WARNING: this is rated M for a heavy make-out scene and for later lemon filled chapters you have been warned

A/N hello my dears this is going to be a three parter so don't worry there will me lemony goodness to fulfill you lustful ones This chapter is mainly setting up the second which will be full of smut … any way

Disclaimer: I don not own bleach I just enjoy making its characters do my bidding in my stories

Chapter 1: wounds & an apology

There wasn't anyone Kisuke Urahara loved more than the beautiful Yoruichi Shihoin

He had loved her for so long now

He remembered the first time he saw her and the heat that pooled inside him

Exhaling slowly Kisuke walked to the back of his shop

She sat there her lean body pressed up against the wall when he entered she smiled

"Kisuke I'm hungry I think my injuries are healed enough to walk" she said pouting he merely stared at her

"You know that's not true Yoru so stop trying your only going to open up your wounds again," he said placing a bowl of rice in front of her

"But I'm getting bored being locked up in here ….please Urahara let me do something" she begged

He shook his head and chuckled

"Look my little kitty you may go when your wounds aren't as bad…ok?" he replied

Only receiving a frustrated huff

"Then you must stay with me…. I need some form of entertainment," she said picking up the bowel and beginning to eat

"I'll stay for a little while but I have work to do," he stated as he sat down

The two chatted for a little while making Yoruichi happy until Urahara stood to leave

"You're always so busy," she said sadly

"Hm?" he said turning back to her

"I said your always so busy ….working you never have time to just relax" she said looking down into the empty bowel

"What are you saying Yoru Chan would you like me to stay?"

He asked not wanting her to be sad

She perked up her golden eyes widening in happiness "really?" she said smiling

"Sure I'll stay with you and continue our conversations" he replied casually as he plopped back down

They had been absorbed in conversation so absorbed that night had come

Yoruichi yawned and stretched

"Kisuke…do you think I'm pretty" she asked out of no where

"W…w…what why do you ask?" Kisuke asked confused and flustered by the odd question

He had never pictured the cat to be the self-conscious type he had always thought she was rather arrogant sometimes somewhere she had lost it

The cat-woman fidgeted and played nervously with her hands not once looking up

"Well it's just that for awhile I thought most found me attractive …." She said sighing at the end

"And?" Kisuke said nudging her to continue

"well after Byakuya turned me down and then there's the fact you never pay me any attention nor asked to be with me even when I followed you out into exile" she said tears slipping from her eyes to roll down her coco colored cheeks this broke Urahara's heart

"I'm so sorry my love I never meant to hurt you" he exclaimed pulling her close

"yes I find your very beautiful but Yoru my love I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship losing you would kill me

Because of you the exile wasn't has bad as it could have been and I'm truly sorry for making you think your weren't special to me" he said the pent up feelings and words flowing out like a river … a rive of regret

She sat there in his lap her eyes full of joyous tears at the words he had just said the apology meant more to her than anything else before she could control her actions her soft lips fell onto his

Stunned by the sudden action Kisuke stiffened then pulled her into a deeper one

His tongue came out to play with her bottom lip begging for entrance

She quickly opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to sweep through her mouth evading its warmth and sweetness he battled her tongue for dominance until he beat her causing a small moan to escape her

Then they parted their breath coming in pants as they stared into each other's eyes

Her heart pounded in her ears and she could feel his arousal pressing against her through the barriers of clothes

"I waited so long to do that," Kisuke whispered causing her to shiver

"I wanted you to do that for so long," she said against his lips

Then they were back in a passionate kiss her arms wrapped around his neck

As one of his hands went to her hair pulling out the hair tie and the other went to her firm butt that sat on his hard dick

"Yoru..." he panted out as she moved her kisses down his neck and bit him

He groaned she involuntarily ground her hips against his erection causing him to moan loader

The room seemed to be on fire and both of their heads were spinning

Kisuke didn't forget about her injuries though and stopped her as she began untying his top robes

"Yoru …we can't do this now" he whispered to her

"why?" she said as she kissed his neck and bit his bottom lip

"you aren't healed yet my love give it a day or so then we may be able to" he said

She stared into his serious eyes the look of lust was overweighed by the look of concern and worry

"ok but you promise to continue this?" she asked

"of course my love you couldn't beat me away with a stick" he replied kissing her on her cute nose

Her body still felt like it was on fire but all she could do was wait for her wounds to heal

please R/R I would love it!