Bachelor Auction

Bachelors of all years prepare themselves for the annual auction that allows them to sell themselves off. All expect one.

The Date

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky as the final bell ran and students started to pile out of the school. Sora grumpily started to stomp down the stair to his dark blue car with Riku and Brian trailing him. Today's events hadn't gone the way Riku and Brian planned and now Sora was stuck on a date with a girl that was completely obsessed with him. No one could find Kairi after the auction so Sora couldn't explain himself and was angry with both of his best friends. He was little mad with his brothers but they weren't the ones who kept him on stage. Sora started to roughly unlock his car as Riku and Brian reached his car.

"C'mon Sora, how many times do we have to say that we're sorry." Riku leaned on his car.

"As many times as you want." Sora said angrily, "Because of you two, not only does Kairi hate me; I now have to go home and prepare for the worst date of my life." Sora tried to open his car door, only for it to get jammed. "Ahh, stupid door."

"Kairi doesn't hate you." Riku told him as he watched Sora stepped away from the car and kicked the door, making it open.

"And the date won't be THAT bad." Brian said to him.

Sora glared at Brian, "You're not the one who is going on a date with Alice." Sora shouted at him before stepping in his car and slammed the door shut. Sora started the engine to his all so great car when Riku was tapping on the window.

"It's not our fault that Kairi didn't bid." Brian said on the other side. That's all it took for Sora's car to skid from the sudden acceleration making him speeded away from his friends and out of the parking lot, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. Riku and Brian started to cough from the smoke until it cleared away. Brian quickly rubbed his eyes before looking at Riku. "What are we going to do?" he asked him.

"Not 'we'. You." Riku corrected.

"What about you?" Brian questioned, "This is just as much your fault as it is mine."

"Yeah but you're the only one who is single tonight." Riku reminded him. "Now I have to head home and get ready for my date with..." Riku shuddered, "Selphie." Riku then said his goodbyes and started to walk home.

Brian sighed as he looked over to his white and red BMW and saw that Kairi was waiting impatiently by his car. Damn it. I didn't want it to end like this. Hmm, at least Sora gets to go to that pasta-dance hotel while I'm stuck inside, getting yelled at by Kairi. Brian's face then brightened like a light bulb appeared above his head and lit up. I know how to fix this.


"My great great great uncle was the king of Wonderland but was small for his age and had a queen who was fat and stubborn and always chop people's heads off. That's the reason why I brought my white rabbit while I visited but he always runs off..." The blonde girl in the light blue dress said as her and Sora sat in the restaurant.

Sora forced a smiled as he painfully carried listening to her. Someone. Kill. Me. A flying plate, someone chasing into me from the dance floor, anything. "That's...uh...great, Alice." He said ten minutes later after she first started speaking.

"Why thank you, Sor-Sor." Alice giggled.

"Please, don't call me that." He asked nicely. He hated when she called him that.

"But, it's cute." Alice then stood up from their table, "Would you excuse me for a minute?" Sora smiled at her grimly before Alice grabbed her hand bag and went to the direction where the bathrooms would be.

As soon as she was out of sight, Sora sighed with relief as he leaned back into his chair. Thank god. She's gone. Sora then looked at the stupid monkey suit that he was made to wear by his mother. He was wearing black blazer with a dark blue shirt and a white tie with a black heart shape at the bottom of the tie. He also wore black trousers that wear similar to Brian's back at school and a pair of black formal shoes.

Sora wished that at least one of his brothers would double date with him so he could talk to someone, even if it was Naminé or Aqua but Roxas and Ven said that pasta wasn't really their favourite meal, meaning that they didn't want to see Alice. Sora really can't blame them; Alice was a junior like Sora and has had a crush on him since middle school. Sora had tried to let it down to her gently by saying that they were just friend but their aren't even that anymore since Alice decided that he had said the complete opposite and has officially became his creepy, obsessed stalker.

Sora ran both of his hands through his spiky hair before looking at his surroundings. The colour theme was blood red and black as the hotel took an Italian theme. He looked at the lit candle that was set in the middle of the red silk dressed tables with wooden chairs. To the side of him was the dance floor, the one which he was grateful not to pay for. He saw the dark rose red curtains that reached from the ceiling to the wooden flooring where it was lit brightly with lots of lights.

Sora then looked at a couple that was dancing in the middle of the dance floor. He smiled warming for them as he could see that they were having a good time. His surroundings sudden blurred as he continued to watch the couple. Sora raised an eyebrow when he watched the couple's appearance sudden change and gasped when the change was complete. It was him and Kairi. Sora was confused at first but was then lost in some sort of daze as he watched Kairi. He listened to her cheerful laughing and watched her eyes glisten.


Sora snapped out of his daydream and chuckled at it before facing the person speaking. As soon as he did, he was god smacked, "Kairi?!"

Right in front of him was Kairi, wearing a beautiful pink and white dress. She looked as god smacked as Sora did a minute ago. "You here with Alice?"

Sora stammered random words for a while from Kairi's appearance, making Kairi giggle. Sora then realised that he didn't answer Kairi's question, "Umm yeah. She went to the bathroom which I'm glad for." Sora said to her.

"Well you should start doing jumping jacks because I saw her leave." Kairi replied as he approached his table, not actually knowing that Alice had just gone to the bathroom.

"She left me?" Sora gasped. He knew that he didn't like the girl but that was no reason to stand him up, he was being nice to her and everything. Maybe she finally realised that he wasn't the one for her and couldn't bear it so she left. Yeah that's it. Sora looked up at Kairi and then wondered why she was here. "How come you're here then?" he asked.

"Well, Brian tried to make it up to me for forcing you on the stage so me, him and Axel came here for dinner but the two disappeared and left me here. After waiting for them, I decided to just leave when I saw you." Kairi explained. "I'll see you later, Sora." Kairi smiled before heading towards the exit to go and find her brothers.

"Kairi wait!" Sora got up from his chair and walked towards Kairi, grabbing her wrist so she wouldn't go. Kairi turned to look at Sora in confusion, "Since we both got ditched and I've already paid for the service…" Sora at his empty table before looking at Kairi, "Would you…uh…join me for some pasta?" he asked sheepishly.

Kairi had a slight blush appear on her face but didn't notice as she smiled sweetly at Sora, "Thank you, Sora. I'll love too."


Brian and his older brother Axel were by the entrance of the girl's bathroom and were currently watching their sister with Sora. Axel was three years older than Kairi and Brian and was currently working for a new organisation. He had punk style spiky hair which was red, pure emerald green eyes and was wearing a black tux with a red tie. His little brother was the same except that he was still wearing those horrible trainers.

When Brian had driven him and Kairi home, Brian had explained the plan to Axel after getting him away from his blonde girlfriend, Larxene. Axel had agreed to help but only if Brian agreed to clean his room for a month. The two was now smirking as their watched Kairi takes a seat at Sora's table. Brian quickly looked at Axel, "Phase one, complete."

"Well, get outside so we can begin Phase two." Axel commanded. Brian nodded and quickly ran outside. Axel then leaned against the wall beside the girl's bathroom. Axel watched as the pale white door opened and Alice stepped out, dusting her light blue dress. Before Alice had a chance to look up, Axel stepped in front of her. "Miss, I just saw a white rabbit get trapped and I need your help." Axel said with a panicky voice.

"White rabbit?!" Alice gasped, "Where?"

"Out that way." Axel pointed to the entrance. Alice then ran out of the hotel without a second thought. As soon as Alice went outside, she was hit in the head by a huge pole and fell on the ground unconscious.

Axel came rushing out to see that Brian throwing the blue pole to the floor and quickly put Alice in a brown sack. "Looks like curiosity killed the cat." Brian said referring to Alice.

"I am not a cat." Alice said from inside the bag. "I demand that you let me go this instant…" While Alice started to talk about her uncle who was turned into a cat; Brian placed the bag on the floor, walked over to the pole, picked it up, walked back to the bag and started to hit it multiple times until it didn't make a sound.

Axel shook his head while Brian threw the pole on the floor again, "We are not suppose to kill them, Brian." Axel said to him, "and when you use a pole, you must use your strength when you slam down, got it memorized?" Axel tapped his head.

"Yeah. Of course." Brian then picked up the bag, "Let's move on to Phase three." Brian placed Alice in the back of his BMW and the two got in the car. Brian started to car and began heading to the train station.


Kairi laughed as she saw some of Sora's spaghetti sauce flick off of his spoons and land in the middle of his face. She was still mad at her brothers for ditching her and would properly beat Brian to a pulp when she gets home but being with Sora lets her forget about the anger towards him. She didn't want to know what they were up too but at the moment, she was glad that it didn't involve her this time.

Sora looked at the sauce in the middle of his nose and quickly wiped the sauce off using his table cloth. Sora then looked up at Kairi, "Remember when we were seven and we went down to the beach with Riku and Axel had to keep an eye on us?"

Kairi smiled at the memory, "That was when we found out that Axel didn't like water…"

"And we threw him in." The both of them finished, making them laugh.

"Oh, remember when Brian first came to the islands. Before his dad met my mum." Kairi reminded him. "Ten years old and he was as flirty as he is now."

"Yeah but now he doesn't flirt with you." Sora replied.

"That's only because our parents married but if they didn't then we wouldn't have that brother-sister relationship." Kairi stirred her salad a bit before eating a bit of potato.

"True." Sora agreed, "Oh, what about the time when we found the drawings from the last generation."

"You mean the secret cave on that play island."

"Yeah, they say that it was draw by the Keyblade Master, the Princess of heart and the wielder of dawn thousands of years ago."

"Sora, that's only a story our parents told us." Kairi said to him, "And it would be the last generation if it was thousands of years old."

"Yeah, it's just weird how they had the same names as us." Sora said. "The Keyblade Master was named after me; you were named after the Princess of Heart and Riku was named after the wielder of dawn." Sora then chuckled, "Our lives are so much like the ones in the stories."

"How so?"

"Well, the Keyblade Master was kinda lazy like me and we have the same grin." Sora then grinned at Kairi, making her laugh. "We both have best friends called Kairi and Riku. We both care about what happens about our friends and we both fell in l-" Sora stopped himself, preventing him from saying anymore. Sora bit his lip nervously as he looked at Kairi, who was blushing the same colour as her hair.

"Uh-yeah, I'm guess we are similar to the characters in the story." Kairi said shyly while looking at her food.

Sora felt the pressure on him again and quickly looked at the time on his wrist watch. "Wow! The time sure passes, I better take you home." Sora pulled out a twenty and left it with the bill that they had received after getting their food.

"I'll be fine. I only live around the corner." Kairi told him.

"That may be but it can be dangerous to walk home at night." Sora walked towards Kairi, "Please, let me take you home."

Kairi bit her lip while looking down at her shoes, trying to hid her blush from the previous conversation. She then looked up at Sora and nodded in agreement.

The two walked out of the hotel together and headed towards Sora's car. Sora opened the door for Kairi and grinned at her, acting like a cheesy butler. Kairi giggled at sat inside the car before Sora closed the car. Sora got in from the other side and started the engine. As Sora pulled out of the parking lot, the two remained silent as they were both in thought.

Sora: Damn it. I've slipped up. I shouldn't have talked about those stories. Now it's going to be awkward between us. There is only one thing to do to fix this…

Kairi: Sora's properly thinking that he slipped up now. Knowing him, he properly blames the entire auction thing on him. I have to show him that I don't blame him…

Sora turned onto Kairi's road and parked outside of her car. Both of them noticed that either of the cars that belonged to her parents or her brothers were back. "Where is everybody?" Sora asked her.

"My parents went on some business trip this afternoon." Kairi answered, "As for Axel and Brian…"

"Hmm, I wonder what they're doing." Sora wondered.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alice screamed as she was tried to the front of a speeding train that was in the middle of the desert.

Axel and Brian were driving the stolen train and were laughing their heads off. "BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!" Both of them laughed evilly, ignoring the police sires behind them.


Sora and Kairi walked into her house and yawned as their entered. The two had agreed to a sleepover and Sora had got permission from his mum. While Kairi quickly asked her parents over the phone, Sora quickly placed some popcorn in the microwave as they were going to watch 'The hangover'. Kairi told Sora that he could stay as Sora got the popcorn out of the microwave and the two literally jumped on the sofa, nearly breaking it in halve.

The front room looked like any other front wall with the cream wallpaper and had family pictures around the room. The carpet was dark blue and the sofa was a brown colour made out of materials. The TV was a 40" HD that was able to play Blue-Ray DVDs. Kairi got off of the sofa and placed the DVD in and went back to the sofa, only to find Sora taking the entire sofa up.

Kairi placed her hands on her hips, "Move over, lazy bum." She said.

"Hmm." Sora thought about it. "Nah."

"Fine." Kairi took the popcorn out of Sora's hands, "No popcorn for you." Kairi then sat on the armchair and started the movie.

"Aww, c'mon Kai. Give us the popcorn." Sora begged.

"Hmm." Kairi mimicked Sora's actions a moment ago, "Nah."

"Fine." Sora got off of the sofa and walked over to the armchair and started to tickle Kairi. Kairi lost grip of the popcorn bowl while laughing and Sora quickly swiped it out of her hands. "No popcorn for you." Sora started to run away from her.

"Sora! Come back with the popcorn." Kairi then started to chase Sora around the house. Both of them were laughing their heads off. Sora suddenly halted in front of the sofa, glad that he didn't crash in the sofa. Kairi then ran into Sora and both of them flipped over the sofa with popcorn flying everywhere.

Sora started to breathe deeply but not because he was out of breath. Both of them had ended up in an awkward situation as Kairi lay on top of Sora and their heads were very close to each other. He could see that Kairi was blushing from the position that she was in, he properly was blushing as well from the sudden heat coming to his face. Neither of them moved though, they were too busy looking at each other's eyes. Sora could see the hint of violet in Kairi's eyes, like there was some light purple ocean.

"Kairi…" Sora breathed with emotion as he reached up with his hand and rested it on her shoulder. "There's something that I been meaning to tell you." Sora gulped and took another deep breath as he looked at her warmly, "I-I think t-that..." Sora looked at Kairi to see glimmers of hope in her eyes; he knew what he had to do. "I'm in love with you." Sora then pressed his lips against hers.

Kairi was surprised at first, from his confession and the kiss but then let herself go as she kissed him back. This kiss made the two fill with emotions such as happiness, joy, love. They felt like they had been flying through the endless stat lit sky or like the excitement of New Year's Day when the fireworks go off. The two felt like fireworks going off for a long time. The two parted and rested their heads against each other as they smiled.

Sora chuckled warmly as Kairi giggled. Sora then pulled Kairi into a hug, "No auction can bring people together like this." Kairi broke out of the hug and kissed Sora on the forehead before going back into the hug.

"I guess that we are like the two from the story." Kairi said, "Because I love you too."


"We're back." Axel shouted as he and Brian entered the house.

"Yeah, we kinda got arrested for murder but it was all worth it." Brian shouted as he undone his tie and took off his trainers.

"Hey, Brian. Check this out." Axel called. Brian looked at his brother in confusion then a smirked appeared as he looked at the scene. Sora and Kairi were asleep on the sofa with their arms around each other and the start menu was still on the TV, having not started the film yet and popcorn was all over the floor.

Brian and Axel smirked at each other before taking out their phones and took pictures of the sleeping couples. "Phase three and four complete." Both of them said.

The end

Talk about an ending. BLACKMAIL!
