/N: Here's chapter 8 :) Enjoy:D Don't forget to review!

Thanks to all you reviewers, especially sandrawoah, who reviews every chapter:D

Ga Eul lugged her black suitcase andher canvas tote bag through the passage way to Jun Pyo's private jet. The airport staff had offered to carry it for her, but she insisted on carrying herself. Jan Di was taking her to Jeju island, normally she wouldn't have let Jan Di do something so extravagant, but then again, she could really use a change of scenery. Moping around and listening to the radio all day had gotten just a little boring. Jan Di had dragged Jun Pyo along as well, and where ever Gu Jun Pyo goes, surely the rest of the F4 are not far behind. Her face soured at the memory of a certain member of the F4, So Yi Jung. Ga Eul's lips curled in disgust at just the thought of his name. Ooh, that cold-blooded Casanova...Her hands balled into fists and she clenched her teeth. Ga Eul took a deep breath. It's all over now, don't think about it... Don't think about it... She repeated her mantra to herself quietly.

"Ga Eul-ah! Hurry up! The plane is going to take off soon!" Jan Di's loud, cheerful voice brought Ga Eul back to reality.

Ga Eul blushed slightly, "Sorry! My suitcase is really heavy."

"See? I don't know why you don't want to let the airport people carry it for you!" Jan Di rolled her eyes.

Ga Eul wondered for the millionth time how much money Shinhwa owned. The jet was huge! There were about 10 "sections", each section with only two luxurious seats, wide enough to be a sofa, every section was separated by a red velvet curtain. Each seat had a plasma TV, laptop, Wii, and a Fiji water dispenser.

She peeked inside the bathrooms. They were almost as big as her bedroom! No wait, bigger! There was even a shower inside, fully equipped with shampoo, conditioner, body soap, moisturizer and of course, a big white fluffy towel. There was also a mini bar, movie theater, library, and last but certainly not least, a jacuzzi. A real jacuzzi. In a plane. With water. And bubbles. Ga Eul shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, Ga Eul, here's your seat! I'll be seating with Jun Pyo if you need me. But, I don't recommend walking around during the ride, just stay in your seat the entire time. Okay?" Jan Di said a little too sweetly, something in her voice made Ga Eul slightly suspicious.

"Hey! Geum Jan Di! What-" Jan Di shoved Ga Eul through the curtain in front of them before Ga Eul could finish her sentence.

"Yah! Geum Jan-" Once again, Ga Eul's words died on her tongue. For a totally different reason this time. Because this time, she was facing the person she didn't want to see the most. So Yi Jung.

Ga Eul was going to kill Jan Di. She was going to kill her. How could she make her sit with Yi Jung?! She had told her he wasn't even invited to Jeju! Yet here he was, blushing, wait, blushing?! So Yi Jung is blushing?! Ga Eul thought she was going crazy. So Yi Jung didn't blush. She was definitely hallucinating.

Ga Eul decided to totally ignore Yi Jung's presence. She walked towards the empty seat, nose in the air.

After five minutes of awkward silence, Yi Jung finally gathered up the courage to talk to Ga Eul.


Ga Eul froze. In a second she regained her composure and continued staring at the fancily-decorated wall.

"Uhh... Nice plane, huh?" Yi Jung glanced at Ga Eul nervously.

Do not talk to him, do not talk to him. Ga Eul repeated to herself silently. You don't want to talk to him, remember? He broke your heart, remember? But Ga Eul knew she was just lying to herself. Lying that she was over him... Lying that he didn't matter anymore. Part of her was dying to talk to him, to hug him, to...

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will now commence take off. Please fasten your seat belts and ensure that your window shades are open. Thank you," the pilot's voice bleated out over the speakers, interrupting Ga Eul's thoughts.

She fastened her seat belt and pulled a magazine out of her bag. She started to flip through it, when one of the pictures in the magazine caught her eye. She took a closer look, and sure enough, there was Yi Jung's picture. Not just a picture, but a picture of him partying at some club, surronded by women. But somehow the scene looked very, very familiar...Ga Eul gasped. It wasn't some club... It was the very club which she had found Yi Jung at just before the wedding... Thinking about it made her blood boil... She could even see Woo Bin in the background.

The caption read:

So Yi Jung, accomplished potter, partying the night away at hot, new retro club "Disco Heaven".

She felt like shredding the magazine to bits. Did every single thing she did have to remind her of him?! Couldn't she go one, whole day without him in her head? She wished the plane could fly a little faster.

He could feel it. Yup, he could feel it, alright. The searing heat of his cheeks. He could feel his two cheeks turning a crimson red and knew he was... yes... blushing. He never really blushed in front of girls before, few or none ever made him nervous or worried. But he knew the it when he felt it. It was the kind of blushing you get when you're being publicy humiliated because you forgot to wear your pants to school. Yi Jung hated it. It made him feel vulnerable, weak even. He couldn't stand the heat being released from his cheeks anymore and was sure Ga Eul had noticed. Feeling a little embarrassed, he cupped his cheeks in his hands and rested his elbows on the table in front of him - something he rarely did - and pretended to be tired. He closed his eyes and imagined Ga Eul and himself together, they were slumped together on a couch, watching a movie, at home... Just like happier times...

Beep. Beep.

The vibration of his cellphone woke him from his reverie. It read:

Yi Jung-ah,

Flight's going to take about an hour more. You should probably get some sleep.

-Jun Pyo

Sighing, Yi Jung stole a quick glance across the "section", at Ga Eul. She was still in the same place as before, using her lipstick to doodle something onto a magazine. He smiled and closed his eyes again, this time he really did fall asleep.

An hour or so later, Yi Jung opened his eyes. For a second he forgot where he was, then he remembered that he was on a flight to Jeju Island with Ga Eul. He turned to look at Ga Eul, who was still in her seat, holding the magazine. But there was a little smile on her face, almost a smirk. Ga Eul, noticing him waking up, stood up, and walked out of their "section". For some reason, she did not fully close the curtain. He opened his mouth to ask Ga Eul why she was leaving, but then he felt something sticky on his lips as they moved. He thought that it was probably just his lips feeling a little dry. One thing he had always hated about air travel was that it never failed to suck all the moisture out of you. Suddenly, something flew into his eye. He raised is hand to try to get the dust out but then stopped when he brushed past his cheeks. They felt weird. Like there was powder on them. After using his index finger to rub his right cheek, he looked at it and saw a mild pinkish-beigh colour. He licked his lips. Eww! It tasted like rotten flowers...

Just then, the pilot's voice blasted through the speakers again, "Ladies and gentlemen, we hope that you have enjoyed your flight. We have landed safely on Jeju Island. The local time is 12 noon and the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. You may alight the plane now. Thank you for flying with Shinhwa Air."

Yi Jung felt his cheeks flush crimson again, which was totally unnecessary, since there was already blush on his face.