Epilogue (Not Sure If I Should've Added This)

Two years later Marie discovered she was pregnant again, this time of course with Logan's child. It was another girl, and she hoped he wouldn't be eaten alive with the estrogen that now surrounded him. Of course with their fellow X-Men he had plenty of male companions and wasn't suffering much. She couldn't believe how good he was through the pregnancy, and how much he adored Ocean. She would always wish Seth was alive to see his only child, but was truly happy with Logan and her life.

"Hey Logan," she said, coming up to him in the gym. "How would you feel about another child?"

He looked at her seriously then a small smile reached his lips.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yep. And I'm really having your baby, not all those other guys I'm sleeping with," she teased and he grabbed her waist and pulled her to his lap.

"Get over here," he said, his hands going over her stomach.

She laughed softly. "Logan, it's a girl, you think you can live with three?"

"Thank God it's a girl, you think I want to raise a boy? I was one once and I'm pretty sure I was my parents' worst nightmare."

She leaned down to kiss him.

"Logan, do you remember your wife?"

"No, I'm not even sure I ever had one. I had that picture you saw, but I didn't remember her."

"Then that's something you're suppressing, because I absorbed that memory, so if I can remember it, so can you, but you're suppressing it. I can help you bring that back up, because you did have a wife, and you were both very much in love."

He swallowed. If he'd suppressed it, there was probably a good reason why.

"What happened to her?"

"She died in your arms."


"You were forced to either watch her die a slow, death from poison or a quick, painless death by stabbing her yourself and ending her pain. She wanted you to end her life quickly, and you gave her that."

"I'm not sure I really want to remember that."

"I wasn't telling you to hurt you, I was telling you because I would like to name this child after her, for you."

He could feel the tears prickling the back of his eyelids.

"W-what was her name?"

"Mariko Yashida. She was a beautiful Japanese woman, and she loved you very much."

"Who poisoned her?"

"I don't know. I only saw her die in your arms. But she was freed because of you, and she's safe and free of all pain now. Do you want me to name her Mariko?"

She could see him thinking and she kissed his forehead lovingly.

"I'm sorry, Logan," she whispered.

"Thank you," was all he said.

~~~~~~The End~~~~~~