Demyx and Axel threw their heads back, a bright flush covering their cheeks as they howled out the window. "Aroooooooooo! ArrROOOOO!~"

Larxene who was walking past the two idiots, pauses as her eyebrow starts twitches to their howling. "Okay, who the hell let you two in Luxord's rum again?"

Ignoring her, with even more howling, Axel really gets into it and howls even louder making her skin crawl.

She slaps her forehead, then tries to rub her temples to calm herself before she kills them for being stupid. "For the last damn time, you are not dogs! Knock it off, you're scaring Roxas..."

Roxas was hiding under a blanket during all of this, terrified for his life. "I-Is... is it over yet?" Peeks out from under the cover slowly.

Xion lifts the other side of the blanket, smiling to the attractive blonde. "Yeah, it's over."

He looks over to find Demyx and Axel knocked out cold, Larxene standing there with her mouth open at what just happened. "Larxy, did you do that?"

"Pft, don't look at me. Your girlfriend over there got to them before I did. Man, she's a real bad ass." Shrugs walking off.

Roxas glances back to Xion who gives a warm, innocent grin. She then quickly leans in to peck a kiss on his cheek right as Namine was walking by. The Memory Witch stops mid-step, almost fangirling so badly that someone is going to have to contain her.

"Oh my gosh you two are just so CUTE!" Whips out her sketch pad and plops on the floor in front of them, drawing their adorableness with tons of moe-flowers across the page.

Roxas and Xion blink at the same time, awkwardly holding their pose before he gets tired of sitting still and yawns; throwing himself in Xion's lap to fall asleep.

Namine gives another fangirl squeal, hugging her sketch pad tightly. Riku comes up behind her and picks the girl up while she's still sitting indian style and still trying to sketch as quickly as she can to capture the moment. He then carries her away to give those two some privacy.

"But! The cuteness!"

"I -really- need to get you out of the castle more..."


While going through the mail Luxord flinched, throws the letters into the air, and ducks for cover when he finds fan mail. Peeking his head around from behind the sofa, he checks to make sure Demyx is no where in sight as the letters slowly drift to the ground around him. Surely he thought the Organization's playtoy would be storming through the door demanding what the letter said.

"Is there a reason our mail is on the floor?" Xemnas gave a death glare down at Luxord, quirking a brow.

He wipes away a sweatbead then stands to dust himself off. "Whew mate, dodged a bullet on that one." There was no bullet. Picks up the mail, making sure to give the fan letter to mansex so he would get tackled by the water pixie instead of himself. Takes off running out of the room moments later.

Xemnas watches him waddle away. "I must have been on something when I chose these members... they're all a bunch of idiots..."

"W-Wah... what?" Saix was standing behind mansex on the brink of tears.

He turns around slowly to find Saix's lip quivering, tears streaming down his face. Smacks his own forehead, growling into his hand. "Ugh, not you. You're a good puppy," pats his head as he walks by.

Saix purrs and follows him out of the room wagging his none-existant tail. Stopping in the hall, he opens the letter to read over the words.

Demyx shows up just then out of nowhere. "WHAT'S IT SAAAAAAAAY?!"

The two of them jumps nearly falling out of the window while trying to catch the breath that was stolen from their lungs. "Holy shiiiiiii! GAH! We really need to put a damn bell around your neck!"

Demyx sniffs the letter, "what's it say huh huh huh, what's it say?!" Sniff. Sniff sniff!

Xemnas jerks back the letter, popping him on the head with it. "Cut that out! You're going to get boogers on it..."

The water pixie tears up, sniffling.

Saix instantly scoops him in his arms, petting his head and kissing his face all over. "That mean old mansex didn't mean it. It's okay, I still lahv yew."


Xemnas closed his eyes, rubbing his face. "I'm surrounded... by morons..."

Demyx and Saix both turn to hiss at their leader, going back to nuzzling.

"It asks... oh, my correction, it's a dare."

"Dare?" Demyx's brows pulled together with confusion.

"A dare is to defy or challenge someone to do something."

"Thank you for that textbook definition, Saix..." Axel rolled eyes as he was walking by, too busy to play their stupid games today.

He looks away, secretly closing his dictionary before clearing his throat

"It's a dare for everyone in the Organization to kiss at least one other member... wait what?! I will not stand for this type of ridicule and-"

Axel stopped in his stride, the corners of his mouth pulling into a grin. "Weeeeell, we shouldn't disappoint our fans!" Grabs a camera man and takes off running down the hall so fast there's smoke trailing behind him.

Mansex, Demyx, and Saix are left standing there dumfounded.

He runs by Xion and jerks Roxas off her lap not missing a beat as he continued to run through the castle at top speeds. Number XIII, who was still asleep and still unaware of what's happening even though his body is whipping through the wind like he is made of paper, cooed in his dreams.

The fire user finally stops on a balcony, releasing the camera man and pulling Roxas into his warm embrace. "This is going to be hot," he whispered to the camera giving a wink to his play on the word hot. Kukuku, get it? Hot? Because of fire and... oh I give up.

Roxas slowly starts to wake up, rubbing his eye with a gloved hand; cute little beads of tears forming at his eyes from a yawn. "What's going on? How did I get up here?"

Number VIII grasps the blonde's chin with his thumb and index finger, leaning dangerously closer to the younger male as he teasingly brushed his lips to Number XIII's.

A deep blush crosses Roxas's face, those blue eyes widening in shock as he was just now becoming aware of the situation.

Axel touches his forehead to the other male's, gazing deep in his eyes like a predator staring down its prey. Then, ever so slowly, he leaned in and-

Screen cuts to static. Transmission Interrupted.

The camera man blinks, rubbing the back of his head. "Uh... we just lost live feedback...

Axel throws his arms in the air, screaming loud enough that everyone in the castle could hear him. "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! XEMNAS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Xenmas smirks, twirling a cord he had unplugged to end the communication between cameras. "That's payback for setting my bed on fire."

I've actually made a comic about the part

of Demyx and Axel howling and scaring Roxas lol.

It's on my deviantart account if you want to see it.

The link to my dA account is posted on my profile