Chapter 3 Part 2

Small Touches A Good Start

Disclaimer: No own. Enough said.

Whew! Yes I was able to finish this after quite awhile now! Here is the other 11,000 words-ish of the third chapter. Ohohoho happy reading! This is pretty much the end of the story...or is it? EHEHEH I might write a sequel to this...but I will most likely hide it in an...interesting area.

Thank you very much for reading it all up to now! Tell me how you think of the ending! I kind of struggled through it but I'm rather satisfied with it.

"You sang beautifully again today at the party Yamamoto Megumi," Yahiro smiled and stopped the car in front of her house, "Your concert is coming up by the end of this week too, I bet you're nervous." He smiled too brightly.

'Me? Nervous?' Megumi smiled and glanced to the side, eyes away averted from his lavender ones. She clutched her magic board, how is she going to say it to him?

'No, I'm not very nervous at all.'

"Oh? But you're all fidgety again today," Yahiro smirked and propped his elbow onto the side of his window. "You only get fidgety when you're nervous about something."

'What? I do not!' Megumi denied and started swishing a curly strand of her hair.

"So you don't…" Yahiro raised an eyebrow and watched Megumi play with her hair. Megumi noticed him watching her and realized her fingers moving on their own. She sighed and stopped playing with her hair.

"Tell me Megumi," Yahiro said semi-aloofly, hand tapping the steering wheel, "what is it this time?"

Megumi gulped, she can't delay the inevitable. She had to tell him at some time and the time was most likely now. She sighed and felt her heart drop. After she said it, things would change and it would be for the better most likely. If she didn't tell him now, then she feared that on the day she left Yahiro would never know at all. She would silently slip out of his life and barely ever see him again. She didn't want that, she at the least wanted him to know, maybe…even hold her back from going.

"Megumi?" Yahiro poked her cheek, "Earth to Megumi. Your refrigerator is running, I think you should come back down to Earth."

Megumi jumped and scribbled on her board, 'you idiot! That isn't going to fool me!'

"So Megumi, you keep spacing out," Yahiro said a hint of worried appeared in his voice, "Is this about the concert?"

'No,' Megumi shook her head, 'It's…it's after the concert.'

"What is happening after the concert?" Yahiro asked. Did it have anything to do with that guy she was going to sing with? Yahiro coughed and pushed that thought out, well if it did it had nothing to do with him.

"It's…" Megumi put her board down and looked at Yahiro with mixed emotions in her eyes, "My parents want me to tour Europe with them after the concert is completely over."

Yahiro stared at Megumi in disbelief for a brief second. He cast his eyes away and stared out into the sky above them. She was going to tour Europe?

"They are staying here for a week or so and leaving next week and they want me to come along." Megumi continued on, she tucked her magic board under her arm. She was waiting for a response from Yahiro, a hopeful response. She looked at him and noticed that he was looking at the large round full moon.

It glowed and outshined everything around it. Megumi gulped, she realized that her hopes and wishes were probably the tiniest things in the world compared to the moon and stars.

After a passing of silence Yahiro spoke quietly, "Europe is a pretty far from Japan isn't it?"

Europe seemed like a great place for Megumi to go, Yahiro solemnly thought, there would be more chances at her career and she could meet so many more people that were better than just him. There are even guys who are even more passionate about music than she was that she could relate to, Yahiro bitterly added in the back of his mind.

Yahiro turned his head and smiled. This was a good opportunity for her, "Good luck Megumi. As a 'good friend' I know that you will do very well in Europe," Yahiro said. "Just don't stuff yourself with too many snacks that France has to offer, or the chocolates in Germany. I don't want to see you looking like a whale when you come back to visit Japan."

Megumi's heart sunk and so did her head. He didn't want to hold her back at all. But then again, of course not, Saiga Yahiro was not dependant or in any way needed her at all. He was the strong, boastful, standoffish, and cunning heir of the rising billion-dollar corporation.

Somewhere deep in her heart though she was hoping for this 'good-bye' to be tearful. Well, not so much crying that she hoped for, but just not to be just as plain as day this, a regular response.

"Gah!" Megumi muttered out and slapped her a face a little, she wasn't going to be like this. Now there were only a few days before the concert and she needed full energy for it.

"Don't hit yourself over this," Yahiro laughed, "It was just a joke. You won't look so much like a whale, probably more like a baby whale."

Megumi glared at Yahiro. "Who said I was coming back?" She said and pointed straight into his face, "and to visit you, to be more specific."

Yahiro pushed her finger away and threw his nose up into the air and chuckled.

"I did." He replied simply, "Because I can."

Megumi rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car. She shut the car door and held up her board to the window and it read: When pigs can fly.

"I'll make sure to have lots of fun," Megumi tried to smile a little deviously and waved to Yahiro.

Yahiro smirked in response and watched Megumi walk back to her home once more. Maybe the last time he would ever drive her home before she left for Europe. Yahiro stared at the empty street in front of him and frowned. What a lonely moon, he thought as the tiny planet came into view.

"Saiga-san," a worker of the Saiga Corporation asked, "what do you think of this plan?"

Yahiro snapped out daze and returned back to looking at the paper currently in his hand. It had been two days since he last saw the tiny brunette singer and it was two more days until her concert. During the meeting his mind started drifting off and he began to wonder what the little brunette was doing. Without knowing it himself, his mind wondered further and further that he barely noticed the worker in front of him calling his for his attention.

"…Yes," Yahiro replied, "this one is fine." He passed the paper onto another worker and he received another one in return.

After an hour or so of discussion, the meeting ended and Yahiro quickly walked downstairs to meet his temporary driver waiting for him at the lobby.

"Let's go," Yahiro commanded and got into the shiny black corvette.

Hours later into paperwork at home, Yahiro found himself browsing around on the Internet randomly while looking at the market prices.

He scrolled down as he yawned in boredom. Then suddenly his fingers froze and he stared at the large picture on the screen.

Megumi…Yahiro thought as he gazed at the picture, his eyes softening without himself knowing it. His eyes traced her hair and features as he made his way up to her eyes. They glowed and sparkled with innocence, and her small little smile made him feel calm.

There a large promotional picture of Megumi was placed in the middle of his screen. Her gesture was so innocent that her body sang songs itself, which was drawing Yahiro closer to stop his work altogether. He felt tempted to go see Yamamoto Megumi and watch her stupid reactions and to hear her trying to say a cunning comeback with her voice. He was tempted to run over to her house right now even though it the middle of the night.

Yahiro sighed and shook his head and leaned back in his chair. He couldn't go and do that. It was two days before her big concert and she was bound to be busy. Besides, Yahiro thought, he had work to do himself. Even if he showed up at Megumi's house, there would be no point in it at all. There wasn't a good reason as to why he would be there.

His eyes returned back to the picture of Megumi on the laptop screen. Yahiro closed his eyes and inhaled. When she left for Europe, would he be seeing more pictures like these on the net?

"Everyone!" Hikari exclaimed happily and ran into a group of people. She waved her arms excitedly and greeted her S.A. friends.

"Hikari!" Akira squealed and hugged Hikari tightly, "I'm so happy to see that you are out of the clutches of that evil, evil man!" Hikari sweat dropped and laughed hoarsely as she gasped for air.

"Evil man?" Kei smiled as he approached the S.A too, "or do you mean woman?"

Akira hissed at Kei and ducked from his reach as he attempted to grab Hikari away from Akira.

"AKI-RA," Hikari finally croaked, "Air! Air!"

"Oops," Akira giggled and let Hikari go, "sorry!" She turned and glared at Kei, "Look at what you made me do! You almost choked my poor Hikari to death!"

"Akira," Tadashi smiled at his raging fiancé, "Look over here."

Akira turned her head and a finger met her cheek.

"Poke," Tadashi laughed, "you fell for it!"

Akira growled and began to chase Tadashi around. She cursed him that she would hunt him down and slaughter him to feed to the fish in the ocean.

"What's up?" Yahiro relaxingly walked into the scene, hands in his pocket and standing aloofly. Everyone turned their heads at the two to-be-married couple and silence went by for a moment or two.

"How about we all go and see Megumi's concert now before all the seats are gone?" Ryuu suggested and smiled. Everyone else nodded and proceeded into the large open-aired concert hall.

It was large and seats wrapped around the stage on all sides. The area was circular and far down below was the stage that Megumi would be appearing on. The noise of chattering people could be heard and there was barely any color of seating that could be seen as many people filled into the place.

The S.A. members took a row of special seats reserved by Megumi and chatted amongst each other as they waited for the lights to dim.

"Wow," Sakura breathed out as she looked around herself, "This place is so cool! Don't you agree Jun-kun? Plus the prince of all ballads is singing! He has such a sexy voice, oh but not as sexy as you Jun!" She added and gave a tap to Jun's nose.

Jun blushed. He nodded quickly and tried to sit back relaxingly in his chair. "I can't wait to see Megumi too," Jun added enthusiastically.

Sakura smiled and agreed excitedly, "yeah! I wonder if she'll be wearing anything super glamorous. I bet she'll be really good, right Yahiro?" She nudged the young peeved Saiga-heir.

Yahiro felt very sleepy and for an 'air-conditioned' area, it didn't feel very cool at all. He felt rather hot in his attire and felt the desperate need to sleep. But he couldn't do it today, it was finally the concert that he and Megumi had been waiting for and he had to watch her today. On top of that, it had been four days now in total since he last seen her.

He crossed his arms and chewed on his lips. He couldn't believe himself that he, Yahiro, caught himself more than just a few times feeling tempted to visit Megumi. Not only that he was tempted, it was like his body wanted to go see her. He couldn't figure out why. Was it because she was going to leave soon and that he was already beginning to miss her? Or was it because he was just constantly bored. In any case, Yahiro huffed; it wasn't as if he was dependant on her or anything.

"Yahiro?" Sakura questioned as she stared at him, "You seem to be rather antsy today. Could it be?" Sakura smiled deviously, "Could it be that you are really excited to see our Megumi-Chan in glitter?"

Yahiro grunted and shot Sakura a killer smirk, "Well if you were stuck in days and days of paperwork and meetings with barely any time to rest at all, and have gone about…oh hmm, maybe two nights without a good sleep, and running on caffeine right now, tell me you wouldn't be antsy?"

Sakura laughed and sweat dropped, "Yeah…guess so." She scooted up against Jun and made some distance between her and Yahiro. "He's so grumpy when he's tired!" Sakura complained at Jun, "Remind me to never try waking him up in the morning."

"Look! Everyone!" Hikari pointed out obviously, "Megumi is coming out!"

Yahiro looked towards the stage and his eyes widened as she was raised on a platform. Fans and the audience cheered around him, but he his ears blocked out the noise as he heard Megumi's singing voice.

Megumi smiled as she sung a sweet slow melody. She wore a long fluffy yellow dress that cascaded down the platform, and her hair was decorated with a large sunflower that was pinned to the side of her head. She wore cotton gloves and the lights glittered on her. Yahiro closed his eyes and began to intake the music into his ears. She may have been dressed fancily but what mattered more to him was her voice, the sweet sound of her delicate voice.

The S.A. watched through the whole show. Hiroshi came out right after Megumi and then later they combined songs. At every end of the song, the audience would cheer their heads off and suddenly screw them back on as soon as another song started as if they never said anything in the first place.

As the concert was nearing towards the end, Yahiro could feel himself getting more anxious. The last song was sung and everyone cheered, the concert ended in a wonderful manner and the lights came back up.

The group left the stage area and towards backstage quickly, ushered by Akira and Hikari. They waited for Megumi to come out, but being surrounded by reporters the group waited idly by as they watched Hiroshi, Megumi, and the others answering questions.

Megumi smiled and answered each one that came at her. After five minutes she felt herself getting tired and woozy from the flashing lights and noise. It was getting a bit too much for her. As she tried answering the last question that was given to her, she attempted to bow and leave to join her friends. She was excited to see them and she desperately wanted to greet them.

Megumi was about to bounce happily to them but she was stopped by one particularly annoying question that everyone decided to bombard her on.

"Yamamoto-san! Rumors says that you are having an affair with the hot Hiroshi Gouda, is that true?"

What? There was a rumor about her? Megumi thought annoyingly.

Yahiro's ears perked up and he shot a glance towards Megumi's direction.

"I--!" Megumi tried to answer, but the noises the people were making were drowning her answer out. They were all too excited and kept repeating the question over and over again.

Megumi glanced around for help, her stupid magic board she realized, she accidentally left it in the dressing room and she didn't feel like talking any louder than she already had.

Hiro-san noticed and began to make his way to her.

"It's not true," a voice announced, annoyed, and dragged Megumi away, "she doesn't even look old enough to date yet."

"Wh-what?" people exclaimed and started freaking out around them. They were confused and began another uproar. "Saiga Yahiro? What is he doing here?"

The whole S.A. group sweat dropped and proceeded to push through the crowd to follow Yahiro and Megumi to the dressing room.

Who the hell? Megumi screamed in her mind, great another 'rumor' and now this time even more stupid! She followed the hand up to her 'savior's face and her eyes opened wide-eyed and dumbly.

"Yahiro?" Megumi exclaimed as she was led back to the dressing room.

"What is the use of the board if you're going to use your voice?" Yahiro interrupted Megumi's explosion.

Megumi paused for a second and grabbed her board from the make-up table and scribbled on it furiously.

'Yahiro! You idiot! What do you mean I don't look old enough to date?' Megumi held it up for him to see. 'Now you're going to confuse the reporters and now there will be more rumors about me!'

Yahiro smirked and shrugged, "Who cares about rumors? At least you're saved from using your voice more than you need to."

Megumi stopped her furious writing and held her board still. She looked up at Yahiro with large eyes, he was thinking about me? She thought. Megumi smiled and looked down; yes always count on Yahiro for being there to care about her voice when no one else noticed her struggle.

Yahiro watched Megumi's small lips curve up into a gentle smile. He felt his heart beat a pump or two and his face grew warm. Yahiro coughed and crossed his arms. "You sang very, very beautifully today." He meant it.

"Th-thank y—"

"MEGUMI-CHAN!" the door swung open and Akira came running in. She hugged Megumi and Megumi muffled a 'Akira!' against her chest.

Akira giggled embarrassingly and let go of Megumi. Megumi took a step back and happily greeted everyone in the S.A. She received compliments and many pats on the back from her friends and a high-excited comment from Hikari

"Thank you all very much for coming to see me!" Megumi smiled and looked down on the floor shyly. She was happy to know that everyone cared for her and made room in their busy schedules to come.

"Anything for Megumi-Chan!" Hikari responded happily.

"This calls for a tea—" Akira began only to be interrupted by Tadashi.

"How about we go out for drinking?" Tadashi exclaimed excitedly, he was up for some nighttime fun. "How about it?"

"As a celebration? Sure let's do it!" Hikari agreed.

"What?" Akira gasped, "Drinking! Tadashi you buffoon!" She grabbed Tadashi's ear and tugged it with her ferocious fingers.

"How about we invite Hiroshi Gouda too?" Sakura input.

"Oh! Sounds like fun, can we Megumi, can we?" Hikari asked Megumi, her eyes big and wide. "Yahiro, you can come too if you like!"

Yahiro flinched and look hesitantly at Megumi.

Drinking? Megumi thought and sweat dropped, she wasn't a good drinker and alcohol wasn't really the best ideal thing for her voice.

"There will be karaoke involved!" Sakura smiled and nudged Megumi.

Megumi's eyes opened widely and they sparkled with enthusiasm. Karaoke? She loved karaoke!

'Yes!' Megumi wrote on her board and began leaving with everyone out the door. The paparazzi were already dying down and they were all nearly gone. She turned around and wrote on her board. 'Come on Yahiro, you come too!' She smiled.

Yahiro sighed and put his hand on his face, "You get bribed easily don't you."

Guzzling down another shot of liquor, Yahiro sighed and leaned back on the couch to observe the scene around him.

"I'm officially out," Yahiro said and realized he slurred those words.

"It's only me and you left, number two," Kei smirked as he proceeded to drink the next glass.

"I won't loosh to you," Hikari stumbled through her words and started on the next one.

"I bet you won't even get to thirty glasses," Kei said.

"I'll show you pretty boy!" Hikari exclaimed and started on her twenty-seventh glass, "I'm not even drunk yet!"

For some reason he just had to get caught in this contest. Hikari, of course, being the girl she was just had to challenge Kei to another challenge. Yes, a drinking challenge. Who could drink the most shots without passing out. Winner gets to do whatever they want with the person they choose and loser must obey. Well of course because it sounded like so much fun, everyone just had to join in too. Excluding Megumi and Hiroshi of course.

Yahiro was the last outer participant in the race, but after that last shot he couldn't take it anymore. It was his twenty-fifth glass and he was getting really, really…slushy. Drinking beer was never really his thing; he was always more of a wine and vodka person.

"Look," Tadashi giggled and pointed to Yahiro's face, "he's getting really, really drunk."

"Shuddup," Yahiro muttered and attempted to slap Tadashi's finger away. He missed horribly and ended up only knocking a plate of chips to the side and causing the plate to tip over a bit. Tadashi laughed and then proceeded to attempt singing a song dedicated to Akira and his bike. He stumbled over most of his words, but he was able to accurately sing loudly.

"Good one!" Hikari laughed loudly and patted Yahiro very firm on the back as Yahiro's stupidity distracted her. "Drink up!" She cheered and grabbed a glass of alcohol and proceeded to force it down Yahiro's throat.

Yahiro chugged every drop rather painfully and took a large gasp of air when he was finally released of Hikari's death hold and harsh feeding hand. He coughed and slumped back into his seat and wiped his mouth.

"Bleh…" he grimaced loudly.

Hikari laughed and immediately snapped a growl at Kei as soon as she heard him say something about losing.

Yahiro became silent and began watching Tadashi making a fool out of himself. During his singing though, Yahiro couldn't help but in his drunken state stare at Megumi sitting further down the couch. She had a light beer with her and she was busy choosing a song through the songbook.

It bothered him to see her sing the next song. It wasn't because he disliked her voice, it was because the 'prince-of-all-ballads' was singing right next to her. Not just only singing though, after they were done with a song, Megumi would return back to the song book and show it to Hiroshi on what song she wanted to sing next. He would gladly oblige and was constantly all smiley with Megumi.

A few hours later the party was over and everyone was standing outside parting ways again.

"Yoo-hoo?" Sakura waved her hand in front of Yahiro's face, "Yahiro are you there?"

Yahiro looked at Sakura and stared blankly.

"Ohoho," Sakura laughed lazily, "I can't believe it! The great Saiga-sama is a silent drunk! You're really quiet! I mean, I haven't heard you say a whole word this night!"

"Will you be able to get home safely tonight?" Kei asked with Hikari slung over his shoulder. Kei of course won the match and having a high tolerance level of infinity he was able to think clearly still.

Yahiro nodded and quietly stood there, possibly waiting for something to happen.

"Megumi, can you do us all a favor and help Yahiro back home?" Kei asked Megumi quietly, "I don't think he is actually going to be able to make it back tonight without wondering off somewhere and everyone is kind of already hands full with the other one already pretty drunk."

'What?!' Megumi wrote on her board and frantically looked around for some help. She looked at Akira who was happily leaning on Tadashi.

"Thanksh Megoomi-Shaan," Akira said and waved.

Even Akira was drunk! Megumi thought a little gloomily. Bringing back a drunk Yahiro, Megumi thought a little bit frightened, she had never had this experience before. Hopefully it will be an easy one.

Everyone said goodbye to each other, or tried to and people parted ways, including Hiroshi Gouda. He actually left somewhere a little bit before the party ended. He had business to attend to the next day and he needed rest.

Jun and Sakura actually decided that night that they were going to go to Sakura's. Why, Megumi didn't want to know but she nodded and waved goodbye to them too. Their lives, Megumi thought.

Megumi turned and looked at Yahiro; he seemed fine to her so far. I don't think he's that drunk, Megumi thought as she approached him.

"Come on Yahiro, it's time to go now," Megumi said hesitantly. For some reason he was looking straight at her and it was making her a little nervous. His eyes were fixed onto something and he was gazing deeply at it.

"Y-Yahiro?" Megumi stuttered in surprise as Yahiro started stroking her hair and smiled stupidly. Then he stopped and suddenly swooped Megumi into a hug.

"I'm so dizzy," he mumbled.

"W-what are you doing?" Megumi asked and blushed. She waited for a few moments for an answer and she didn't hear any. "Yahiro?" She waited again.

Megumi heard a tiny snore and realized that he fell asleep on her.

"Mou! Stupid jerk, wake up! How am I supposed to get you home if you are going to sleep on me?" Megumi said, slightly starting to lean backward due to Yahiro's heavy weight overtaking her puny body.

"I don't want to go home," Yahiro muttered quietly.

"You're going home," Megumi firmly stated.



"I forgot my keys."


"Do you want to check my pockets for them?" Yahiro smugly said from Megumi's shoulder, "I think if you dig really deep you'll eventually find…something."

Megumi paused and blushed, that meant she had to reach into his pants and check around for them, and what did he mean by that 'something'? Megumi shuddered and shook her head.

Megumi sighed annoyingly and finally gave in, "Fine! You can sleep at my house for only tonight! That's only so you can wake up and I can tell you how stupidly drunk you were being the night before." For some reason talking to him at the moment felt like dealing with a child.

"Okay!" Yahiro replied happily and threw his arms up, "Let's go!"

Megumi watched Yahiro cautiously as she called a cab for them. He was definitely drunk, she could tell that for sure, but a silent drunk? She doubted that a little.

Ten minutes later the cab stopped in front of Megumi's house.

"Yahiro," Megumi shook the slumbering lavender haired heir, "wake up."

Yahiro continued to sleep heavily on Megumi's shoulder and Megumi could see in the rearview mirror that the cab driver was getting impatient.

"Urgh," Megumi huffed a minute later as she carried Yahiro into her house. She dragged him up the stairs and stopped at the top of the step to recover some air when all of a sudden Yahiro decided at that moment to wake up again.

He stood up and sleepily wandered into Megumi's room and plopped down onto her bed.

Megumi quickly followed Yahiro and tried shaking Yahiro awake again.

"This isn't where you get to sleep tonight Yahiro!" Megumi shook uselessly, "you will be sleeping in Jun's room tonight."

Yahiro inhaled and smiled with his eyes closed, "smells likes Megumi."

Megumi blushed and shook her head to recover. This isn't the time to be getting embarrassed when the guy you like is drunk and possibly on the verge of throwing up on your nice sheets.

"You pervert!" Megumi said and persisted to tug on Yahiro's arm, "Get up, this wasn't part of the deal."

Finally, Megumi thought with relief as she saw Yahiro sit up on her bed with a pout on his face.

"There are clothes in Jun's room you can—eep!" Megumi yelped in surprise as Yahiro pulled her down and proceeded to trap her in his arms.

"W-w-what are you doing?" Megumi asked nervously and could feel herself blushing red. She had never experienced being physically this close to the young heir before.

"I never knew you were so soft before Me-gu-mi-Chan!" Yahiro purred happily while shifting his position, digging Megumi deeper into the bed.

"Yahiro," Megumi was barely able to keep her voice in a normal tone, a drunk Yahiro was so much stranger than she imagined, and "You're crushing me."

Too far, Megumi thought as she reached her arm out in attempt to grab her magic board, why am I so short? She planned to use that to knock him out cold, but that mode of escape was not possible. She couldn't even move her arms very well because Yahiro's body was crushing her.

Yahiro took another deep breath of scent from Megumi's hair and sighed. "I always sleep the best when I smell this near me," Yahiro muttered and Megumi froze as she felt his throat vibrate against her back, "You know, after you leave my house late at night during those times you helped me relax or sleep…I always return to that couch you sat on and I lie there for sometime, always taking in the scent of you. It always relaxes me and helps me dream nicer things at night. I never had one nightmare again after you said you loved me," Yahiro sighed contentedly.

Megumi was thankful that she was faced away from Yahiro because whether he was drunk or not he would be able to tell that her face was ablaze at the moment. She had no idea that Yahiro did that and she never knew that he had it in him to do those kinds of things, but for some reason it flattered her very much and made her feel special inside.

"Of course I never returned your feelings," Yahiro chuckled, "because I reaaally, really didn't feel anything for you all!"

Megumi frowned and replied with annoyance, "It's okay because I have others that care for me and love me! That's enough for me!"

"Like that sappy singer?" Yahiro grunted, "He may have a great face, a wonderful attitude, and a sexy voice, but he is way too old for you Megumi."

"He's only thirty years old!" Megumi replied, "And I never said I wanted to date him, Yahiro I think you are way too drunk to be thinking straight right now." He's such a chatterbox too, Megumi thought annoyingly, a drunk chatty girl. Megumi couldn't believe that she was actually having somewhat of a conversation with him. She needed to be more focused on getting him off her and getting him to sleep in Jun's room. "Go sleep in Jun's room! I'm way too young to have older men in my bed, like you said!"

"But we're 'good friends', as you like putting it so much," Yahiro whined a little, "and good friends let each other sleep in each other's beds. I like this one too, so I'm not moving."

"Fine!" Megumi tried to struggle free of his hold, "Then I'm going to sleep in Jun's room." Megumi attempted to get up and get out of her bed. She was only able to lift her legs and head up, but couldn't get the rest of her body to comply. Yahiro tightened his grip around Megumi and pulled her closer and buried himself deeper.

"Yahiro!" Megumi said, repeating her struggle again.


"Yahiro I need to get up," Megumi whined.

"Don't leave me alone," Yahiro moaned softly.

Megumi ceased her struggling and looked at Yahiro. She couldn't figure out whether this was the alcohol talking or really Yahiro talking. Her heart was happy at the sudden claim he made, yet it was heavy for not knowing if he was talking to her or not. He buried his face into the crook of her neck and she could smell the heavy mixed scent of his cologne and beer together. What was he thinking? Megumi wondered as she began to adjust herself on the bed a little.

Her waist and arms immediately felt slight pressure again and she couldn't move.

"Yahiro?" Megumi spoke quietly. She waited for a response and when she heard none, she spoke again, "Yahiro are you awake?"

Megumi could feel the slow rise and fall of his chest. The room was silent and the only sound that she could faintly hear was the 'tick-tick' of her tiny clock that sat on her desk. There was not any other sounds other than that besides the nervous breathing of her own lungs and the loud thuds of her heart and the deep breathing of the man that was topped over her.

What? Megumi thought worriedly, he couldn't have fallen asleep so quickly. I can't go to sleep like this! Megumi screamed in her head.

"Yahiro?" Megumi called desperately.

"…uhu, you think you can use your voice to me?" a deep sadistic voice came out.

"Yahiro?" Megumi said with more hope.

"I am the great Lord Yahiro…" he muttered incoherently and smacked his lips, "make me tempura udon…slave."

He really is asleep! Megumi thought alarmed. Megumi heaved a large sigh and closed her eyes. Great! The man I like is crushing me on my own bed, reeks of drunk, and is dreaming about me doing his bidding. I'm not going to get any sleep tonight.

Bright sun that is an extremely powerful ray of light that shone through even the tiniest of cracks. So powerful that it could wake a human up from any deep slumbering he or she had.

A burning sensation, which is most known to happen when one is buried under a lot of covers and heated up with extreme temperatures. Sometimes sharing it with a fuzzy companion or another human may bring it to this extreme.

To sleep in a comfy spot between the spaces of a sleeping man. It was most often considered nice and makes a person feel protected. Only happens when two people have decided to invade each other's personal space. Well except for Megumi's case. She didn't decide, it just happened.

Megumi's eyes snapped open. Her hair was sprawled out behind her and her hands were numb from herself sleeping on them. Megumi yawned and shifted in her semi-comfy position. She could re-call a bit of discomfort in her sleep from the other night, but for the most part her sleep was very comfy. Well everything was comfy except for the really hot heat that was on her head and the constant breathing that she felt tingling the hairs on her neck. The warm breaths heated her skin so hot that it was beginning to push her a little bit to the side of discomfort.

Megumi shifted around a little bit more and she realized that she wasn't sleeping on a pillow. It took her a second to register the person that slept right beside her, for the lavender hair and fair complexion seemed all too much of a dream to her.

Yahiro! Megumi thought nervously in her mind and her heart began to beat loudly in her chest. What was he doing in her bed so early in the morning? Megumi closed her eyes and tried to remember. Yes, that's right he was drunk and he refused to leave! Megumi thought haughtily, which left her in an uncomfy state of mind for the majority of the night!

"Yahi-" Megumi began, but she paused in mid scolding as she heard a small cough erupt from the bottom of the young sleeping heir's throat.

Coughing? Megumi thought, he couldn't be…. Megumi took a hand and felt his forehead. It was burning and he was sweating. Megumi quickly pulled her hand away and couldn't believe it, Yahiro couldn't be sick now? She touched her forehead against his and checked for the temperature once more.

Abnormal, Megumi thought, beyond normal human temperature.

Yahiro coughed once more and weakly opened his eyes, "Why is it so bright in this room? It feels like someone decided to light a fire outside and didn't think that anyone would mind about it."

Megumi opened her eyes widely as Yahiro gazed straight into her eyes.

"G-g-good morning," Megumi stuttered out. It was all that she could manage at the moment.

"Hello…" Yahiro replied and fluttered his eyes closed again. He coughed again and uncomfortably moved around in his spot. "It's really hot in your room Megumi…. Wait a minute," Yahiro said as he sat up instead, "What am I doing here?" He looked around the room and his eyes traveled back to Megumi in a mix of disgust and surprise, well a mock of it.

"It couldn't be," Yahiro gasped, "Megumi, were you trying to take advantage of me?" Megumi immediately tensed up and felt the angry need to take a pillow and bash it against this arrogant man's face.

Yahiro smirked and leaned back onto the backboard of her bed. "You know, there are many women who want me, but there are only a few that are actually daring enough to go this far," Yahiro said and brushed his hair up and looked at Megumi with sparkles glistening in his eyes, "I know that I'm so beautiful that it is hard to hold back, but Megumi please try to keep your animalistic side to a minimal."

"Yahiro, how much time do you need to digest liquor?" Megumi exclaimed holding the pillow over her head. Her cheeks were red and Yahiro smirked but started coughing again.

Megumi slowly let go of the pillow and crawled forward to feel Yahiro's forehead again. Yahiro gasped a little at the sudden contact, he blinked and wonder why he was feeling so touchy recently.

"You're sick," Megumi confirmed worriedly.

"I'm not sick," Yahiro denied. He turned his head away and got out of the bed. He slid out from the warm blanket and shivered at the cold breeze he felt across his sweaty back.

"Yes you are!" Megumi repeated again, "You shouldn't overwork your body anymore than you already have."

Yahiro shook his head and laughed, "I feel fine," he coughed between words. Megumi stared at him with large firm eyes, the words flying from her were saying, 'I don't believe you.'

"Well," Yahiro huffed, "even if I am sick, I have work to do and don't you do too?"

"It's a Sunday," Megumi pointed out, "that concert was only a one night event."

"Fine, well I still have things to do so if you excuse me—" Yahiro took a step and stumbled forward. He caught himself using the edge of Megumi's bed and he touched his head. I feel so lightheaded, Yahiro thought dazedly.

Megumi quickly got up and supported Yahiro by the shoulders.

"Please Yahiro, go rest," Megumi said gently.

Yahiro scrunched up his face, why did she always have to care so much? She was leaving soon to another country anyways and he couldn't keep relying on her kindness so much.

"You're burning up Yahiro! Go rest now," Megumi said feebly again.

"You can't make me," Yahiro smirked and stared at her petite face staring up determinedly at him.

"If you don't go right back to the bed now I will use my deadly sonic power on you!" Megumi threatened and began pushing Yahiro to her bed. Yahiro's eyes grew wide and he gulped. Ouch, getting his eardrums pierced early in the morning, Yahiro obeyed and grudgingly got back into Megumi's bed.

Megumi smiled and grabbed her board from her table and preceded to write, 'that's a good boy.'

Yahiro scowled and rolled his eyes. It has been a long time since he had been sick and even then he hadn't been treated like this.

'Rest for now okay? I'll call your servants to come and pick you up,'

"They are all on vacation."

'What about the temporaries?'

"Because I was supposed to be away from the house the whole day, meeting people, none of them are actually going to show up."

'So no one is home?'


'Not even Chitose?'

"He's with my parents for now."

Megumi smiled brightly and tilted her head innocently, 'Too bad for you Yahiro, I'm going to be taking care of you today then! Do you like porridge?"

Yahiro stared at Megumi, "Megumi…have you ever cooked before?"

Megumi smiled and nodded. She held up three fingers and her board, 'I can make three things! Rice, eggs, and sandwiches! Porridge shouldn't be too hard?'

Yahiro gulped and stared wide-eyed at Megumi, "no, it's okay I'll just rest for awhile and go home later…."

'No!' Megumi frowned and pointed to the bed, 'what you are going to do later is stay in that bed and rest until your nose and brain isn't feeling all messed up. If you don't want to obey me you will feel the wrath of my voice.'

Yahiro gulped and leaned back into the bed, no not the noise, he thought dreadfully. As if his ears weren't ringing enough from the headache he was feeling too.

"Fine," Yahiro muttered, "Porridge please."

'Don't make that face Yahiro,' Megumi said and blushed as she brought up a memory from last night, she intended to use this against him, 'At least you get to sleep in the bed that you refused to leave last night.'

Yahiro stayed silent and averted his eyes away from Megumi and stared at the floor. He did remember that and he could recall feeling really loopy after drinking. Then he started recalling all the other things he did last night too. Yahiro began to blush and then proceeded to cough in order to distract his mind.

"I'm sick Megumi," Yahiro whined as he lied down onto the bed, "I can't believe you're trying to pick on me when I'm so weak like this."

'You--!' Megumi had on her board but faltered to write the rest. She sighed and plastered a smile on her face again. Megumi patted the blankets down and wrote on her board, 'Okay, you have to sleep for now Yahiro. I'll wake you up when I'm done with the porridge.'

Yahiro made some kind of muffled noise under the covers that could be translated as 'it's okay' but Megumi shrugged and left the room to leave him to rest.

Five minutes later Yahiro pulled the covers off his face and stared at Megumi's white ceiling. Funny, Yahiro thought as his eyes glanced around her room. Starting from her plain looking desk and trailing across her random miniature decorations and all the way to her wardrobe and back to the ceiling, Yahiro was surprised on how interesting the place Megumi's private spot was. This is actually one of the first times I have actually been in here…Yahiro thought.

He noticed an interesting array of charms hanging on the wall space above her desk.

'Love' said half of them, and the other half said, 'Good life.'

So Megumi was into those kinds of things, Yahiro thought amusedly. He wondered how much hope Megumi actually put in those charms. He could imagine her squeezing each charm in her hand and praying everyday that maybe the love god would shine his good fortune for her that day. Did they even work though?

Yahiro stared at the ceiling again and he sighed. They probably did not work one bit if those charms were meant towards him. After all they haven't progressed anywhere relationship wise since five years ago.

Yahiro turned on his side and stared out the window and into the blue sky. They have gone nowhere at all…Yahiro thought as he saw a plane fly by in the distance. They have been friends this whole time and not one of them have budged from their position. But now, now Megumi will be going to another country.

Away for a while, Yahiro kept thinking. He frowned and felt his heart thud painfully in a slow way as he thought the very fact that Megumi was not going to be there anymore.

He shook his head and tried to force a smile to himself, it wasn't as if he had any reason to hold her back from her dreams. Plus if Megumi went to another place then she could continue on with a love life that she had always been yearning for.

Not with some jerk that had rejected her more than once before. Yahiro sighed and scratched his head, why did she still stick with such a jerk like him all this time? There weren't any refining qualities about him that a woman would truly love him for. Sure he was nice time to time, looked good, and has super-wealth, but he was constantly teasing and making fun of her most of the time. What kind of woman would like to be reminded of her bad trait everyday?

Megumi could take it though, the thought echoed in Yahiro's mind. Not only could she take his mean side, she saw through them and showed kindness to him back despite his bad self. Then she fell in love with him and tried to offer him a chance to try getting back into the life of love again.

For five years she had been open to him all the time, and after so long Yahiro wasn't surprised that she was getting tired of waiting for his feelings to return hers. He was actually more surprised that she could wait for him that long instead.

But, Yahiro's sighed, his place on her heart was slowly beginning to slip from its spot. His smile fell and was replaced with a frown.

He closed his eyes and tried to remember the lullaby that she would always sing to him the most.

That voice, that sweet sound he was going to miss. The one sound that was able to put him to ease no matter what kind of stress he was feeling, or what kind of loneliness he felt. He hummed what he could remember at first, but he stopped and wondered how long it will take until he forgot the original sound that he could hear in his head.

A little sense of emptiness trickled into his heart.

Yahiro coughed and felt his cheeks get red as he tried to shift his mind into a different thought, last night. He remembered that he admitted he loved the smell of her, and it wasn't only just in words, he wholly took her hair and smelled it too. Now it surrounded him and engulfed his whole nose in it.

Yahiro rolled onto his stomach and inhaled deeply. The scent of sakura blossom and all of Megumi's other scents filled his nose and mind. A feeling of warmth filtered itself back into his chest and he felt his eyes start to droop as he coughed again. Her bed is so warm…Yahiro thought just before he dozed off.

What a warm hand, Yahiro thought in his sleep comfortably. So nice, he arched into it as the bits of a dark dream he was having began to fade. It was so warm before Yahiro thought as he felt the heavy weight of a blanket being lifted away from him. He opened his eyes, feeling the air filtering into his warm sleeping spot and making him shiver.

"Megumi…" Yahiro whispered. He attempted to lift his head, but it was heavy and he couldn't tell which way was up or down. Yahiro smelled the air and scrunched his nose. It was the smell of food and he could feel his stomach doing uncomfortable rolls inside.

Megumi smiled and took a wet cloth and wiped Yahiro's forehead with it. She put it back down into the bowl sitting next to the bed. Megumi smiled happily and grabbed the tray of food that was waiting besides the bowl to be eaten.

"I made it!" Megumi chirped happily.

Yahiro groaned and rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Yahiro!" Megumi scolded, "You have to eat whether you want to or not. You're too skinny for your own good anyways."

"I can't get up," Yahiro murmured.

Megumi blinked and then laughed. She proceeded to help Yahiro up, pressing her body against his to help him up. Even though Yahiro was already warm and hazy from the fever, his body managed to flush a light pink blush across his cheeks. This was the softness I felt in my dream, Yahiro thought dazedly as he felt the softness of her chest press into his. Yahiro lay against the backboard and remembered why he was up again. He stared agonizingly at the porridge.

Megumi patted the blankets down and put the tray on her lap. She took a spoonful of porridge and blew on it.

"I hope you'll like it," Megumi smiled and offered the spoon.

Yahiro stared at the spoon and glanced back at Megumi. "How about you eat it first?"

"I didn't poison it," Megumi replied curtly taking back her porridge, "But if you're going to be such a wuss about it, fine I will try it first!" Megumi blew on the spoon and took a large bite of it. At first Megumi looked like she was going to choke and spit out her food, but as soon as she was able to breathe again she swiftly swallowed her food and smiled at Yahiro.

Yahiro looked at Megumi and waited for a response. "So?"

Megumi took another spoon full of porridge and held it up. "It tastes great Yahiro! Now open up."

Yahiro stared at the spoon and hesitantly began to open his mouth. The smell of porridge filled the holes of his nose and he felt the warm goo travel onto his tongue. At first there was this weird taste but as more porridge went in his mouth, the better it started tasting. Yahiro swallowed and made a sigh of relief.

"See? I told you it was good!" Megumi said happily, she was proud of her ability to cook porridge for the first time.

"I'm happy to know that you are not that dense when it comes to the kitchen," Yahiro smiled.

Megumi's cheeks turned red and she furrowed her eyebrows, "What does that mean!?"

Yahiro chuckled and grabbed the bowl off Megumi's lap and began to feed himself.

Megumi sat on her chair and made the tiniest pout she could. He snatched the spoon right out of her hands and she wasn't able to react fast enough to prevent that. Megumi was kind of anticipating feeding Yahiro and seeing him in a feeble state.

As she watched Yahiro eat she couldn't help but think to herself, indirect-kiss, indirect-kiss! Megumi's cheeks tinted themselves pink a little and she tried to pretend that she was busy by doodling on her magic board.

A few minutes later Yahiro was finished and he took the medicine that Megumi had brought up.

"Why do you only have the liquid version of medicine?" Yahiro made a disgusted face as soon as he downed the bright red liquid.

"Well that is all we have right now and you were going to have to take it whether you liked it or not," Megumi replied, "Plus you're sick Yahiro, so I need you to get better."

"Megumi," Yahiro asked slightly irritated that she kept bringing up how sick he was, it made him sound weak, "I'm not that sick. I'm just tired."

Megumi took out a thermometer from her pocket and stuck it in Yahiro's mouth. She waited for a moment and then took it out. "100.4 degrees," Megumi read, "You're really ill."

"That thermometer is broken."

"Do you need anything else?" Megumi ignored his whining and smiled at him.

Yahiro grunted and lied back down on the bed. His head was getting hot again and he just wanted the world to stop spinning. "Sleep."

"Okay," Megumi responded and she sat back down next to the bed and helped re-tuck the sheets back. "Want me to sing you a lullaby again?" she whispered.

Yahiro was silent for a moment, considering if he really wanted Megumi to watch him sleep. But a song from her was too good to pass. "…Yes please," he murmured and closed his eyes.

Megumi smiled and began to sing softly.

So this is what it feels like to be taken care of so closely, Yahiro thought dazedly.

He was going to miss this. Yahiro knew deep down all along. He thought once more, Megumi was going to disappear from his life as soon as she left for Europe. Yahiro opened his eyes, for he tried to fall asleep to the lullaby but his mind wouldn't stop trying to desperately memorize each sound and word that came out of the brunette's sweet lips.

Megumi finished the last of the lullaby and opened her eyes, she expected a sleeping Yahiro. Instead she gasped a little to see him faced towards her and looking directly into her eyes. A pool of emotions swirled in his eyes and a deep look gazed into her.

"Y-Yahiro!" Megumi said, "Are you alright? Do you need some more medicine?"

"Megumi…" Yahiro barely said in an audible voice, "How long will you be gone for?"

Megumi blinked and felt her heart burn as Yahiro said those words so slow and left a tiny trail of loneliness form in her. "For," Megumi replied hesitantly, "For awhile…." Her parents pretty much had the idea to permanently keep her with them, how was she going to tell him that when she was beginning to feel pre-built up regret in her?

"Then…" Yahiro faltered as he looked down for a moment. His hand twitched and his mouth began to form words, but he closed his lips and looked up. He leaned forward and barely touched Megumi's small hands with his. Megumi's heart raced at the contact and her eyes replied back curiously and cautiously.

"Megumi," he said, "can you go with me to one more party?

"I," Megumi paused. She took Yahiro's hands and looked down, "I…can't go with you to this one." She carefully placed them back, "I'm sorry." She began to pull her hands away.

"I'll let you have whatever you want this time," Yahiro offered quickly and caught her hands before they reeled away completely. He looked deeply into her eyes, "Whatever you want this time, I'll fulfill it. Can you go with me to this last one?"

"I'm sorry Yahiro," Megumi whispered, "What I really want this time isn't something you can easily do." Megumi personally knew that if she went with him to this last party, she wouldn't be able to leave at all. Even though through these whole five years their relation has gone no where, the memories and times that they have had together Megumi knew that she would always remember them. She treasured the time that she had with her one-sided love. Going to this last party would throw her into emotional overflow and she knew that if she was going to leave for Europe she did not want the last thing to leave was tears and sadness.

"Why?" Yahiro tried to smirk; it was failing. "I am the great Saiga Yahiro, what is it that you want so much that I can't grant it? What is it that is making you refusing to go with me?" Yahiro began to cough, but he never faltered to look at Megumi.

Megumi smiled sadly and stood up from her chair. She took the blankets and began to cover them smugly over Yahiro's body. Once she was done she grabbed a fever patch and put it gently over Yahiro's forehead.

"I love you Yahiro," Megumi whispered, "It's been five years now and despite your awfulness I still love you Yahiro. I can't go with you this time because I'm being very selfish." She rubbed on the fever patch.

Yahiro's eyes opened widely and he could feel his heart racing fast this time. This time he could feel his heart reacting more vividly than the first time she confessed to him. It was alive, beating hard, and filling his soul with desire. His cheeks flushed with warmth and he could feel himself being more compelled as he heard the word 'love' to keep her by his side one more time before she left.

"It's fine if you feel selfish," Yahiro breathed, he gazed up at Megumi, "I don't care."

"I care!" Megumi replied, "It's not fine if I am selfish Yahiro, this time both of us will not be happy about what I want."

"How do you know if I'll be unhappy?"

"I am selfish because I want your love Yahiro." Megumi wistfully whispered in front of Yahiro. Her head was tilted downwards and her eyes were cast down to the floor. She trembled slightly as she felt the seriousness of her own words register into her head.

Yahiro's heart pounded and he started coughing hard this time. Megumi carefully let him lay back down on the pillow and she continued to smile at him with sorrow lacing her lips.

"Yahiro," Megumi slowly spoke, "I'm leaving in a few days. My parents are going back to Europe and they want me to go along with them as soon as possible."

Yahiro kept coughing and he couldn't manage to say one word.

In a few days… Yahiro thought. He felt a sorrowful pang in his heart as something in his head kept thinking this cannot end like this. This as in Megumi cannot just walk out on his life so soon. This as in the five year standing friend relationship had to find an end somehow, but a good end, a satisfying end.

Satisfying end? What was it that Yahiro wanted though? It wasn't love and it wasn't Megumi's sweet voice that he wanted to keep.

Megumi wetted the towel that lied beside the bed and she began wiping the sweat off of Yahiro's red face. "Yahiro…" Megumi mumbled worriedly as she felt his forehead grow hotter and hotter. She wetted the towel again and applied it to his heated head.

Yahiro's cough began to subside slowly as he could feel his lungs beginning to calm down and feel a sense of where he was as his forehead felt the vicious cool air be nice to him. He breathed heavily and Yahiro closed his eyes.

"Thank you Megumi," Yahiro was able to mutter out.

Megumi smiled as she continued her pattern of cooling Yahiro down, "What are friends for?"

Yahiro opened his eyes to stare at her with forlorn residing in his mind. He was starting to unlike the term just 'friends.' Which surprised him too for he was the one that used the word to describe them together.

"Megumi…" Yahiro mumbled.

Megumi tilted her head.

"I'll…miss you," muttered as softly as he could.

Megumi blushed and looked down quickly at the floor. Yahiro was being so open for the first time, and open in the kind way. Megumi didn't know how to respond, her face was hot enough as it is but her brain was overheating.

She quickly took a breath and started laughing lightly, "Yahiro you are really feverish aren't you? Do you need anything else?" Megumi turned her body to face the door. "You should probably sleep now, I mean even you said that you wanted sleep. Do you want another lulla--"

Yahiro caught Megumi's hand and tugged her closer to the bed. "Megumi."

Megumi stared at Yahiro with wide eyes and she couldn't stop herself from feeling tears well up in her eyes. Why was Yahiro being so sweet to her right now? It was making it harder for her to leave for Europe.

"Yahiro," Megumi spoke softly yet shaky, "are you not tired?"

He couldn't admit that he was afraid of closing his eyes and waking up to finding out that she was gone. Her hand spread more warmth to him than the fever and her presence made him feel more contented than he ever could than being near Akira.

"Megumi…" Yahiro breathed out. He gazed into Megumi's beautiful yet nervous eyes and assumed that his probably resembled almost the same emotions as hers.

He felt empty and cold without Megumi. He didn't have any friends beside the S.A. members and he barely ever saw his whole family together at once. He wondered on how he was able to keep living with such an uncommunicative life and how he was able to pass each day and still feel some kind of meaning in his life. She was always so indiscreetly a part of his life, and he never realized the importance of it until now. Yahiro frowned and leaned into Megumi's body, making his face unable to see to her. He wouldn't allow her to see his pitiful expression as he came to realize one thing he knew he wanted:

"I need you, please don't go off to Europe."

Megumi's heart pumped and her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was slightly agape. Her mind couldn't focus and she couldn't stop blinking. She was surprised and she couldn't even begin to believe reality at the moment. Was Yahiro trying to tell her to stay? Did the hope that she secretly stashed away to the very back of her mind come true? The tears that she had been holding for a little while now finally broke through her hold and drizzled down the side of her cheeks.

"You stupid jerk," Megumi sniffed, "do you really want me to go to that party that bad? How am I going to go to Europe now?" She was going to leave with sorrow and that was what she wanted to avoid!

Yahiro wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her close. His heart was pumping just as fast as he could feel hers. What was this feeling?

"Don't go to Europe then," Yahiro muttered. "Stay…here with me."

"I can't Yahiro," Megumi replied, trying to pull away, only sinking to the floor and shaking on her knees, "I'm selfish and I will want more from you if I stay with you."

"I'll try," Yahiro responded as he held Megumi tighter. He was hot and sweating from the fever, but he could feel his heart burning as he continued for his committed goal. "If I can keep you here, I'll try to fulfill your wish." He looked at her and gazed genuinely into her brown orbs.

"W-what?" Megumi stuttered embarrassingly, their faces were only inches away and she could feel Yahiro breathe heavily as the heat of his body began embracing her with warmth.

Yahiro did not understand love very well. His first crush and attempt at showing his love failed and turned its back on him. He couldn't understand the matters of the heart. He wasn't sure when his heart was beating hard if he was really tired or just lacking blood in his body. He wasn't sure when his heart raced if he was getting excited over something or if he just had heart problems. But the both crashed together and created a whole new feeling in his chest as he felt allured at the moment he pressed his lips warmly onto Megumi's lips.

He withdrew slowly and nervously to look at Megumi once more to search for an answer on her stay.

Megumi's ears were flushed red and she looked as if she was sweating herself. Her tears had long stopped flowing and she returned a frazzled look back at Yahiro.

"I don't understand these things very well," Yahiro said as he gently gripped her shoulders, "but I'll try, so Megumi, please stay with me."

Megumi blinked and looked away in embarrassment. Was this a confession or was this just Yahiro being obscenely weird? Either way, Megumi couldn't deny that she was feeling incredulously happy. Perhaps working to achieve the love of her objection for five years had it's gift too. She couldn't believe it, but maybe Saiga Yahiro was able to love and all he needed was some time.

Yahiro on the other hand was nervous and found himself not being able to let go of Megumi. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her and he felt like as if he was standing on the edge of the world, waiting for sweet words from the one in front of him.

"Can I ask for another exchange if I go to the party with you?" Megumi asked with a tiny voice.

Yahiro tilted his head and smirked once more, except this time he had a light visible line of blush across his cheeks, "Only if that means you stop overstuffing yourself at those parties."

Megumi slightly pouted and completely ignored Yahiro's last comment. Even though he seemed to be sick, his teasing was still quite alive and healthy in Megumi's opinion.

"So what is it?" Yahiro asked.

"Don't keep your feelings hidden away from the world," Megumi whispered quietly and put a hand gently to his face. "If you are ever lonely, then say it. If you ever feel sad, then tell me."

Yahiro blushed and his breathing paused for a moment in his throat as he felt his insides fill up with warmth. Megumi was caring and sweet, how did she ever fall for such a stonehearted guy like him? Yahiro reached for her hand and held it tightly and then leaned in.

He buried his face in her neck. His nose inhaled the sweet scent buried in her hair and he sighed out in content. Sleep was overtaking him whether he wanted it or not and he had to assure himself. "If I went to sleep right now, you will still be here when I wake up right?" Yahiro mumbled faintly.

Megumi smiled and stroked through Yahiro's soft lavender hair. At last after five years she could feel her tiny love start to grow into a tiny hopeful bud. With some more time, water, and sun that bud will one day become into a blossoming beautiful flower. Little bit at a time though, Megumi believed that their relationship could become more than she can imagine.

Megumi began humming a song again, this time a new song that she had preserved in her mind for a while. She confidently yet timidly sang her hopeful melody in a sweet voice and felt the young heir on her growing heavier, deeper into slumber.

"Megumi," Yahiro quietly murmured, shifting in his position to make a comfier spot, "You're so tiny"

Megumi swiftly took a pillow and decked the infuriating lavender haired man on the head.

Yahiro laughed, unaffected by the harmless pillow, and wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist, and unknowingly to his mind, he smiled peacefully at the present warmth that engulfed him.

It may have taken a long time to get to this point and even seemed almost even unreal. But it happened, and even though it will take even longer to get to the next stage of this relationship, it will happen too. Small touches were a good start, Megumi thought, and I wouldn't want it to begin in any other way. Having Yahiro by her side was more than she needed. Megumi smiled and dozed off together with the sleeping heir, basking in the warm afternoon sun that allured her to close her eyes, relax and enjoy her well-earned time of peace.

Megumi was closer to him than most, and presently she was the closest to his heart, a satisfying place to be.

Yay you finished it! Congratulations! So? So? How did you like it?? Too cheesy? Way-awesome? Or 'awww more!!!'? I am coughing so much right now D: some stupid person decided, "oh! I think I will go to school today and infect EVERYONE around me!" Well it's okay...because I have been doing that too, eheheheh.