This is a sequel to "A Hope for Tomorrow" you don't have to read that one to understand this one. They are two unrelated adventures. I have never played Phantom Hourglass, so this story will ignore the events of that game. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer, I don't own Zelda.

Chapter One

"Link … Link where are you?" Tetra was down below deck looking around for her younger crew member. She had been in her room for the past couple of hours looking over her sea charts, she was starting to feel cabin fever come over her and decided to take a break to go and go see how Link was doing. For so long she had been denying the fact that she was falling in love with him and had finally faced the fact that is was true, but she was still afraid to tell him that. He didn't seem to be anywhere down below deck so she went back up to the deck to see if he was up there.

He wasn't anywhere in sight once she stepped outside, Senza was standing nearby so she asked him, "Do you know were Link is?"

Senza's eyes lifted skyward, "I think he fell asleep in the crow's nest," he replied.

Tetra's nodded thanks and turned to go climb up the ladder and find out for sure if that was where he was. She sure hoped it was true, once she reached the top of the ladder, her eyes peeked over the edge and sure enough a blonde haired boy in a green tunic was fast asleep on the floor. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stared at him for a few seconds then climbed back down the ladder.

"Is he asleep?" Gonzo asked once Tetra feet hit the floor of the deck.

"Yes … thankfully, I was starting to worry about him, how longs had it been? Three days?" Tetra replied. Normally she would have never let him sleep in the crows nest, but a couple weeks ago Link developed a severe case of insomnia and was lucky to even get a few minutes of sleep at night. So when he was found sleeping now days, no one dared to disturb him.

Three months prior, after an unfortunate mishap, Link fell very ill when there was no land anywhere nearby. This was followed by a miracle; they somehow made it to Dragon Roost island when it was nowhere near where they were. That was the scariest thing Tetra had ever experienced. That was also when she started falling in love with Link. After his near death experience, Link decided that he wanted to head back to Outset to visit his grandmother and Aryll again before they set out to find a new Hyrule again. But since the wind was against them they were only just now starting to get close to the island.

In fact they would probably get there in the next couple of hours, so she was at a dilemma on wether she should wake Link up or not when they got closer. Obviously he would have wanted her to wake him up, but he had been getting so little sleep lately she was thinking about just waiting until he woke up before docking.

She didn't have to consider it much longer because she could hear Link starting to stir up in the crow's nest, which meant that he was waking up. Tetra stared up and watched the boy slowly stand up and climb down the ladder, "How was your nap Link?" Tetra asked once he reached the ground.

"Ok, I guess," Link replied with a yawn, he didn't look that good. His face was pale and sullen from lack of sleep, and he had huge bags under his eyes alone with very dark circles around them.

"How long did you sleep for?" Tetra asked.

"I'm not sure, I went up there a couple of hours ago to take over for Zuko. I don't remember when I fell asleep."

"Well, hopefully you got at least an hour of sleep. We're almost at Outset, I think I'm just seeing it come into site."

At hearing this, Links tired face brightened, and he ran over to the side of the ship staring off into the distance hoping to catch site of his home island. He could make out a speck way off in the distance, home. But as they slowly got closer, there was something different about it; there seem to be a dark cloud looming over it. Then is started to rain, by the time they got close enough to really see the island, it was certain that something was wrong. For one, the small island was completely destroyed; it looked like Greatfish Island after it was destroyed. Link felt like a large ice cube had just been dropped right into his stomach and chilled him to the bone. The only thing he could think of was his family.

The Hero of Winds couldn't even wait for them to dock, as soon as they got close enough that he knew he could swim to shore, he jumped out over the side of the boat and started swimming as fast as he could to the shore. Tetra called out to him as he did this, but he had fallen completely deaf toward her call, all he could think about was making sure his family was all right.

The rain seemed to pour harder as he reached the ruined island; he didn't stop to catch his breath, but ran through the island in search for any soul. All the houses on the island seemed to have been bombed or burned to the ground. He stopped in front of Orca and his brother's house, and his heart sank at the sight of it. Link continued on toward his house, the sight of his house made his heart stop. It looked like it had been bombed and whatever was left burned, all that was left was the floor and part of the porch. He walked right into the middle of the ruble and spotted a telescope. It was his sisters; her most prized possession that she took so much care to keep it nice, and it was lying on the ground scratch up and dented. The boy sank to his knees, gently grabbing a hold of the telescope and holding it close to his chest.

It was unnoticed that Tetra and the pirates had come ashore and were looking around in shock. Tetra lightly kicked a piece of ruble shaking her head, "What a mess," she stated.

She turned and noticed the way that Link was sitting on the ground, right where his house once stood and immediately became worried. She walked over toward where he was kneeling, and dropped to her knees beside him, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders, "I'm sorry," she said.

Link felt the stinging prickle of tears come to his eyes, and moved away from Tetra's embrace. He stood up still holding the telescope, and walked away from the pirate girl not wanting her to see his tears. He looking around at the ruble wondering what on earth happened here, and where was everyone.

Tetra stared in the opposite direction, wondering the same thing, and why there weren't any bodies around, "MISS TETRA BEHIND YOU!" Gonzo shouted.

Tetra turned around fast and screamed at the sight of a hideous monster that had the face of a hawk, and hoofed feet with a large body. It raised a long spear at her, ready to strike. She raised her hands up to shield her face, just as it was about to attack, a sword was shoved right through its stomach. The sword was pulled out and Tetra moved out of the way just as the monster fell forward revealing Link, who had his hero's sword that he received from Orca, in his hand.

"Thanks Link," Tetra said with a sigh of relief. Then she noticed that another one of those monsters was coming up behind Link, "Link watch out!" she screamed pointing behind him.

Link turned around and quickly blocked its attack with his sword. Tetra saw a Bokoblin coming towards them, and used hand to hand combated while Link fended off the unfamiliar monster. After a few minutes, Tetra heard a sickening pop and a torturous scream come from Link behind her. She swung around and saw Link kneeling on the ground, his face scrunched in agonizing pain while he clenched his arm tightly. This caused Tetra to become distracted long enough for the Bokoblin, to land a blow on her.

"OUCH!" She landed on the ground with blood draining from her shoulder. She looked back at Link and saw the monster he was fighting plunge his spear into his chest right above his diaphragm, "NO!"

Gonzo and Senza came up to them; Senza knocked back the Bokoblin while Gonzo knocked the monster away from Link. The boy's face was turning an unhealthy shade, while it seemed that the task of breathing had become very painful.

Link had never been in so much pain in his life, if felt like his right lung was shriveling up, and his left shoulder was in excruciating pain. He wished he would just pass out or die, it hurt so badly. He was barely aware of the fact that Gonzo lifted him up being careful of his shoulder and chest wound, and started heading back to the ship. Even though Tetra seemed relatively unharmed, she did not get up from the ground so Senza assumed that she was hurt and lifted her up also, and they were both carried back to the ship.

"Really Senza, I'm fine, you can put me down," Tetra insisted once they reached the ship.

Gonzo had already called for Nudge to come below deck and look at Link. Senza had finally set Tetra back on her feet, so she ran below deck after them. Gonzo was only just laying Link down on his bed as he ran into the room. Links face had started turning blue and his labored breathing seemed to have become worse.

Nudge gently pulled off Links green tunic, being vary careful of his shoulder that seemed to be dislocated, so that he was bare chested, and examined the boy's chest wound. Judging by Link's vital signs, he knew exactly what the problem was, "Tension pneumothorax," was all he said.

Both Tetra and Gonzo stared at him in shock, neither had ever heard Nudge use such a big word and seem to know what it meant. And the word seemed to completely foreign to them, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Tetra asked.

"Collapsed lung, just shut up and get me anything that I could use to keep his wound open," he ordered which was a risky move considering that Tetra was the captain and the only one to give orders, but given the circumstances she let it pass.

It was very fortunate for them all that during Nudge's year in medical school, he mainly focused on lung conditions. Only he knew that he wrote a complete formal essay on tension pneumothorax, so he knew exactly how to treat it. Tetra managed to find a small lid from a bottle that was big enough to use. Nudge grabbed it from her and placed it right inside the stab wound. After a few seconds Link started breathing normally again, as his lung started to reinflate. Link seemed to relax a little, but his face still showed pain, which meant he was still hurting somewhere.

"His shoulder is dislocated, so we need to pop it back in," Nudge announced, "Gonzo lift him up and hold him still. Miss, if you are squeamish than I suggest looking away."

Normally Tetra wasn't squeamish at all, but something told her that she didn't want to watch this and looked at the opposite wall anyway. There was a few short seconds then she heard a small pop followed by a loud ear piercing screech from Link. Tetra just about jumped out of her clothes and turned around to find out which one of her crew members had murdered Link.

Link was doubled over on his bed with his eyes squeezed shut and a few tears leak from beneath his eyelids. What felt like a decade went by then Link fell limp against Gonzo and all the blood drained from his face. Nudge swore loudly, "He's going into shock."

"What do you mean?" Tetra asked clearly worried about her friend.

Nudge looked at her then did something that no other crew member would ever dare to do, "Miss, it would be best for you to leave for right now," he said then pushed her out of the room and closed the door in her face. For some reason Tetra wasn't offended by this, her thoughts were, if he could save Link that it didn't matter that Nudge was breaking rules.

Tetra walked back up to the deck, where everyone seemed to be waiting for someone to come up and explain what was going on. As soon as she stepped onto the deck, she was bombarded by questions.

"Is Link alright?"

"What happened?"

"Is Link dead?"

"Where's Gonzo and Nudge?"

Tetra just held up a hand, silencing them all, "I don't know if Links ok yet," she announced, it clearly showed that she was fighting the urge to cry.

The rest of the crew took this as a sign of not asking any question at the moment, and they all went about there business. The ship was in a tense silence while they waited for Gonzo and Nudge to come up with a progress report. Mako offered to clean and dress Tetra's wound while they waited. About an hour went by before the two of them emerged from below deck. Before they could be asked any questions, Nudge answered all the questions.

"The kid will be fine, he does have a broken rib, and is currently recovering from shock."

"Well at least he's sleeping," Niko pointed out.

Yes I understand that it probably isn't a very good idea to fix a dislocated shoulder right after treating tension pneumothorax, but it's a story, and you can break rules with stories.

I decided that I'm going to attempt to update this story weekly, that is until I run out of chapter's, I have about half of the story written. Next chapter will be up next Friday don't forget to leave reviews.