Andrew swore under his breath as he rushed to answer the door, "Damnit, she's here early."

We had all been eating a clam and quiet breakfast when the doorbell rang. Andrew had told us that morning that we'd be expecting the supernaturals to start arriving today. What he hadn't expected was for them to arrive so early. We were all fully dressed, presentable enough but still a bit sleepy.

We hadn't expected the supernatural to arrive so early, but we also hadn't expected her to be a 12 year old girl!
When Andrew led the girl into the kitchen and announced that her name was Shelby, Simon's jaw dropped and I'm pretty sure my eyes widened into huge balls.

Shelby was skinny and about two heads shorter than me. Her long brown hair was tied back in a tight ponytail and her honey brown eyes were surrounded by thin blue glasses. She sported a brown t-shirt with the words Rise Against printed on a slant, red plaid shorts that reached up to her knees and navy Converse.

She smiled shyly and a mousy "Hi", escaped her lips.

"Shelby, why don't you take a seat and wait for these guys to finish breakfast while I take your luggage up to one of the spare rooms," offered Andrew.

"Okay, thank you, Sir," Shelby responded kindly, smiling that cute shy smile of hers. I noticed that she had dimples, I've always wanted dimples.

Andrew laughed, "Oh please don't call me Sir. Makes me feel old." he heaved her small blue luggage, "Just call me Andrew."

"Um, Andrew. I dunno if you haven't noticed but you are old," stated Simon jokingly.

This got everyone in the kitchen laughing including Shelby, who showed her slightly crooked teeth as she laughed.

"Ha-ha," Andrew called out from the staircase sarcastically, "Hilarious."

As Shelby settled onto a stool at our eating table Simon decided to play host. "So, Shelby, where you from?"

"New York City," responded Shelby looking kind of wide eyed at Simon. I guess she hadn't expected him to be so welcoming or she was slightly intimidated by us being older.

"Ohh, the Big Apple," Simon smiled at Shelby, "That's interesting. By the way, I'm Simon."

Shelby seemed to like Simon. She smiled at him and slightly blushed. She probably thought he was cute. But that was actually kind of adorable when young girls crushed on older guys. I actually remembered back when I was in grade 5 I had a major crush on one of the 8th grade boys in my school.

"I'm a sorcerer, Tori's a witch, Chloe's a necromancer, and Derek-my foster brother-is a werewolf," Simon gestured to each one of us as he explained who we were and what we did.

Shelby nodded as she took this in but froze when Simon mentioned Derek was a werewolf. She started at Derek, eyes wide, "A w-werewolf?"

Derek noticed Shelby's shock, "Yeah, but don't worry…I don't bite," he gave her a weak smile.

Shelby gave a short laugh, "No, no, I'm not scared…I've just never met a werewolf before."

"So what do you do Shelby?" I asked politely.

Shelby turned her brown eyes on me, "Telekinesis."

For the second time that morning my eyes widened. Telekinesis. Never did I think that was real. Sure, I've read about it in books and seen it in movies but that was only fiction. Now actually seeing someone move objects or levitate things just by using their mind would be incredible.

I wasn't the only one who was impressed by this little girl's power, "Could you show us what you could do?" asked Tori.

"Sure." Shelby focused her eyes on a glass of juice and her expression instantly changed from cheerful to serious. She stared intensely at the glass until it moved slightly to the right, then a bit more until it was sliding to the edge of the table. But the glass didn't stop sliding. It was now hovering in the air, still moving around. But that wasn't all, Shelby glanced at an empty plate and it too began to float in mid-air alongside the glass. She set the plate under the glass and finally placed them back on the table.

"Bravo!" Simon was first to break the stunned silence.

Shelby grinned, "Thank you."

"A great addition to the team, huh guys?" Nobody had noticed Andrew watching in the doorway.

Andrew was right. Maybe we all had doubted that Shelby would be any help at all due to her age. However, after that demonstration, we that this little girl would definitely come in handy.

"So which one of you wanna show Shelby around the house after she unpacks her things?" asked Andrew.

"I could," offered Simon.

"Good," smiled Andrew.

Shelby went up to her room to unpack and she got a tour of the house via Simon. Later on Shelby curled up in the den to watch Spongebob and read a book. Nobody spoke much to her except small, friendly conversations were spoken when someone had to use the den. I wondered if she felt a bit intimidated due the fact that we were so much older than her. Although, after a short discussion with her about being a necromancer I think she felt slightly comfortable being here with us.

The day was pretty normal. I watched Derek change into a wolf in the forest and I went up to my room later on to talk to Aunt Lauren. Fortunately, she wasn't angry with me for my feelings for Derek, she actually thought that he had changed and from what she saw she said he'd keep me safe. She even admitted that he was kind of cute. The day went by quickly, there weren't any intruders and Andrew told us that we weren't to start discussing the plan until the last two supernaturals arrived. Before we knew it, it was 11:30 p.m. Shelby, Tori and Simon retired to their rooms. Derek was taking a shower while I began to read one of the books I picked up in the study. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Something fiction that could keep my mind off things.

All day I had been thinking about my chilling encounter with Samuel Lyle in the basement. Why was his body down there in this supposed safe house of ours? Who killed him and what had happened? The more I thought about the possible answers the more insecure I felt about staying in this house. Things just kept getting more complicated.