Ryan Wolfe sat in the back seat of the hummer that Delko was driving, with Natalia and Calleigh sitting to his right. Horatio was sitting in the passenger seat.

Ryan ached all over. After everything that had happened that day; the case, putting Horatio's plan into action, losing Ron Saris again. And then learning that Horatio only picked Ryan to help him because the others were more likely to be suspected… what he said to Delko. "We'll catch him together." As far as everyone was concerned Ryan wasn't still wasn't part of the team and he never would be. The only time he ever felt like he belonged was when Alexx was around. And now she was gone and he was alone, again.

He turned his head away from the window in time to catch Delko and Horatio smiling at each other, a pang of jealousy rushing into him. Unsure why, Ryan couldn't hear what Delko said next to cause everyone to laugh, but he was left out. The only times he had ever laughed like that was when he was in Virginia with the Behavioural Analyses Unit of the FBI. It was the only team he could ever really felt like he belonged to even though he didn't really belong to it. He had gone to high school with Doctor Spencer Reid, college with Derek Morgan, read all of Jason Gideon's books, shared Garcia's love for computers, connected with Aaron Hotchner on a father/son level and had fallen crazy for the attitude Jennifer Jareau's small town had left on her. He got on better with them then he did the CSIs. They knew things he'd never dream of telling Calleigh, Delko, Natalia or Horatio.

They pulled into a driveway and Ryan jumped out as soon as the engine was cut. Horatio opened the door and the five poured in.

Natalia was pushed to the floor and door closed. The light turned on and Ron Saris stepped out of the shadows. He held a gun at Horatio.

"You thought you could get rid of me…" he said. "Have to admit, Horatio, nice touch using the kid." Ryan took a step close to him but the second the gun pointed to his chest, he stopped. "What I thought…" He pointed the gun back at Horatio. "I personally would have gone for the pumped up side of beef," he pointed to Delko. Ryan heard the girls gasp. He swallowed hard and prepared his timing. He wasn't listening to what was being said. He needed Ron Saris pointing his gun away from everyone. He got the chance when Ron turned toward the girls, he knew he needed to be fast.

He ran and dove at Saris, lunging for his arm and grabbing for it. Natalia was the first to grab her gun. Ryan was too close to Ron and when she fired she only grazed Saris and Ryan. Saris was the next to pull the trigger, hitting Ryan in the abdomen. Ryan froze, then slumped to the ground. Ron ran. Delko chased after him. Ryan saw white flash across his face.

He woke up in the hospital, only the doctor there to greet him. He asked him to deny Lt. Caine and his team any access. Ryan gathered his thoughts for the week he was there, alone in his hospital room. The day he got discharged was the day he made his decision.

He walked into the lab and went straight to Horatio's office. "Mister Wolfe… you're out of hospital… It's good to see you alive and well." Ryan didn't say anything, but handed him a letter. "What's this?" he asked.

"It's a letter of resignation…effective immediately."

"You're leaving… why?"

"Better offer…" he replied, shortly.

There was a better offer. Aaron Hotchner had told him if he ever needed a job there would always be a position at the BAU with his name on it. He had called him an hour earlier and Hotch was setting everything up for him.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Ryan nodded.

"OK… it was a pleasure to have worked with you, Mister Wolfe."

Ryan nodded and left. Never looking back