AN: The third one-shot. In this one, Avalon is seven years old. This is the one when they start teaching magic at her school, and the result of the class causes an uproar at home. In third person.

Standard disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night. Please enjoy and review.

When she decides to use...

Avalon was very excited that day, it was the first day of magic class. Avalon was very excited about school otherwise, seeing as it was only her first week. The students of class 1A were escorted by their homeroom teacher into the gym, which also served as a classroom for teaching magic. The teacher was a young woman in her early thirties, with brown hair up to her shoulders and green eyes. All the students sat down and were silent.

"Good morning class!"

"Good morning Mrs. Aokaze." The entire class said in unison.

"All right class, today might be the very first time you are studying magic. Which is very important if you want to be a good maugus. Just to make sure of your level, have any of you studied magic before?"

Only six students in the whole class raised their hands. Three of them being Miki, Sakura, and Avalon.

"Very good! Did you know last year, I asked the same question and nobody raised their hands! You look like a very smart class! Show me anything you learned at home, anything at all! Who would like to go first?

A black haired boy in the back raised his hand, he started by making a pencil levitate and fly around the room. Then came an orange haired girl who could make an apple disapear and reapear on someone's head. Then came a red haired boy who could make a notebook in the corner of the room come to him. Then came Sakura's turn,

"Miss? May I get some water? I need it to show you what I'm going to do."

"All right, but come back quickly."

She came back with a glass of water, then muttering a spell, made the water come out of the glass and move wherever her hand moved.

"It's called controlling the five elements. I learned it from my mom." Various "oohs" and "aahs" could be heard from the class until,

"Ah!" Sakura lost her concentration and the water dropped to the floor, spilling all over her uniform.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" The class started to laugh, everyone but Miki and Avalon. Tears welled up in Sakura's eyes and she felt very embarassed.

"Class! Stop laughing! Many of you haven't done magic before so it's not nice to laugh at someone who has even though they made a mistake! Sakura, ask the homeroom teacher to take you to the bathroom and help you get your uniform dry."

"Ok, Miss." Sakura left the room. Then it was Miki's turn.

There was a lamp on the table. Then Miki placed her hand on the lamp, then after some time, an identical lamp appeared on the table beside it. She did the same thing three times.

"Copying objects, learned it from my mom."

Everyone in class clapped. Then, it was Avalon's turn...

"Avalon, do you need anything for your demonstration?" The teacher asked.

"No! Nothing at all!" Then she turned to the class, "Look everyone, what's in my hand? Nothing, right! Now look!"

"Trace, On!"

"Basic structure, established!"

"Components determined!"

"Imagery... complete!"

Then slowly but surely, a sword started to form in her hand, not just any sword, but the very same sword her father projected when fighting Berserker: Caliburn. A perfect, flawless, copy. Avalon showed the sword to the whole class, which was left dumbstruck and completely silent. The teacher stood there, rapidly blinking.

"It's called projection magic! I learned it from my dad!"

"Wow!" One boy screamed.

"You are so good!" Screamed another.

"Can you teach me that?" A girl from behind asked.

"Do it again!" screamed another.

Avalon was the centre of attention that day. The whole class was pestering her to teach them projection magic, only the teacher was not satisfied. She immediately picked up the phone to dial a certain number. Even Miki, who was normally the smartest in her class, was shocked.

"How did you do that?" She asked her friend.

"I dunno. Dad just taught me what to do."

"You need alot of mana to use projection magic. Are you tired?" Miki asked.

"No. I'm fine."

When Avalon came home that day, she told her mother everything,

"Guess what, Mom? In magic class, I did the best! I used projection magic like Dad said to and everyone liked it!"

Her mother was appalled, she blinked twice with her mouth agape. Her face was pale and was about to say something when suddenly,

"I'm home!" Shiro came back from work.

"YOU TAUGHT HER PROJECTION MAGIC?!" Arturia furiously asked her husband.

"I know, I know. I got a call from school and they told me every-"

"DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?! Remember what happened when YOU used projection magic for the first time?"

"That was different!" I was fighting Berserker! You know that I'm not a very good maugus from the very beginning!"

"SHE'S SEVEN YEARS OLD!! Projection magic requires alot of mana! I'm surprised she didn't faint!"

"Mom! I'm fine! See! I didn't faint!"

"NEVER use projection magic again, unless there's an adult with you! Understood?"

"Why not?" She asked.

"When your father used projection magic he fainted!"

"But I used it and I'm fine!"

"It's very dangerous! Don't use it unless there's an adult with you, understand?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Sis! You're back from school!" Avalon's little brother, Taka came into view. He was only three years old, therefore he hasn't started school yet.

"Guess what, Taka, at school, you get to do really cool stuff! You learn about magic!"

"Wow! That's so cool! Why can't I go to school sis?" Taka asked.

"You're too young. You have to be big like me."

"Mommy! I wanna go to school with sis!"

"Taka, you're too young, as your sister said. You have to be five years old to go to school.""


"But I can show you something cool!"

"Avalon! What did I just tell you?"

"You guys are here, so I can use it right?"

Arturia had to admit, she did have a point. She specifically said not to use it unless there's an adult with you. And since her whole family is there then it's not a problem.

"Trace, on!"

"Basic structure, established!"

"Components, determined!"

And she projected Caliburn once again, just as she did in school.

"Wow! That's so great! Do it again! Sis!"

"Not now, later."

"So she really can do it..." Her mother mused.

"Yup! That's our daughter!" Shiro said with a smile.

I know this wasn't my best one, and probably the shortest. My summer holidays are nearing an end, so I'm afraid most of my fanfics will remain on hiatus until my next break. Sorry!