Disclaimer: I do NOT own the following wrestlers, or any of the events that actually happened on camera.

I respect the actual beliefs and sexualities of the following wrestlers.

Thanks for the reviews, everyone. I had fun, but all things have an end, and... this is it. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the end of Torture.

"Meeting you was a coincidence, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was destiny."

December 31, 2009

Punk held up the camera, taping as everyone came into Matt's house for a New Year's party. Nothing really started yet, so people were just quietly talking. He held back a disgusted sound as Mark and Glenn went over to the fully stocked table of liquor. "I told Carolina the party would be so much better if everyone wasn't drunk, but does anyone listen to me? Fucking shit."

Punk smiled and pointed the camera at himself. "So, it's the end of 2009. Can you believe it? Doesn't it feel like just yesterday that we were all preparing for the Royal Rumble? Now here we are." He walked around, pointing the camera at Santino and Trish Stratigas setting up some kind of kareoke area.

"A lot of things have changed. For instance, your favorite champion is no longer a champion. Yeah, I lost my belt along the way... seriously, it's a total catastrophe. We should sue. Also, we had friends leave and friends come. You know that Drew guy? Yeah, him. He could DDR like a fucking Chinese guy. But Mark is completely, totally beyond help. He ended up on his damn knees on the machine and slapping the tiles with his hands. Dumbass."

He pointed the camera at the drinkers, the few people dancing, and a group of people making bets on how many drinks would it take to make Cody puke. The highest bid was on nine shots.

"So, I'm going around and asking people for their thoughts on our hosts: Mark, Jeff, Chris, or Carolina. Whatever comes to your head. What do you want to say, a memory... whatever."

He walked to the group of people betting on Cody's ability to intake alcohol, which was down to Priceless and the Hart Dynasty. "Hey guys! What do you want to say to our hosts?"

Cody looked up and said, "I swear, I did not steal your hat, Mark. It was not me. So please don't hurt me."

The others laughed, and David said, "Um... Chris, you're a really awesome guy, and it was great working with you. I hope for the best for you."

Tyson then said, "Jeff... I swear, I can never go out to eat with you again, but I will KICK your ass the next time we play Whack a Mole."

Natalya smiled at the camera, "Chris, you've never looked better. I will always be the biggest Jericholic, I swear. I love you so very much."

"Fan girl." Ted laughed, and Punk put the camera on him. "Alright. Listen, bros, you all know how to party hardy. And this is awesome. Dude, where's Randy?"

Cody shrugged. "I dunno. So-" He clapped his hands together. "Who has the shots?"

"You're going to get alcohol poisoning," Punk warned.

"Already did," Cody said, "At Ted's birthday party. Where are the shots?"

"Debauchery," Phil shook his head and began walking away. He walked up to the girls, and said, "Well, anything to say to our hosts?"

Melina turned to the camera. "Jeffy, thanks for helping me with my nail polish. The green is to die for. I absolutely love it." Then, Michelle McCool wrapped her arm around Melina's neck and said, straight into the camera, "Jeffrey, I'm so jealous. You get Mark all to yourself? What I wouldn't do for one night..."

"Um, thanks Michelle," Phil said, "You really need not finish that sentence. Why do they think the tape means free reign to say anything?"

"Because it's a personal tape." Trish blew a kiss at the camera. "I love my Hardy boys to death! Thanks for remembering me for this party, and I love you both to bits. And Chrissy- just so we're sure, I think you and Matt are the hottest couple since... well, since I was dating. You just don't get any hotter than me."

"Someone's a little sure of themselves," Phil teased.

"Oh shut up, Punkers." Trish lifted a cup of alcohol. "Here's to the new year. May the party reign and the furious cockblocker shut up."

"Ha ha," Phil shook his head as Trish downed the drink. He went on to get more messages from everyone, all ranging from sweet (Evan's in particular was really nice) to funny to borderline inappropriate to WAY inappropriate (the last one was courtesy of Jason Reso, who showed no sense of decorum as he made his message. After a hot dog was mentioned, Punk just cut him off)

"Weirdos," Phil said. By now, the party was in full blast, people everywhere having fun.

"What's going on?" Phil turned around and smiled as Mickie held out a Pepsi. He took it and completely downed it before answering.

"This video cannot be seen by polite company," Phil said.

"I didn't think so," Mickie answered, "Do you know our coworkers and friends? And I'm guessing you didn't get Shannon's message yet."

"Heck, I didn't even get mine!" Phil joked.

"Well, tape mine, and I'll tape yours." Phil pointed the camera at Mickie, who said, "Well, Jeffie, I love you to pieces. No other guy can rock a skirt and be totally secure in his nonexistent masculinity. Mark, as always, I adore you- the streak will continue forever! Chris, I saw the way you were talking to Trish and- keep your hands off my woman! That's my wife!"

"Really?" Punk laughed. "I thought I was your wife."

"Only when the Jeffersons are on," Mickie said, winking. "And Matt. Um... what can I say that you don't already know? You're like, the smartest guy ever. And every time I see you, I want to pet your tummy! It's just so cute!" Mickie shook with laughter. "Okay, I'm not stalking you, but still. I love you Matthew, and I hope all the best for you and Chris... and Jeff and Mark, of course. Oh, and I've been meaning to ask. Jeff, how are you able to walk after a round with The Under-fucking-ta..."

"I'm cutting you off there," Phil said, "Can we pretend it's a family film?"

Mickie took a second to think. "Nope. Here, give me the camera." Phil gave it to Mickie, and she pointed it at him. "Um... Jeff, you may well be the antichrist, but you're the best opponent I've ever had in extreme Pizza eating. And Mark... for the record, I didn't steal your hat either. I think it was Shawn."

"He's the only one with the balls to do something that stupid," Mickie agreed.

"Too true. Um, Chris, I'd like to remind you, despite the fact that you and Carolina are cohabitating, that I own that hick. So if you dare try to seduce him during our time together, I will skin you and feed you to my pet lion."

"You don't have a pet lion, honey," Mickie reminded him.

"I'll buy one." Phil shrugged. "Once again, I reiterate- MY HICK. Speaking of my hick, Carolina... what a year, huh? Can't say we didn't have a blast. Remember when Reject, you, and me went to the beach and nearly drowned ourselves during that storm? Good times. Thanks for being the best friend a guy like me could get, and I hope everything works out between you and Chris. You two are practically a poster couple." He grinned. "And... well, Mark, keep Jeff away from us. Chris is bad enough as it is, but last thing I need is Jeff freaking Hardy telling me that Sherman Helmsley isn't funny."

"How could he think he isn't?" Mickie asked, confused.

"Because he's a douche pirate from the planet retardo," Punk said, "Now, let's go find our hosts somewhere. When you last see them?"

"Jeff and Chris were playing Guitar Hero together at one point..."

"Good a place as any to start."

After a bit of looking around, they eventually found Matt and Mark bringing more drinks into the party. Mickie got Jeff and Chris off of Guitar Hero, and got them all together. "What do you want?" Jeff asked, "I was about to slap Chris back to Canada."

Chris slapped Jeff's back roughly. "What a kidder."

"Well, it's going to be 2010 soon," Punk said, "So... anything to say before we leave this year?"

"Ooh! Me!" Jeff looked at the camera. "Hi! I'm Jeff, and I'm the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread."

"Ham," Matt muttered.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me, Mattie. And ham too. Well, Mark, I'm going to love you as much in 2010 as in 2009... unless, of course, Oprah decides to propose to me, because, you know, I'd rather be Mr. Winfrey with all that money instead of Mr. Calaway. Chris, you're way too good for my pudgy older brother. Dump his ass!"

"Hey!" Matt snapped.

"Oh, you know I loves ya." Jeff walked forward and tried to hug Matt, but he pushed him away.

"Sad thing is, he'll probably be MORE annoying in 2010," Matt said dryly. Chris chuckled and put an arm around Matt.

"Just say your message, Mr. Hardy," Chris said.

"Alright. Well, Mark, take care of my little brother, and we're cool. Touch him the wrong way, well, the Deadman title will be a little more literal."

"You don't have to worry about that," Mark said, grabbing Jeff and holding him close.

"Chris," Matt said, turning to him, "Thank you for being my best friend and my second best lover this year."

Chris looked at him, confused. "Who was first?"

"Well..." Matt gave him one of those just teasing smiles. Chris decided to ignore it and continue the joke.

"Well, come on," he said, "You were with me this year, and before that, you were..." he trailed off, thinking about Adam. "You know what? Let's go on. Matt, you gorgeous piece of Southern ass, you complete me." Chris kissed him softly, keeping it chaste for the camera. He turned back to the camera and said, "And I was so about to kick Jeff's ass in Guitar Hero."

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Wait honey," Mark said, squeezing Jeff's shoulders before he could attack Chris. Matt held his boyfriend back as well, as both of them looked ready to engage in a good old fashioned catfight. "I still have to do my message."

Jeff calmed down and said, "Alright then, go ahead." Mark smiled and dug in his pocket. He dropped on one knee and said, "Well, I might not make as much money as Oprah, but I swear, I love you more than she ever will. So, Jeffrey Nero Har-"

Jeff screamed and jumped on Mark. "YES! YES! YES!"

"I didn't even ask yet," Mark said, sounding a little nervous.

"Who gives a damn? YES!" Jeff rained kisses on Mark's face, and Phil chuckled, catching it all on tape.

"Well, to bring you all up to speed, Mark and Jeff are engaged now, probably because Jeff's pregnant with Mark's creepy undead child." Jeff and Mark looked up and Punk, both angry. "Whoa, go back to kissing." Jeff and Mark both got up and advanced on Punk menacingly. "NO!" Punk starting running, and the newly engaged couple chased him.

Matt and Chris chuckled. "2009's almost over, hey?" Chris asked.

"Good riddance." Matt hugged Chris close as he said this, Chris drove him crazy like no one else could, but he also made him hotter than anyone else. To him, this was it. There was nothing beyond him and Chris.

"Well, 2009 wasn't all bad," Chris said, thinking the exact same thing about Matt, "I think we had a lot of fun this year."

"You bet," Matt grinned and leaned to Chris' ear. "Let's make one last memory."

Chris grinned, feeling Matt's breath on his neck. "Oh, you bet." Chris grabbed Matt's arm and they began running up the stairs. Someone noticed and whistled.

Punk, Jeff, and Mark turned around, and they all laughed. "What're the chances they're making the Jericatt baby?" Jeff asked.

"The what?" Mark asked.

"You know? The Jericho-Matt baby?" Jeff said. Punk and Mark just stared at him, open-mouthed.

"I refuse to dignify the worse couple name ever with a response," Punk answered.

"So what would you call them?"

Punk shrugged. "I dunno. Just not Jericatt."


Chris opened the door to Matt's room, Matt's house as familiar to him now as his own. They went to the bed and laid next to each other, hands still entangled. Sometimes, that was all they needed to do.

This wasn't one of those times.

"What's on your mind, love?" Chris asked. Matt could almost imagine another man saying that, a man with long blonde hair and green eyes, and he said, "Do me a favor?"


"Don't call me love."

"But I love you." Chris kissed Matt's neck. "I really do."

Matt chuckled. "I know, but... when I'm with you, the only person I want to think about is you."

"I could arrange that," Chris said slyly. Matt grinned as Chris straddled him, kissing his neck again. Then his lips went higher, to his jawline. Then, their clothes were gone, as fast as they could manage. Shirts and pants and boxers flew away in seconds, both eager to see the other naked. "I'm going to ride you, babe, ride you until the only thing you could think about is me," Chris whispered.

"Then do it," Matt whispered.

Chris began kissing down Matt's body. Last year, he never once imagined he'd have Matt all to himself. So much could change in a year.

Finally, Chris grazed his lips down the side Matt's member, and then licked back up the full length. Matt moaned softly, and Chris grinned. He went to the head of Matt's member, sucking on it gently, while curling his fingers around Matt's cock and gripping.

He lingered on the spot, feeling Matt's struggle to stay still, not to thrust into his mouth and hurt him. Matt's whimpering and fighting to stay still turned him on more, as if the taste of Matt's erection wasn't enough. And Matt was thinking the same thing: Chris was so damned addictive.

He lowered his fingers, lightly teasing the tips over Matt's balls, before cupping them in his hand, then lowered his mouth over Matt's cock, taking it all in.

Matt groaned Chris began to suck roughly, wanting to make him feel it. He could feel himself throbbing inside Chris' mouth, and said, "Chris, I'm going to... oh..."

Chris pulled off, shaking his head. "It has to be you and me, Matt. Together."

Matt nodded and watched as Chris began to prepare himself for what they were about to do. He loved Chris so much... he just wanted to let him know that. Every day for the rest of their lives.

Once Chris was done, he hovered over Matt for a moment, staring into his eyes, before he pushed down on Matt's erection. Matt helped him come down, fully sheathing himself in Chris' warmth. They waited for a moment, and then Chris kissed him. Matt pushed back, their lips mingling together.

He pushed down on Matt, and Matt pushed up, their combined efforts leading to Matt hitting his spot. Chris bit his lip to keep from moaning too loudly, riding Matt faster and faster each time. They pushed against each other until Chris, hard beyond all belief from all the stimulation, finally came all over Matt. Chris' twitching made Matt follow, and he let out one last cry as he finished. They stood still for a while, but then Chris pulled off of Matt and wrapped an arm around him.

"Well?" Chris said, holding Matt close. Matt turned to him so that they were facing each other and said, "Well what?"

"What's on your mind, Matt?" Chris asked, "You never answered me."

Matt smiled widely. "Well, I was just thinking that... maybe it wouldn't be so bad, spending the rest of my life with you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chris asked, in mock indignance.

"It just means that I love you."

"Well, why couldn't you just say that?"

"Because I like pushing your buttons. Like this one." Matt squished Chris' belly button, making him laugh. Chris began tickling him back, and they just rolled around, laughing, trying to get the upper hand. Eventually, they moved away from each other, too out of breath to continue.

"You know," Chris said, "Maybe spending the rest of my life with you wouldn't be so bad either."

Matt smiled at him through his huffing, knowing what Chris knew: there was no maybe about it. It just... was.

Reviews deeply appreciated