Disclamer: I don't own any characters, all of them belong to Kelley Armstrong.
Anyways, this is my first fanfic for The Awakening...please tell me what you think of it.
This is kind of a one-shot thing, I don't plan to continue it, but if you like this work, maybe I'll write some more fanfics for The Awakening that involve other topics and what-not (Yes, I promise more Derek+Chloe moments)

I glanced at Derek. He was sitting on the damp grass across from me, legs stretched out in front of him, back slightly hunched, hands resting on his lap. He was completely relaxed and content. I was glad that he felt better after what he just went through.
The Change that had finally managed to escape from his body.
I didn't like seeing Derek in pain.
I did not quite know what it was yet, but I just felt sorry for him and I felt bad that I couldn't do anything to help him except sit by his side and comfort him as he writhed and moaned in pain.
Something just pained my heart to see him suffer like that.
But at least I now knew that Derek wouldn't have to suffer again. Because just a few minutes ago he'd returned to his human form after actually transforming into a werewolf! It was shocking, but also incredible to watch. After Derek had returned to his human form he seemed tired but also he seemed happy. Another change I noticed after his transformation was the major loss of acne on his face! Just a few small dots were left on his chin, but the rest was pale, clear skin. Quite honestly, he looked cute without the acne…

As I glanced at Derek I noticed he was staring right at me...this wasn't just any stare, it seemed more like a gaze.
Our eyes met and I quickly looked down. My cheeks heated rapidly.
Oh My God. He probably saw that. My cheeks turning red at the sight of him staring at me.

Now he probably thinks I like him or something like that.
I didn't hate him. I did like him. I enjoyed spending alone time with him, I felt like he understood me, and I was happy to be there for him, as well as I was happy when he was there with me.
Was I seriously falling for Derek?

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Derek had crawled over to where I sat. He gently lifted my chin with his fingers and I realized that he had planted himself on his knees right in front of me. He gazed into my eyes and I gazed into his perfect green eyes. His eyes were sparkling, full of joy.
My heart started accelerating; beating so hard I had a hunch that he could hear it through my chest.
I was lost in this sea of sparkling green, next thing I knew, Derek's hands wrapped around mine.
Right then, Derek closed his eyes and gently kissed me.
He caught me off guard but I did not hesitate to close my eyes and kiss him back.

So this was it, my very first kiss. It was warm, soft and a little bit wet. But I enjoyed it. My finger tips felt all tingly, my heart was pounding furiously in my chest, my veins felt like they were on fire!
I never knew I could kiss a guy. The very thought of it made me nervous, made me wonder, What if I was a bad kisser and the guy didn't like it?
I didn't have to worry about that now. Kissing came naturally.

Derek slowly released his lips from our kiss. I was caught staring into his eyes once more, completely blushing.

Derek smiled, "Thanks Chloe."

With that he kissed me one more time. I melted.

"I'm happy that your there for me Chloe…and I really…um," his sincere words trailed off, as if he had a hard time choking out the words he truly wanted to say.

"I really like you Chloe," he looked into my eyes, he was serious.

"I-I really like you too, Derek."

Another kiss from Derek, although this time I wriggled my hands out of his grasp and flung them around this neck.
He wrapped his empty hands around my waist.
I felt so safe and warm with him there. And I finally knew how he truly felt, and I was glad to have my feelings out. All those moments we had together, staring into each others eyes but looking away right when we felt something different. But this difference was a good difference.
I wasn't scared anymore to let him know that I really liked him.

We stopped our kissing; Derek pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist. I held onto his neck tighter and we sat there hugging each other for a while listening to each other breathe.

I've never felt happier in my life.