I was playing zelda last night when i ran across this character again. His story has always intriged me, so i wanted to write about him. I tried to guess why he would willingly come to the Lost Woods, when he knew it was suicide. The result is this story, so enjoy. By the way he's the man who you give Cojiro to in exchange for the odd mushroom during the Trader Link sidequest. Reviews and constructive criticism are appreciated, flames shall be ignored.

One more thing: I don't own Zelda or it's characters.

He sits there, on his small crate. Three white bags by his side, his possessions. He sleeps sometimes, not now. Elbows always resting on knees, head always tilted down, eyes closed against the world. In sleep, he's peaceful, happy. No filth to look at, only black. No disgusting people to see, only black. He wants to sleep, never wake up. The world is filthy, the people disgusting. He belongs. He doesn't want to, he does.

People are disgusting. My own father and mother are disgusting. You must be disgusting, too!

He had said that to a little boy in green, once. He doesn't feel bad about it. If the boy could see the truth, then he had understood. If not, he had been fool enough to be offended.

He sigh, screams.

He doesn't really know why he came here. Perhaps it's the name that had lured him, the Lost Woods. He wants to be lost, never come back. Maybe it was for the odd mushroom, a gift. The old hag, his disgusting mother, had always wanted to make a potion with forest ingredients. Perhaps, for once in his life, he wanted to please her, don't we all.

Even my own son doesn't have a job, and he just wanders around all day! They're all worthless, I tell you!!

He had heard that, eavesdropped. How was he supposed to build stuff in this world, this filth? It had made him angry, depressed. His disgusting father hadn't understood, hadn't wanted to. Still, he had always kept the saw his father had given him, a memento. Of what, who knows? A past, as disgusting as the present.

Why do you wander off so much?

His sister, the cucco breeder. She had understood the most, still not enough. She had tried, failed, to help. She had eased his loneliness, his existence, a bit. They had breed cuccos together. He only loved one though, Cojiro. The charming, blue bird, he is alienated from his species, just like him. Set apart from others, by choice or fate. They had been inseparable, until he left, to wander. He entrusted Cojiro, his only pet, to his sister. He still misses them, sometimes. He's been gone for a long time, he's not going back.

He hears footsteps. He doesn't look up, doesn't want to see. He pretends to sleep, to dream, dream of nothing. A crow cuts through the sleepy forest atmosphere, a familiar crow. Could it be, don't dare to hope. It is. Cojiro crows happily from the stranger's hands. He hadn't realized how tired he was, weak he was, till he reaches his arms out to take the bird, his beloved pet. His arms shake, slightly from joy, mostly from exhaustion.

He praises the man in green, Mr. Nice Guy. He realizes now that he doesn't have much time left, finally ending. He begs Mr. Nice Guy, please.

Deliver this stuff to the old hag in the potion shop in Kakariko Village! This will disappear if you take too long, so you gotta hurry!

The mushroom isn't the only thing that will disappear soon, he will, too. The nice guy merely nods and hurries away, he won't be back. He thinks it's a shame that there aren't more nice people in the world, one in a thousand. If there were the world would be a better place, is that possible? He doubts it, even if it is possible, he hasn't seen it, never will.

Time's almost up, no time left to get out, no energy either. It doesn't matter anyway, doesn't want to get out. A blonde, Kokiri girl appears next to him, speaks to him.

Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Soon you will be lost, too.

He doesn't respond, can't anyway. He sits there holding his bird, too tired to care, to exist.

People in this world are disgusting. He will be a Stalfos soon, disgusting. He will finally merge with the rest of the disgusting world, all the filth. A disgusting fate, it fits him, the most disgusting of them all.

The man in green walks back into the meadow. His face falls when he sees that the man is gone. The Kokiri girl stands in his place.

That guy isn't here anymore. Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody, Stalfos. So, he's not here anymore. Only his saw is left.

The saw remains; it was never part of him. It was his disgusting father's job, never his.

The man in green pulls out a potion, complements of the hag. She had tried, failed, to help. She had known it was futile from the moment she saw the mushroom, smelt it. She had smelt his scent on it. The old hag had realized it was a gift from him, a parting gift.

The potion goes to waste. The man in green gives it to the girl who will return it to the forest, where it belongs. She gives the man his saw. The man will return it to the carpenter, where it belongs.

The Stalfos will remain where it belongs, in the forest, with the other disgusting monsters.